

money fund transfer

Unit trusts are collective funds that pool investors’ money together and invest in an overarching fund strategy. It may also be referred to as collective investment schemes or Mutual funds. Unit Trusts are managed by professional fund managers and offer a great deal of advantages:

  • We offer the most comprehensive suite of unit trusts in Brunei, with Standard Chartered’s research, access to up-to-date market trends and outlook to help you make informed decisions.
  • Our Unit trust investments are affordable, allowing you to start with only $1,000 lump sum, or $100 per month using our Regular Savings Plan.
  • Our Unit Trusts are liquid, which means your investment can be easily converted back to cash.
  • Investing in our Unit Trusts which have access to many different geographies, sectors and themes can lower your overall risk.
  • Our funds are managed by the largest names in wealth management, including Allianz, Black Rock, Fullerton and more
  • Some Unit Trusts also generate cash dividends, allowing you to receive regular income from your investments.
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As one of the leaders in third party unit trusts distribution in Brunei, we offer a comprehensive suite of unit trusts for you to stay on top of the economic cycles.

misc low risk investment

As Unit Trusts are still investments, they carry with them an inherent level of risk. Some of these risks are outlined below. It is important for you to review each prospectus in detail so that you are aware of the risks involved for any particular unit trust.

  • Non-principal protected and investment risk: Unit trusts are not principal protected and their performance are subject to market movements. Please bear in mind that past historical performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of any investments and generated income is not guaranteed and may fluctuate over time.
  • Sales charges and annual management fees: There will be sales charges which will be taken from the purchase amount. In addition, an annual recurring fee which includes fund management and administrative fees will be charged by the fund manager. The fund’s Net Asset Value (NAV) declared by the fund manager is net of all such fees. You may refer to the respective fund prospectuses and factsheets for the exact prescribed charges.
money fund transfer

With our Fund Select team expertise, consisting of highly experienced fund analysts globally, a list of recommended funds is distilled from the fund universe.

  • Selected funds have superior performance against their peers and generate returns in excess of their benchmark on a consistent basis.
  • Through this in-depth selection process and active review of funds, the Fund Select list covers across a wide range of asset class from equities, fixed income, multi-asset to liquid alternatives, and represents funds with potential to consistently add value to our client’s portfolio.
  • Within this list, the Fund Select team integrates ESG factors into its existing Fund Selection 3P framework. Beyond the traditional factors influencing financial performance, the team includes additional criteria to evaluate whether these funds are meaningfully embedding key environmental, social and governance issues in the investment process and execution. Partnering with the WRB Sustainable Finance team, they select funds which are true to their claims. Areas that are assessed include as ESG expertise, ESG strategy, ESG integration, Impact & Measurement and Corporate profile. These sustainable funds undergo the same robust fund selection process including ongoing monitoring and regular reviews and will be classified as SI Fund Select funds.
  • Here’s a short video to introduce our Fund Select and find out what our Fund Select and SI Fund Select funds are from our Interactive Fund Library.
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Our Regular Savings Plan lets you access a long term and affordable investing strategy called dollar cost averaging. This plan allows you to take advantage of the occasional drops in the market by setting aside money that you invest in every month consistently. Historically, dollar cost averaging allows disciplined investors achieve their long-term financial goals with less monthly commitments than saving money with fixed deposits. You can start from as low as $100 per month.

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You can start investing from as low as $1,000 for each respective currency. To start achieving your financial goals, meet with our wealth specialists at our branches in Gadong or Kuala Belait.

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You can check the performance of your investment portfolio any time via our Online Banking or SC Mobile App. Plus, you can download your monthly portfolio statement and retrieve past statements up to 12 months.

Unit Trusts

Unit Trust
To seize the best opportunities, we offer a wide selection of funds to suit any investment appetite and time frame


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