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Ways to bank FAQs


How can I download Standard Chartered Mobile APP?

A: For IOS user and Android user, please search “SC Mobile” or “SC Mobile China” in App Store or scan the QR code from Standard Chartered Website to download the app.

Standard Chartered Bank is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by mobile app downloaded from other websites.

For details, please go to this page and scroll down to the bottom:

For the security of your account and a smoother user experience, we strongly recommend upgrading your mobile OS version to IOS 15 / Android 12 and above.

How do I upgrade my mobile operating system version?

A: You can select software updates in the phone settings to update the mobile operating system. The actual system operation of different Android phones shall prevail.

Registration and Login:

Can I use mobile phone to register online banking service?

A: Yes. Click “New to digital banking? Register here.” on the homepage of Mobile Banking to start the registration process

What username and password should I use to login?

A: You can use the username and password of your Online Banking. If you have not applied for an Online Banking service, please use your computer and log into or use mobile banking app to register.

How do I register for Online Banking using my mobile phone?

A: There are 3 ways to register for Online Banking:

  1. Using your Debit Card Number & Password.
  2. Using temporary ID and password.
  3. Using your ID number and account number (Any account number obtained when opening an account in our branch).

You can use our mobile banking App to apply for the Personal Online Banking service by clicking on ” New to digital banking? Register here.”  on the Mobile Banking homepage and following the relevant instructions.

Notice: You need a mobile phone for receiving the One-Time Password (OTP) via SMS. The mobile number needs to be pre-registered with our Bank.

How do I login Online / Mobile Banking?

A: You can use online banking username, password & input the 6 digits onetime password received by registered Mobile Number to login online & Mobile Banking. For your own account safety, please do not share your One Time Password to others.

Will I incur any charges for receiving 2FA via SMS?

A: No. The bank will pay for any outgoing SMS sent to customers.

How long will my SMS (one-time password) be valid?

A: Your 2FA will only be valid for 240 seconds after which it will expire and cannot be used for logon. You need to click “resend a One-Time Password” in order to activate a new 2FA to be sent to you.

I am not able to receive SMS, why is it so?

A: If you are not able to receive, it could be due to the following reasons:

  1. You have not registered your mobile number with us. Please visit our branch in person and register your mobile phone number.
  2. You are using a mobile phone number other than your registered mobile phone number. You can only receive your 2FA with your current and registered mobile phone number.
  3. Your mobile number has been registered by others. If you confirm that the mobile phone number is in your possession, please visit our branch and submit the real name supporting materials of the Telecom company.
  4. There may be some service delays or interruptions by your mobile service providers. Delays could arise due to high SMS load, e.g. festive seasons, service outage, earthquakes, etc.
  5. Your mobile phone may be out of network coverage. Please check the signal strength on your phone. You may need to move your phone to an area with better network coverage.
  6. Your SMS inbox of your phone may be full. You will need to delete some SMS from your phone inbox before new incoming SMS can be received.

Please kindly contact our Client Care Service Hotline at 956083 / (86-755)956083 (Calling from Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan & Overseas) for further assistance.

Is there any alternative way to login Mobile Banking other than by Username and Password?

A: Please ensure you had already active Touch ID/Face ID on your mobile device, then authorize the login by Touch ID /Face ID service in Mobile Banking. The Mobile Banking support Touch ID/Face ID on IOS system, and Touch ID on Android system

What if I forget my login username and login password?

A: If you forget your login username, you can call the customer service hotline 956083 / (86-755) 956083 (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas) for enquiries. If you have forgotten your login password, please click the “Forgotten Password” on the mobile banking login main page and reset your login password according to the prompts.

If I don’t need Touch ID/Face ID login, how do I cancel it?

A: After activating the Touch ID/Face ID login, you can still log into the Mobile Banking with your username and password. If you want to disable the Touch ID/Face ID login service, firstly log into the Mobile Banking and click the Profile Setting on top left of the corner, then disable the Touch/Face ID Authentication under Login Methods.

What product information can I see before logging into mobile banking?

A: Before logging into Mobile Bank, you can see the information of some of our products, including “Deposit”, “Structured Deposit”, “Onshore Fund Selection”, “QDII Mutual Fund”, “Foreign Exchange”, “Insurance”, “Loan Products” and “Privileges & Promotions”. You can view more information after logging in.

Account Setup:

Are there any requirements for changing account nickname?

A: The  new account name cannot exceed 15 characters, and it is case sensitive and cannot contain special characters.

Can I set same account nickname for different accounts?

A: The account name should be unique. Please set different nickname for different accounts.

Account Enquiry:

How long can I trace back the transaction history in Mobile Banking homepage?

A: You can retrace the transaction history within three months. If you want to enquire about the transaction records earlier, please log in to the Online Banking to enquire about the transaction records within one year.

In “Homepage”, why can’t I find some transactions that have been completed in the Online Banking or the Mobile Banking?

A: Requests successfully submitted after 22:00 in working days or during the holidays will not show up in “Account Activity” until next working day, but the account balance will be updated in real time.

Deposit Account:

How long does it take for Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit to be successfully created via Mobile/Online Banking?

A: The creation of Fixed Deposit or  Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit via Mobile/Online Banking is in real time.

How do I know whether my Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit is successfully created via Online/Mobile banking?

A: You can view the deal confirmation status in the last view page. Besides, you will also be sent a deal confirmation email to your Mobile Banking/Online Banking Mailbox after the Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit is successfully created.

How can I view the related deal information of Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit created via Mobile Banking/Online Banking?

A: After the transaction is successfully created, you can inquire in the following ways:

  1. Click the “Dialog” icon in the upper right corner of the mobile banking homepage, and inquire in “Notifications”
  2. Click the “Holdings” in the menu below, drop down and click the corresponding product information to enquiry.
  3. Swipe to the right on the home page, select the corresponding deposit product information, and check the information below

You can also view transaction information through the “View Account No.” of Online Banking.

Can I early withdraw my Fixed Deposit or Call Deposit 2.0 or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit via Mobile Banking/Online Banking?  

A: If you want to early withdraw the Fixed Deposit or Call Deposit 2.0, you can apply for early withdrawal through your Online Banking, Phone Banking or our branches. If you want to early withdraw the Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit, you can apply for early withdrawal through our branches. Currently, Mobile Banking can’t support the early withdraw service of Fixed Deposit or Call Deposit 2.0 or Certificates of Deposit.

Question: Can I use joint account to open Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit via Mobile Banking/Online Banking?

A: Currently, you can’t use joint account to create Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit via Mobile Banking/Online Banking.

Question: Can I use CNY SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR HK/MAC/TW Resident to open Fixed Deposit or Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit via Mobile Banking/Online Banking?

A: Currently, Mobile Banking/Online Banking does not support the placement of Fixed Deposit or  Certificates of Deposit or Sustainable Certificates of Deposit of CNY SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR HK/MAC/TW Resident.

Domestic Transfer:

Is my new payee in the Online Banking available in the Mobile Banking?

Answer: Yes.

How do I add/delete a payee?

Answer: Payee cannot be deleted via the Mobile Banking temporarily. You can log into your Online Banking to delete.

Question: What types of payees can I add now?

Answer: You can add “SC Registered Payee”, “Local Payee”, “International Transfer Payee” and “My Global Account” via Online Banking; you can also add “Local Payee” and “International Transfer Payee” via Mobile Banking.

Question: Do mobile banking supports copying and pasting when adding payee’s information?

Answer: Yes, you can copy and paste.

What is IBPS (Internet Banking Payment System)?

Answer: The online inter-bank payment liquidation system of People’s Bank of China. It can implement 7*24-hour real time transfer of domestic remittance.

What kind of payment method does Standard Chartered Bank offer to customers?

Answer: Normal – within 24 hours; Urgent – within 2 hours; Instant .

Note: The actual time depends on the Beneficiary Bank.

SC Pay (pay to mobile number service):

Question: How do I apply for SC pay?

Answer: Customer can apply for SC pay through online banking or mobile banking (The fund transfer function on mobile banking is only limited to mainland China customers).

Question: What is the requirement of applying for SC pay?

Answer: The phone number that the customer registered at the Standard Chartered Bank is in their actual own use. If the customer has important information change, such as name, phone number or account closed, SC Bank will automatically cancel the SC pay.

Question: What is the limitation if I apply for SC pay via Mobile Banking?

Answer:  The application process needs to verify the customer’s name, certificate number and facial recognition result, thus it only supports mainland China customers to apply for the SC pay function, and each customer is limited to 3 times of verification every day. Once exceed the verification time limit, you need to reapply through online banking or try again on the next day via Mobile Banking.

Oversea transfer:

Why can’t I modify the Beneficiary Bank Name after I select it while adding International Transfer Payee?

You can click the “X” on the right side of the BIC/SWIFT code input box to clear this field. After clearing, you can re-select Beneficiary Bank Name, Beneficiary Bank City, and Beneficiary Bank branch.

Customer Investment Profile:

Question: What features are available in Customer Investment Profile module?

Answer: You can complete the initial investment profile in mobile banking, view your current and past customer investment profile results, and re-evaluate your risk profiles.

Question: What is the validation period for the Customer Investment Profile?

Answer: The Customer Investment Profile is valid for one year. Once you update your risk profile in mobile banking, your previous investment profile status will be changed to “expired”.

Question: Can U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) Holder or U.S. Resident update Customer Investment Profile via Mobile Banking?

Answer: No, U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) Holder, or US Resident cannot proceed Customer Investment Profile via mobile banking.

Structural Deposit:

Question: If I have not completed the initial Customer Investment Profile at branch, can I purchase Market Link Series wealth management products via Mobile Banking?

Answer: No. As per regulatory requirement, your initial Customer Investment Profile has to be completed in branch, then you can purchase Market Link Series Structured Deposit products via Mobile Banking. If you have completed your initial customer investment profile at branch, you can view your current valid investment profile and previous investment profile results, and update your investment risk preference via Online Banking/Mobile Banking.

Question: What kind of structured deposit product I can purchase via Mobile Banking?

Answer: On top of the wealth management products already offered in Mobile Banking, now you can purchase Market Link Series Structured Deposit products via SC Mobile Banking.

Question: How do I know whether my Market Link Series Structured Deposit products purchase is successful or not?

Answer: Whether your application on Market Link Series Structured Deposit products is successful or not, please refer to the deal confirmation advice letter sent out by the Bank. Besides that, you could also click “Status Enquiry” under “Market Link Series” in the SC Mobile Banking menu at the bottom side to view the application status. If the Status is “Successful” then your request has been successfully processed. After you have submitted the application via Mobile Banking, you will see the information on page of Mobile Banking and will also be sent an email to your Mobile Banking Mailbox. When the request has been successfully processed by the Bank, you will be sent an email to your Mobile Banking Mailbox. If you have requested SMS and Email alerts in “My Preferences” in Online Banking, you will also receive an Email (to your email address) and SMS (to your mobile phone number) upon submission of application and successful processing of your request.

Question: Can I cancel my Market Link Series wealth management products purchased via Mobile Banking

Answer: No. Upon successful processing of your request, at the moment, you cannot cancel Market Link Series wealth management products via Mobile Banking. If you want to cancel the subscription, you need to visit our branch and submit the written application form before the ending date of window period (please refer to Term Sheet for details).

Investment Product Transaction:

Question: Does the Investment Product Transaction module in the Mobile Banking support Chinese and English?

Answer: It only supports Chinese temporarily. Please select Simplified Chinese from the language bar of login interface and then login.

Question: What mobile phone models does the Investment Product Transaction module of Mobile Banking support?

Answer: It can be used on Android-based smart phones (e.g. Hua Wei, Samsung, etc.) and iPhones.

Question: How do I log into the Investment Product Transaction module in the Mobile Banking?

Answer: Use the existing Online Banking username and password to log into the Standard Chartered Mobile Banking, and then click on the “Investment Products”.

Question: What types of transactions does the Mobile Banking Investment Product Transaction module support?

Answer: You can subscribe for, redeem, convert, cancel or open a dollar cost averaging plan via the Mobile Banking Investment Product Transaction module. You can also enquire all settled / cancelled / rejected transaction records for any consecutive 3 months within a one-year period.

Question: Which product detail pages on Mobile Banking only support Chinese?

Answer: The following product details pages only support Chinese, regardless of the language settings of Chinese or English:

Personal loan, insurance products, Onshore fund selection, and QDII mutual fund.

CNY Conversion:

Question: What kind of foreign currency supported in CNY conversion module?

Answer: The supported foreign currency is: the conversion between CNY and EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/CAD/USD/CHF/HKD/SGD/JPY.

Question: How do I know whether my CNY conversion is successfully processed via Mobile Banking?

Answer: You can view the latest transaction status in CNY conversion History module. If the status is “Executed” then your CNY conversion is processed successfully. Besides, you will receive a SMS and an Email notification from our Bank regarding the transaction status.

Question: How long does it take for CNY conversion to be successfully processed via Mobile Banking

Answer: Service hour for CNY Conversion is 9:30-17:30 Monday to Friday (exclusive of public holidays). CNY Conversion within the service hours will be processed immediately.

Question: Can I revise or cancel my CNY conversion via Mobile Banking?

Answer: No. CNY conversion cannot be revised or cancelled once submitted.

FX Trading:

Question: What kind of foreign currency supported in FX Trading module?

Answer: The supported foreign currency is: EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/CAD/USD/CHF/HKD/SGD/JPY exchange between any two currencies.

Question: How do I know whether my FX Trading is successfully processed via Mobile Banking?

Answer: You can view the latest transaction status in FX Trading History module. If the status is “Executed” then your FX Trading is processed successfully. Besides, you will receive a SMS and an Email notification from our Bank regarding the transaction status.

Question: How long does it take for FX Trading to be successfully processed via Mobile Banking

Answer: Service hour for FX Trading is Monday 6:00 to Saturday 5:00(inclusive of public holidays). FX Trading within the service hours will be processed immediately.

Question: Can I revise or cancel my FX Trading via Mobile Banking?

Answer: Market Order cannot be revised or cancelled once submitted. You can cancel Limit Order anytime and Limit Order cancelled instantly.

FCY Conversion:

Question: What kind of foreign currency supported in FCY conversion module?

Answer: The supported foreign currency is: EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/CAD/USD/CHF/HKD/SGD/JPY

Question: How do I know whether my FCY conversion is successfully processed via Mobile Banking?

Answer: You can view the latest transaction status in FCY conversion History module. If the status is “Successful” then your FCY conversion is processed successfully. Besides, you will receive a SMS and an Email notification from our Bank regarding the transaction status.

Question: How long does it take for FCY conversion to be successfully processed via Mobile Banking

Answer: Service hour for FCY Conversion is 00:00 to 24:00 Monday to Sunday (including public holidays). FCY Conversion between own accounts within the Bank will be processed immediately.

Question: Can I revise or cancel my FCY conversion via Mobile Banking?

Answer: No. FCY conversion cannot be revised or cancelled once submitted.


Question: What kind of e-CNY service is supported by Mobile Banking?

Answer:  The supported service by Mobile Banking is e-CNY Exchange and Top-up and Removing SC Debit Card from Your e-CNY Wallet.

Question: What is the transaction limit for e-CNY Exchange and Top-up

Answer: Transaction limit for e-CNY Exchange and Top-up is subject to your e-CNY wallet limit, our Online Banking daily limit, single transaction limit amount and the daily non-counter fund transfer limit. For the details of e-CNY wallet limit, please go to the settings of your e-CNY APP.

Question: Should I need to bind SC debit card when perform e-CNY Exchange and Top-up via Mobile Banking?

Answer:  No need.  You can use your Type I account opened with our bank to top-up your e-CNY wallet opened with other banks.

About the Service:

What is Online Banking?

Online Banking is a safe, convenient online platform for Standard Chartered Bank China customers to perform banking transactions via the Internet. There is no extra charge for using this platform; however normal product fees and charges continue to apply, if any.

Why should I choose Online Banking?

It’s safe. You can now bank with confidence knowing that your transactions remain safe with us using our Online Banking platform.

Online Banking maintains world class security standards on our Online Banking platform. To find out more about these, please click here to visit our Security Advice section.

It’s convenient. You can perform banking transactions from the comfort of your home or office, anywhere in the world, anytime, with our 24 by 7 service. No special software is required.

As long as you have a personal computer (PC) with the minimum configuration, you are ready to start.

What are the services available through Online Banking?

For an overview of our services, please click here to our Function Overview.

Each function has a detailed step by step guide which can be accessed by related link.

Can I purchase financial products in the Online Banking?

You can re-evaluate Customer Investment Profile and purchase Structured Deposit products via Online Banking; you can also purchase Wealth Management products, Onshore mutual fund, QDII mutual fund, Segregated account (excluding Alternative segregated account), and online submit Insurance policy via Mobile Banking.

Question: Can I use my credit card in the Mobile Banking?

No for the time being.

What is the Minimum System Requirement?

PC with Pentium 166MHz processor or higher
32 MB RAM or higher
SVGA or higher resolution monitor, 256 colors minimum, 1024 x 768 screen resolution
Modem of 56kbps or higher
Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 operating system
Supported by the following browsers:
IE 7.0
IE 8.0
IE 9.0
Chrome 5.0
Safari 5.0 (Windows)
Mac Safari
Both ‘Java’ and ‘Java Script’ have to be enabled

Please ensure the Microsoft Virtual Machine is the default for your browser. ‘Cookies’ and ‘Java Script’ should remain enabled on your browser.

* To make use of the 2048-bit SSL encryption and enjoy the highest level of security, we strongly recommend that you upgrade your browser to the most up to date Internet Explorer Version IE11.0.

Which Browsers Support Our Online Banking Service?

Standard Chartered Bank Online Banking is supported by the following browsers:

IE 7.0

IE 8.0

IE 9.0

Chrome 5.0

Safari 5.0 (Windows)

MacBook Safari


Who can apply for this service?

Any Standard Chartered Bank customer with a Savings Account can apply for Online Banking.

How do I apply for this service?

There are 3 ways to register for Online Banking:

  1. Using your Debit Card Number & Password.
  2. Using temporary ID and password.
  3. Using your ID number and account number (Any account number obtained when opening an account in our branch).

You can visit our website to apply for the Personal Online Banking service by clicking on “Online Registration” on the Personal Online Banking login page and following the relevant instructions. For detailed registration procedures, please click here.

What do I need in order to use this service?

You need to know your saving account number & temporary ID and password or Debit Card number & Password to register Online Banking. In addition, you need a PC with internet access and a mobile phone for receiving the One Time Pass code (OTP) via SMS. The mobile number needs to be pre-registered with our Bank.

Registration using Debit Card and Password:

What is the advantage of using Debit Card number to register?

Instant Use: Using Debit Card Number and Password to register for Online Banking means you can use Online Banking instantaneously after registration.

Convenience: Customers only need to remember Debit Card number/ password and have a registered mobile no to receive OTP with the Bank to register. For a step by step guide on how to register, please Click Here to be redirected to a more detailed step by step guide.

Why can’t I register Online Banking by using my Debit Card?

You need to make sure your Debit Card is “normal status” (e.g. the Debit Card can be used on ATMs to perform balance inquiry or cash withdrawal).

The Debit Card that is inactivated or locked cannot be used for Online Banking registration.

Why has my Debit Card been locked when I use it to register for Online Banking or reset a password?

For security reasons, your Debit Card will be locked if you input the wrong password 3 consecutive times within a day. This rule is applicable to various channels including ATM, POS and Online Banking. To reset your Debit Card Password, you will need to visit our branch.

Why have I received the error message, “Sorry, we cannot process your request. Please call 956083 for help” when I use my Debit Card to register for Online Banking or to reset password?

This has most likely occurred if the status of your Debit Card is abnormal or if you have repeatedly entered the wrong Password via Online Banking. Under such a circumstance, Online Banking will restrict the use of this Debit Card.

You need to call our Customer Service Center at 956083/(0755)33382730 to remove the restriction .For safety reasons, you can only remove the restriction once a month and the removal take effect the next day.

Registration using ID Number and Account Number:

How do obtain temporary ID and passwords for online banking?

You can obtain the temporary online banking ID through the email reserved in our bank. The temporary password of online banking is obtained from SMS. You need to use the temporary ID and password to log in and activate online banking within 5 natural days, otherwise the temporary ID and password will become invalid after 5 natural days from the effective date.

How do I use ID card number and account number to register online banking?

When you enter your ID card number and any account number, you will receive a SMS verification code. After entering the correct SMS verification code, we will send your temporary password via SMS and your temporary account via email. Then you can set a new online banking login username and password through the “Online Banking Temporary ID/Password Registration” module. After the successfully setting, you can use the new username and password to login online banking.

Log in:

What is Username and password for log-in?

Please use the Login ID and Password which you setup in the instant registration process to log into Online Banking.

Do not use your Debit Card Password and Phone banking Password as Online Banking login Password.

What should I do if I have forgotten my Username/password?

If you forget your username, please call Customer Service Center, 956083/(0755)33382730.

If you forget your login password, please use the “forget password” function on Online Banking login page.

If you have forgotten you login password, please use the “forget password” function on the Online Banking login page.

Will my access be locked after multiple unsuccessful attempts? How can I get it unlocked?

To ensure your security, access to your account via Online Banking will be locked after 3 unsuccessful attempts. You can have it unlocked by calling our Customer Service Center 956083/(0755)33382730 or by visitingany of our branches.

Can I change my password?

Yes, you may change your password by using the ‘Change Password’ function after logging into Online Banking.

What should I do if I suspect that my password has been stolen or exposed to others?

If you suspect that your password has been stolen or exposed to others, please change your password immediately.

Account Information Enquiry:

What information about my accounts I can get from online banking?

You can get information about savings accounts, personal loans, home mortgage loans, call deposits, time deposits and Market Link Series investment. (Information about QDII products is not available currently).

What is the use of the Mailbox in the Personal Homepage?

The Mailbox allows you to view messages from the Bank.

You can delete messages in the Mailbox. All read messages will be deleted automatically on a weekly basis.

How to view my account number?

Please click” View Account No”, enter the last 4 digits of your Identity document you registered in our bank (such as ID card, passport, HK & Macau Travel Permission, Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents, etc.) to view the complete Account and Card Numbers.

eStatements and eAdvice:

Why can’t I find my eStatement/eAdvice email in my “Inbox”?

Please try to check your “Junk email” box. Your eStatement/eAdvice may be treated as “Junk email” due to your email server security setting. To avoid this auto filtering, please add and to your safe sender list.

Why does my eStatement/eAdvice not display accurate Chinese characters?

Just change the language setting in your email box. From the tool bar, select view > encoding > Unicode (UTF-8) in your email box setup.

Why can’t I open my eStatement/eAdvice in PDF?

To open the eStatement/eAdvice in PDF format, it is required to use Adobe Reader Version 7.0 or higher. Click to download the updated version.

Why can’t I view Chinese characters properly in my eStatement/eAdvice?

If your eStatement/eAdvice PDF does not show Chinese characters properly, please install Adobe Reader Chinese Simplified Fonts.

Can I change or reset my password?

Please access “Consolidated Banking eStatements and eAdvices Services” in Online Banking. Click “eStatement Settings”, and “Update” your password.

How to view eStatement/eAdvice online?

Login to Standard Chartered online banking with your username and password. Then click “Consolidated Banking eStatements and eAdvices Services” in left menu and click “View Consolidated Banking eStatements and eAdvices” to view or download your eStatement/eAdvice for the last one year.

How to view my eStatement/eAdvice online if I am not an online banking customer?

Open Standard Chartered Online Banking, select Online Banking in the navigation menu on the left hand side and click “Register“. For registration details, please click here >>

Fund Transfer:

What kind of Funds Transfers can be conducted via Online Banking?

  • Internal Funds Transfers between own Savings Account within the Bank (same currency).
  • Third Party Funds Transfers to other people’s accounts within the Bank (CNY only).
  • Third Party Funds Transfer to an outside banks (CNY only).
  • Overseas Telegraphic Transfer

Are there any pre-requisites for using Interbank Funds Transfer through Online Banking?

  1. Register Online Banking.
  2. Enable the Online Payment function by visiting one of our branches with your personal ID.
  3. Add the 3rd party Beneficiary’s account by clicking the Maintain Beneficiary tab in Fund Transfer section and following the instructions.; you may perform the transfer immediately.
  4. Have on hand the Mobile Phone (with number registered by the Bank) available for receipt of the OneTime Password (OTP).

Why I receive the SMS and Email alerts saying that my transfer is under review by the bank? How long will the review be completed?

According to regulatory requirement, the bank will conduct the review on the transfer. If the review involves supplementary information feedback, we will process your transaction at earliest convenience based on the transaction information you provided. If the review involves supplementary information feedback, you will receive the call from the number 956083/(0755)33382730 in one or two working days to further communicate with you. We suggest you wait patiently for the transfer to be processed.

How can I know the review is completed?

Once the bank completes the review, you will receive the SMS and Email alerts no matter that transfer is successfully processed or rejected. Besides, you can view the transfer status in the Transfers History Tab under the “Transfers” section in Online Banking.

Is there any transaction limit?

  • Funds Transfers between own Savings Accounts within the Bank
    There is no special limit on Funds Transfer between Own Savings Accounts within the Bank in principle.
  • Fund transfer to Third Party account within the Bank and other local banks, it depends on customer‘s Online Banking daily limit and daily non-counter fund transfer limit.

The Online Banking daily limit is calculated as the sum of e-CNY Exchange and Top-up,  overseas telegraphic transfer, all Internal Funds Transfers to third party accounts within SC, Funds Transfers to third party accounts within other local banks, Online Payments and Bill payments. Yearly Maximum Limit will be the number of calendar days in the current year multiply by the current Daily Maximum Limit amount.

User could set daily funds transfer limit in online banking settings& preferences, it shall not exceed the following limit:

  • Priority Banking & Priority Private Customers: RMB 1,000,000
  • Premium Banking Customers: RMB 200,000
  • Personal Banking Customers: RMB 100,000

Is there any maximum number of the fund transfer?

Sum of intrabank fund transfer to third party and interbank fund transfer within a day cannot exceed 10. System will auto reject the 11th Transaction.

Is there any large amount transaction reminder?

If the daily amount of fund transfer to third party accounts within SC or accounts in other local banks reaches RMB 300,000, customer needs to confirm the large amount transaction reminder to continue the transaction.

Can foreign currency be transferred via Online Banking?

Foreign currency transfers can be conducted to overseas & between own Savings Accounts within the Bank, of the same currency.

How do I know when my Funds Transfer is successful or not?

Refer to the status in the Transfers History Tab under the “Transfers” section in Online Banking. If the Status is “Successful” then the domestic transfer has been successfully processed.

You will also be sent an email to your Online Banking Mailbox after you have successfully submitted the request and when the request has been successfully processed by the Bank.

If you have requested SMS and Email alerts in “My Preferences” you will also receive and Email (to your preferred email address) and SMS (to your preferred mobile phone number) upon successful submission and successful processing of this transfer.

Why did I receive the message “The remitter’s account is restricted”?

Your account may be restricted to perform Funds Transfers due to special limitations.

Please call our Customer Service Hotline at 956083/(0755)33382730for further assistance.

Why did I receive the message “failed due to insufficient funds”?

If the total amount of Remittance and Transaction Fee is more than your available account balance, we will not able to process your request.

To avoid this from happening, please check there is sufficient balance in your account before submitting a transfer request.

Why did my Third Party Funds Transfer fail?

Any of the following missing information or errors made (including but not limited to) could result in failure of a Third Party Funds Transfer:

  • Payee’s Name
  • Payee’s Account Number
  • Full name of Payee’s Bank and Sub-branch

The related transaction fee (if any) is non-refundable after Transfer fail.

Why did I receive the message “Transaction timeout”?

This message means your transaction result cannot be displayed at that moment. Please do not repeat the transaction.

We suggest you call the customer service hotline on 956083/(0755)33382730 to enquire about the issue.

What should I do if I do not receive the One-Time Passcode (OTP)?

You may not be receiving your OTP for a number of reasons. Please try the following steps:

  1. Check if your SMS inbox is full..
  2. If you do not receive your OTP after 30 seconds, please click on the ‘Resend OTP’ button and the OTP will be resent to your mobile phone.
  3. If you still cannot receive the OTP please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 956083/(0755)33382730 for further assistance.

How do I change my registered mobile phone number?

To change your mobile phone number, you need to go to one of our branches. Please be noted you will need your original mobile phone number to receive the One Time Passcode (OTP) to verify this transaction.

Please notice this mobile number change will also affect your other services which need SMS in the Bank.

Domestic Transfer:
  • How long does it take for payments to be processed?

Depending on the payment:

  1. Funds Transfers between own Savings Accounts within the Bank
  2. Third Party Funds Transfers to other people’s accounts within the Bank
  3. Third Party Funds Transfer to outside Banks
    Online Banking accepts your request 24 x 7.

For processing time, please refer to the following schedule (according to regulatory requirement, the bank will conduct the review on the transfer. It may cause some delay of the transfer completion time. The actual turnaround time depends on the Beneficiary Bank):

  • Requests successfully submitted with amount less than or equal to CNY 50,000 and are marked with “Normal” status: between 9:00 am and 3:15 pm the same working day.
  • Requests successfully submitted with amount less than or equal to CNY 50,000 and are marked with “Urgent” status: between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm the same working day.
  • Requests successfully submitted with amount more than CNY 50,000: between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm the same working day.
  • Requests successfully submitted in non above working hours will be handled during the next working day.
  • Can money be transferred to any other bank in China?

You can transfer money to any bank that is a member of the People’s Bank of China CNAPS (China National Advanced Payment System) network.

  • What is the transaction fee for Inter-bank fund transfer through Online Banking?

Please kindly refer to Fees and Charges section for detail information.

Oversea Transfer:
  • Is there any difference in the service fee between online application of an oversea transfer and transfer via branch counter?

There is difference between the service fee of online oversea transfer and that of branch counter transfer. Normally, the service fee of online oversea fund transfer is cheaper than or at least the same as that of branch counter. You could view and compare the retail banking service charges on the official website of the Standard Chartered Bank, or you can check the service fee standard while you are operating oversea transfer online.

  • I accidentally closed the final fund transfer application page, so I cannot view or print the oversea transfer application certificate. How do I view and print it?

You can click “Transfer Money “and then “Online Transaction History”. You choose the corresponding date, then you can view your transaction history and print the application certificate.

Global Link Fund Transfer:

Please note that for the purpose of this FAQ, the country/markets which you login from is called the Origin Country/market and the country/s /markets which you add to the Global Link service is called the Destination Country/s.

The Customer Service Hotline for those countries/markets which offer Global Link service:

  • China: 956083/(0755)33382730 (86-755) 956083/(86-755)33382730 (areas outside China)
  • HK Hotline: (852) 2886 8868
  • Singapore: (65) 1800 747 7000
  • India: (011)39404444/(011)6601 4444/(022)39404444/(022)6601 4444/(033)39404444/(033)6601 4444/(080)39404444/(080)6601 4444(044)39404444/(044)6601 4444(040)39404444/(040)6601 4444/3940 4444/ 6601 4444
  • Malaysia: 1300 888 888 / +603-77118888
  • Pakistan: (92) 111 002 002
  • Bahrain: (973) 00973 17 531 532
  • Indonesia: (62) 57 9999 88
  • CN Taiwan: (886) 2 4058 0088
  • What is the cheapest way to conduct oversea fund transfer?

If you wish to transfer fund from Standard Chartered China to your own Global Accounts in Standard Chartered (only limited to the same foreign currency), you could consider using the Standard Chartered Bank “Global Link Fund Transfer”service. This service is accessible through online banking and mobile banking (in “Global Link ”->”Transfer Between Own Global Accounts”), and charges the least service fee (for Priority Banking Customers and Priority Banking-Private Wealth Customers is free service fee and will receive the money in full amount. The customer should choose all bank’s charges (if any) paid by “Me Only (OUR)”, or the oversea bank’s charge will be taken from the transferred fund.)

  • What is Global Link? Can I access my accounts all over the world through using this function?

Global Link allows customers to access the account information of their Standard Chartered Bank accounts in other countries/markets (SG, MY, IDN, IN, PK, VN, BH, BN, CN HK ,CN Taiwan). If you select “CN Taiwan” to add, Global Link fund transfer only support transfer service from SCB Taiwan to SCB China, and do not support transfer service from SCB China to SCB Taiwan.

  • How do I add a country/market to the Global Link service?

You will need to access the ‘Link Accounts’ feature in the Global Link service.

You will also need to select which country/market to add and verify your identification with the username and password of the Online Banking service from the selected country/market. If you select “CN Taiwan” to add, you will need to additionally input Identification Number to verify your identification.

If it is successfully authenticated, the selected country/market will be added to the Global Link service.

If you continually key in the wrong password for 5 times, you will be locked out of the Online Banking service in the selected country/market. It will not lock you out of the Online Banking service of the country/market which you are using to access Global Link.

Each country/market can only be added once to the Global Link service i.e. if you access the Global Link from China, you will not be able to add another China account to it.

A notification will be sent to the Mailbox of the destination country/market to indicate that this account has been added to a Global Link service.

  • Are there a maximum number of countries/markets I can add to the Global Link service?

You can link a maximum of 5 other countries/markets to the Global Link service.

  • What can I do if the account for the selected country/market gets locked out when trying to add a country/market to the Global Link service?

You will have to reset the password by using the existing reset password process for the selected country/market. You may need to contact the Customer Service Hotline of that country/market if needed.

  • What other features are available under Global Link?

Currently the following features available under Global Link:

  • View Account – View the accounts from other countries/markets you add
  • Add an Account – Link a country/market to Global Link
  • Delete an Account – Delete a country/market from Global Link
  • Sort Account Order – Determine which country/market you would like to see first in Global Link
  • Who should I call if I am facing problems with the Global Link service?

The first point of contact should be the Customer Service Hotline in the Origin Country/market.

  • I had successfully/market linked a country but now cannot see it in Global Link?

The most likely reason is that you have changed the online banking password of your destination country/market.

When that happens, we automatically delete that destination country/market from all Global Link services which you have added it to.

In order to re-link the country/market, you have to go through the same ‘Link a Country/market’ process again.

We will send a notification to the online banking Mailbox of the host country/market whenever the destination country/market is automatically deleted so you can check the mailbox for that notice.

  • What should I do if I have received a notification that my account was added to a Global Link service but I am unaware of it?

Please immediately change your Online Banking password.

You should then call our Customer Service Hotline to report misuse of the Online Banking service.

  • I see a message that my linked country/market accounts are not available. What does this mean and what can I do?

You should try again later.

If you need to see the account balance of the destination country/market immediately, please login to the Online Banking of the destination country/market.

Then please report the issue you are having to our Customer Service Hotline.

  • I’m informed that No account is available, what should I do?

Please ensure you have successfully link the accounts of destination country/region to Global Link service. You will need to access the ‘Link Accounts’ in the Global Link service.

  • Does the Global Link Fund Transfer support the overseas fund transfers to 3rd party individuals or companies?

No. Global Link Fund Transfer only supports the overseas fund transfers between individual’s own same-name accounts with same currency. Beneficiary Name should be the same as your Chinese name Pinyin/English name in our Bank. If you want to make cross border transfer to 3rd party individuals or companies, please go to the “Overseas Remittance Application” module to submit your application.

  • Is there any transaction limit for Global Link Fund Transfer?

Yes. For Chinese resident, amount of single overseas remittance and cumulative amount of overseas remittance per day through our Bank (including but not limited to counter, Online Banking) cannot exceed USD 50,000 or FCY equivalent. For Chinese resident and non-Chinese resident, the amount of single remittance and cumulative amount of remittance per day through Global Link Fund Transfer service for each customer can not exceed limits as below. If needed, you can adjust the limit setting of cumulative amount of remittance per day through Global Link Fund Transfer service in “Settings & Preference-Changes Fund Transfer Limit” in your Online Banking.

  • Personal Banking Customers: CNY 100,000 equivalent.
  • Premium Banking Customers: CNY 200,000 equivalent.
  • Priority Banking & Priority Private Customers: CNY 300,000 equivalent.
  • How do I know whether my Global Link Fund Transfer transaction is successfully processed via Online Banking?

You can view the latest transaction status in Global accounts Transfer History module. If the status is “successful” then your Global Link Fund Transfer transaction is processed successfully. Besides, you will receive a SMS, an Email notification and message to your I-banking box from our Bank regarding the transaction status. We suggest you login online banking of destination country/region to check account upon successful processing of your application.

  • Why I can not find and select child account of HK multi currency account in dropdown list of “Transfer To” on the Global Link Fund Transfer?

Probably it is because the child account linked with your HK multi currency account is not active. Please make a fund transfer with any amount to this child account to activate it, and you can then find and select the child account in dropdown list of “Transfer To” on the Global Link Fund Transfer.

Oversea Fund Transfer:
  • What’s the difference of 3 type OTT charges (our, beneficiary, share)?

Our: OTT handling fee, cable fee, correspondent bank charge are to be borne by the remitter, fee will be deducted from remitter’s saving accounts;

Beneficiary: OTT handling fee, cable fee, correspondent bank charge are to be borne by the beneficiary , fee will be deducted from the OTT transfer amount;

Share: OTT handling fee, cable fee, are to be borne and deducted from remitter’s saving accounts, correspondent bank charge is to be borne by the beneficiary and deducted from the OTT transfer amount.

  • What is the definition of Chinese resident in online banking Oversea Fund Transfer?


(1) all natural persons who have resided within China over one year except students and patients from foreign countries or from the regions of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and foreign staff of foreign embassies or consulates in China and their families;

(2) Chinese citizens staying abroad for a short duration (less than one year), Chinese students studying abroad, Chinese patients seeking medical treatment abroad and staff of Chinese embassies or consulates and their families;

(3) enterprises or institutions (including foreign investment enterprises and foreign-capital financial institutions) with legal person status established within China according to law and foreign offices quartered in China by bodies corporate abroad (not including offices quartered in China by international organizations nor foreign embassies or consulates situated in China); and

(4) Chinese governmental organs (including Chinese embassies or consulates situated abroad), public organizations and army units.

  • What are the advantages of applying for overseas fund transfer online?

There are several advantages to overseas fund transfer you apply through online banking or mobile banking. First, you can submit your application anytime and anywhere, saving your waiting time at branches, and will not delay your usual working time. At the same time, it takes less time of Remittance to account by submitting online than the at the counter, and some beneficiary banks can even arrive at the account within a few minutes at the fastest. Finally, the rates of overseas fund transfer made online through our bank will also be more favorable than over-the-counter rates (there is no difference of the online and over-the-counter rates only for Priority Banking Customers and Priority Banking-Private Wealth Customers).

  • What is the shortest time to process my overseas fund transfer application submitted online?

You can submit an overseas fund transfer application through online banking or mobile banking 7×24 hours. For fund transfer to private recipients, if you submit between 8:00-18:00 on working days, our bank’s system will immediately process the fund transfer, and you will receive a text message from our bank after your funds are transferred. If you are a domestic resident transfer fund to business, it may need to be handled by relevant staff of our bank before you can remit (fund transfers made by overseas individuals to private and business during trading hours on working days will be processed immediately by the system).

If you submit your application on weekends/holidays, or outside 8:00-18:00 on working days, our bank will start processing your fund transfer application from 8:00 on the next working day.

You can check the fund transfer transaction history to know the current status of the fund transfer. If the status is “Submitted”, it means that our bank is still processing. If the status is “successful”, it means that the overseas fund transfer has been processed by our bank and remitted to our bank. Please check the beneficiary bank for the specific receipt time.

  • When will the overseas fund transfer application I submit online be on the account?

Cross-border fund transfer is different from domestic fund transfer. Generally, it is affected by the processing time of the overseas intermediary bank and the beneficiary bank. In particular, the collection destinations that cross time zones with China (such as the United States and Canada) may be affected by the business hours of local banks and the clearing time of the currency. Some banks receive cross-border fund transfer manually and may also be subject to local regulatory requirements and need to be confirmed with the beneficiary before they can be credited. For overseas fund transfer to private payee, if the application submitted between 8:00-18:00 on working days, it will be processed immediately and remitted out of our bank in near real time. For fund transfer to Hong Kong, some receiving banks (such as Standard Chartered Hong Kong, HSBC Hong Kong) can generally arrive at the account within a few minutes at the fastest. For example, fund transfer to banks in the United States, Singapore, and Australia can generally be received within the next working day (China time).

  • Is the content of filling in the form at the counter the same as filling in the form online?

Regardless of whether the application is submitted online or offline, the basic information required for overseas fund transfer is the same. However, for applications submitted online, except for the first time the payee is created, once the remitter information is created and fund transfer to the same payee in the future, the system will automatically bring out the content, omitting the need to refill all basic information. Some information, such as the amount of the fund transfer, the transaction code of this fund transfer, and the method of bearing domestic and foreign expenses, etc., need to be filled in each time. If necessary, you can complete the last step of the overseas fund transfer application via online banking or mobile banking, click to view, save or print the “Overseas fund transfer Application Form”.

  • When I create a new beneficiary in Online Banking, I must fill in the SWIFT Code, what if I don’t know the SWIFT Code of the beneficiary bank?

In general, whether you submit a fund transfer application through a branch or an online channel, you are required to provide the SWIFT Code (also known as BIC “Bank Identification Code”) of the beneficiary bank. If you do not know the SWIFT Code of the beneficiary bank, you can try the fuzzy search function when creating a new beneficiary in personal online banking, and search by the destination country/region and the name of the beneficiary bank. If you find the correct name of the beneficiary bank, you can check and confirm the “BIC/SWIFT code” after selecting it. You can also contact the beneficiary bank to confirm in advance to ensure the accuracy of your fund transfer and avoid the loss of the beneficiary bank’s refund and handling fee later.

  • What should I do if the purpose of my foreign exchange payment is inconsistent with the purpose of purchasing foreign exchange at that time?

If the purpose of your foreign exchange payment is inconsistent with the purpose of purchasing foreign exchange, and you have completed the purchase of foreign exchange in our bank, you need to confirm the purpose of purchasing foreign exchange with our bank again during the fund transfer operation in online banking or mobile banking, and then continue the fund transfer application. .

Why can’t I tick the check boxes in front of “ I have read and understood the Retail Banking Service Charge Table, and agree to bear charges related to Overseas Telegraphic Transfer.” and “I have read and understood the Risk Alerts for Individual Foreign Exchange Transactions, and agreed to abide by it”?

Click the hyperlink to read, understand and accept charges related to Overseas Telegraphic Transfer and Risk Alerts for Individual Foreign Exchange Transactions. Then you can tick the check boxes.

What do fund transfer postscripts and transaction postscripts usually fill in?

For overseas fund transfer submitted through our online banking or mobile banking, you need to select your fund transfer transaction code from the drop-down menu. After selecting the code, the transaction postscript will be automatically filled in by the system for you/or you can select the description pre-set by our bank. There is only one transaction code and transaction postscript for overseas residents. You can decide whether to fill in the fund transfer postscript. Generally, you can fill in the postscript you want the recipient to see.

  • There are so many BOP transaction codes, how should I tick?

If you are an overseas resident, you can only select the option of “822030-境外存入款项调出” from the drop-down menu when submitting overseas fund transfer online.

If you are a domestic resident, please select the option that best suits your purpose from the drop-down menu according to your actual purpose of fund transfer. If your fund transfer is for travel, please select 223029-其他私人旅行; if your fund transfer is for study abroad and education, please select 223022- 留学及教育相关旅行(一年以上)或223023-留学及教育相关旅行(一年及一年以下); if not in the above two situations, please select the BOP transaction code according to the actual situation.

  • Is there a limit on the amount of money submitted online?

For overseas fund transfer applications submitted by our bank through online banking or mobile banking, the upper limit of the fund transfer amount will be determined according to your customer type. (If you are our Priority Banking or Priority Private Banking customer, you can make overseas fund transfer in foreign currency equivalent to RMB 300,000 per day through our online channels. For Premium Banking customers, overseas fund transfer in foreign currency equivalent to RMB 200,000., For personal banking customers, overseas fund transfer in foreign currency equivalent to RMB 100,000). For domestic residents, the single fund transfer amount and daily accumulated amount of overseas fund transfer under recurring items through our bank (including but not limited to over-the-counter, online banking, and mobile banking) shall not exceed USD50,000 (US$50,000) or its equivalent in foreign currency . If necessary, you can visit one of our branches to provide proof materials for overseas fund transfer.

  • Can the fund transfer I have submitted be cancelled?

For overseas fund transfer submitted online through our bank, once you enter the mobile phone verification code and click “Submit”, if the fund transfer is not rejected for other reasons, the order cannot be cancelled. Please be careful when submitting online overseas fund transfer applications.

  • If my overseas fund transfer is refunded by the beneficiary bank, will the fees charged to me be refunded to me?

If your fund transfer is refunded by the beneficiary bank due to reasons other than our bank, such as the beneficiary information you provided is incorrect, the beneficiary account does not exist/has been closed or the beneficiary cannot be credited, etc. , the fees charged by our bank will not be refunded.

  • How is the intermediary bank determined for the fund transfer I submit through online banking/mobile banking? Can I choose?

When you submit an overseas fund transfer application through our online banking or mobile banking, our bank will automatically select an available intermediary bank for you according to the beneficiary bank and fund transfer currency.

Foreign Exchange Service:
  • Question: What kind of foreign currency supported in FCY conversion module?

Answer: The supported foreign currency is: EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/CAD/USD/CHF/HKD/SGD/JPY.

  • Question: How do I know whether my FX transaction is successfully processed via Online Banking?

Answer: You can view the latest transaction status in FX Transaction History module. If the status is “successful” then your FX transaction is processed successfully. Besides, you will receive a SMS and an Email notification from our Bank regarding the transaction status.

  • QuestionHow long does it take for FCY conversion to be successfully processed via Online Banking

Answer: Service hour for FCY Conversion is 00:00 to 24:00 Monday to Sunday (including public holidays). FCY Conversion between own accounts within the Bank will be processed immediately.

  • Question: Can I revise or cancel my FX transaction via Online Banking?

Answer: No. FX transaction cannot be revised or cancelled once submitted.

Online Payment:
  • How do I setup access to Online Payment?

As a prerequisite to applying for Online Payment, first you need to become a Standard Chartered Bank customer and get a Standard Chartered Bank debit card.

Then you need to register for access to the Bank’s Online Banking and apply for e-payment access.

If you have not registered for Online Banking, please visit our Standard Chartered Online Banking site and use your personal debit card to apply yourself instantly online.

If you have not registered for e-payment access, please visit any branch with your personal ID to do so.

  • How do I track my Online Payment Transaction history?

Please login to SC Online Banking, and then visit our Bill Payment Section. You will find an “Online Payment Gateway” transaction history page. Your transaction history is available here.

  • What should I do if the payment result at SC is “success” but the result at merchant site is “fail”?

In this circumstance, your payment has been successful, however due to a failure on the merchant website your payment has not been reflected in merchant website

If the merchant website is temporarily unable to process your payment, the merchant will obtain payment details from bank and process the order.

Please do not repay the order, to avoid duplicate payments.

  • How does SC ensure the Security of the Online Payment function?

Online Payments uses SSL encryption, as does the rest of the Online Banking site.

Online Payments also uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as its online payment system security architecture. PKI uses public key cryptography and symmetric cryptography which guarantees a very high level of security.

Our 2-Factor Authentication model is also applicable when using Online Payments. Therefore when each transaction is made, you will receive a One Time Passcode (OTP) to your mobile phone to provide verification of the transaction and ensure the security of your online payment.

  • How do I know whether my payment was successful?

Just login to SC online Banking and check whether under Online Payment Transaction History tab your payment was success.

  • What’s the major reason for an unsuccessful payment?

Under normal circumstances, if the payment is unsuccessful, the bank will return an error message, clearly telling you the reason why your payment was unsuccessful. For example, wrong password or insufficient balance.

If your payment has failed and the system has informed you why,  please call Customer Service Hotline at 956083/(0755)33382730.

  • How do I modify or cancel my Online Payment Order?

Once payment has been submitted, you cannot modify or cancel the order and the cardholder must contact the merchant directly to do so (if applicable).

  • If a payment request has been submitted, but my computer system fails, how to I check if my payment was successful?

Please login to the Online Payment transaction history page to check the payment status.

  • After I submit a payment request, there is no pop-up page for the payment. Why?

Usually this occurs when there is an error in the program directing the request from the merchant site to the Bank’s site.

Please contact the merchant or the Bank.

  • What if I accidentally submitted the same order twice? Is it possible to create duplicate payments?

Our CUP Online Payment function has restricted the possibility of duplicate payments.

  • What is the Online Banking Payment Daily Limit for each customer?

The Online Banking Daily Limit is as follows:

For Priority Banking & Priority Private Customers is RMB 1,000,000, Premium Banking Customers is RMB 200,000 and Personal Banking Customers is RMB 100,000. The Online Banking daily limit is calculated as the sum of all domestic Third Party Funds Transfers within the Bank and outside the Bank, and Bill Payments.

Customer can customize their Daily Limit (within the maximum thresholds) via SC Online Banking in the “My Preferences” section.

  • What is the SMS One Time Passcode (OTP) required during my payment transaction?

SC Online Banking employs “Two-Factor authentication (2FA) to verify customer identity” for every financial transaction to a third party.

A One-Time-Passcode (OTP) will be sent via SMS to your cell phone each time a transaction is made. A transaction can only be completed once the OTP is entered over the Online Banking session.

  • Are there any security tips for online payment?

To ensure the safety of your Online Payment, please take the following precautions:

  1. Try to avoid Internet cafes and other public places in the computer using online payment. If it is necessary in public places to use a computer, please note that the input of the card numbers, passwords and other information is protected.
  2. After Payment is complete please clear your browser and computer records.
  3. Please check in the browser address bar that the Standard Chartered Bank URL is correct ( to prevent straying into hacking websites.
  • Are there any fees charged in using the Online Payment?

The SC Online Payment service is available to customers as a free service.

There will be no fees charged by SC for personal customers in making online payment and receiving one time password (OTP) via SMS.

  • Why should I record down the order number before payment?

In process of payment, please record down order number. If you need to check the result of the specific transaction on either the merchant or the Bank side, you will have to provide this order number. Without it, the enquiry will be very difficult.

Credit Card:
  • What is an Online Banking Credit Card?

It is a new feature of the Bank launched in July 2014, mainly consisting of two major functions which are credit card management and repayment.

  • How to log into the Online Banking and use the credit card when banking online?

You can use your existing Online Banking username and password to login. If you have not applied for the Standard Chartered Online Banking service, you can use our debit card for easy online registration (only for customers with the Bank’s savings account or debit card), or you can contact your account manager for help. Please refer to the Bank’s website for the detailed registration process.

  • What services can I have via the Online Banking credit card function?

If you already hold an SC credit card, you can check your credit card account, card information, transaction history and other information through Personal Online Banking Homepage > Credit Card Management; you can also use Payment & Repayment function to repay your SC credit card debt from your SC savings account.

If you do not have an SC credit card, you can apply for one through Personal Online Banking Credit Card Management > the Credit Card Application and click on “Apply Now” to apply for our credit card.

  • What services does the credit card management provide?
    • Account Information Enquiry, including the current due amount, unbilled amount, repaid amount, current overdue amount, current minimum repayment amount, final repayment due date, credit limit, credit line available, and card list, etc.;
    • Card Information Enquiry, including the credit limit, credit line available, available cash advance, statement date, and card status, etc.;
    • Transaction Details Enquiry (including the un-issued bill and issued bill), the data displayed including: the transaction date, billing date, cardholder’s name, card number, transaction description, billing currency, billing amount, total number of transactions and total transaction amount.
    • Records of the principal card and the supplementary card are displayed separately in columns.
  • How to search for the transactions in my un-issued/ issued bill?

1.Billing Transactions

Click on Card Management Transaction History Enquiry, select the card, and click on “Select Timeframe of Transaction History Enquiry”, select a month in the drop-down box to display its billing transaction. If your statement date is 5th, you will usually see the latest issue of the transaction details after the 6th of the month.

2.Unbilled Transactions

Click on Credit Card Management>Transaction History Enquiry. Click on the “Select Time Frame of Transaction History Enquiry” and the select Unbilled Transactions in the drop-down box to display.Transaction history of the CUP card and the US dollar card are displayed separately. Transaction history of the principal card and the supplementary card are displayed separately.

  • How do I make credit card repayment via the Online Banking?
    • If you have a SC credit card using the same ID when applying for a debit card, you can click on Payment & Repayment> Credit Card Repayment, and then pay the SC credit card bill at any time from the SC savings account. The SC Online Banking provides immediate repayment to repay your credit card. We provide 24 by 7 service, free of charge. Instant repayment will be effective in real time. At present, our Online Banking does not support the repayment for others’ SC credit card.
    • We recommend that you pay the bill 1 day before the due date, and do not set up repayment through other channels at the same time to avoid duplicate repayments.
    • The current due amount shown on the Online Banking is the total amount you should repay for the current statement, while the current minimum repayment amount will change in real time and be reduced according to the amount of your repayment.
  • How do I make auto credit card repayment?

You may use the CUPD online credit card platform to set up your monthly credit card repayment service.

  • What kind of currency does the Online Banking repayment support?

Currently, it supports RMB and US dollar repayment in the same currency, that is, using RMB deposit account to repay CUP RMB card and using US dollar deposit account to repay VISA dollar card.

  • If I change my personal information of SC Online Banking, will it be automatically synchronized with related credit card system?

No, you need to call our customer service hotline for credit card at 400-820-6663 to update the information.

  • Can I use SC online credit card service without a SC credit card?

Customers without a credit card can log into the Online Banking, then click on Credit Card Management > Account Information and it will show “No credit card, please visit our branch or call customer service center at 956083/(0755)33382730

  • As a cardholder of SC supplementary card, can I use the Online Banking credit card function?

A: No.

Customer Investment Profile:
  • What is Customer Investment Profile?

Customer Investment Profile is a solution to ensure that all customers undergo proper investment profiling to understand their investment profile. As per regulatory requirement, your initial Customer Investment Profile has to be completed on branch premise.

  • What features are available in Customer Investment Profile module?

If you have completed your initial customer investment profile review at branch, you can view and download your latest investment profile, and update your risk profiles according to your latest situation.

  • What is the validation period for the Customer Investment Profile?

The Customer Investment Profile will be valid for one year. You can re-do your investment profile assessment in online banking anytime before the expiry. Once you update your risk profile in online banking, your previous investment profile will be changed to expire status.

  • Can U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) Holder or U.S. Resident perform Customer Investment Profile via online banking?

U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) Holder, or US Resident cannot proceed Customer Investment Profile via online banking.

  • Can I update customer investment profile in online banking if I haven’t completed my initial investment profile at branch?

No, our system will reject your request and advising you to visit our branch to complete the initial customer investment profile.

  • Which Browsers support the customer investment profile?

Online Banking customer investment profile is supported by the following browsers:

  • IE: 9.0 and above
  • Chrome: 50.0 and above
  • Safari: 7.0 and above
  • Firefox: 45.0 and above

About the service:
  • What is SMS Banking?

SMS Banking is a safe & convenient alerts service provided by the Bank via the mobile phone.

Our bank will send relevant SMS alerts to your reserved mobile number according to your subscribed account activities alerts service.

  • Why shall I choose SMS Banking?

SMS Banking is easy to apply and use, anywhere and anytime.

  • How much is the service charge?

The bank does not currently charge our customers for this service. Customers only need to pay their mobile bills to their respective mobile operators.

  • Is SMS Banking a 24-hour service?

Yes, it is.

  • Can I use SMS Banking abroad?

Yes, you can, as long as your SMS operator provides overseas mobile services.

  • What functions dose SMS Banking have?

Currently, the SMS banking provide the following alert service functions:

Alert Service
1 Birthday Alert Birthday Alert
2 Time Deposit Alert ·       Time Deposit Rollover Alert

·       Early Time Deposit Maturity Alert

3 Balance Movement Alert ·       Counter Cash Deposit and Withdrawal Alert

·       Counter Foreign Currency Exchange Alert

·       Counter Outward Remittance Transaction Alert

·       Salary Transaction Alert

·       Fund Transfer Alert

·       Investment Products Transaction Alert

·       Inward/Outward Transfer Alert

·       Unsecured Personal Loan Transaction Alert

* Remark: The default minimum transaction amount for balance movement SMS alert is 1, the SMS alert will only be triggered when the account balance movement amount is greater than or equal to 1.

If you need to raise the “minimum transaction amount” to trigger SMS alert, you can change it through online banking – SMS banking Service – Alert Settings- View Alerts-Customize Alert Conditions- Balance Movement Alert.

  • Is SMS Banking Safe?

Funds Transfer is not available via SMS Banking. SMS banking only send the SMS alerts service selected by the customer.

  • What is the SMS service number and SMS signature for marketing products and promotions?

The SMS service number is 10691175712; The SMS signature is [STANCHART].

How to Apply:
  • Who can apply for this service?

If you are the Bank’s customer with at least one personal savings account and you have registered your mobile phone number with our bank, you can apply for this service.

  • How do I apply for this service?

You can apply for the SMS Banking Service by calling our customer service hotline 956083, Or visit one of our Branches with your identification (ID card). If you open your account in the Bank for the first time, your SMS Banking Service will be settled within 1 or 2 working days after the application. If you are the existing client not applying for SMS banking service before, your request will be immediately settled.

  • What equipment do I need to use this service?

You need a mobile phone which can receive SMS. You need to register your mobile phone number with our bank to use this service.

  • How do I change my registered mobile phone number?

To change your mobile phone number, you need to go to one of our branches. Please be noted you will need your original mobile phone number to receive the One Time Passcode (OTP) to verify this transaction.

Please notice this mobile number change will also affect your other services which need SMS in the Bank.

  • How can I change the language setting for this service?

Please call our hotline 956083 or visit the SMS Banking Service section within the Bank’s Online Banking Service to reselect your language preference.

How to Use:
  • What is the SMS Banking Service Number? Do all Chinese mobile operators support our SMS Banking Service?

The SMS service number is 10691175712.

Yes. All Chinese Mobile operators support our SMS Banking.

  • How do I customize the functions I need and cancel the functions I don’t need?

You can call our Customer Support Hotline 956083, at any time to customize functions.

  • How do I setup a Nickname for my SMS Banking service after subscribing?

Please login to SC online banking, click “SMS Banking” then click “Manage Account Nicknames”.

Enter preferred account nickname under “Account Nickname”, and then click “Apply these settings”.

  • My SMS Banking mobile is duplicated with others, how to provide the information verification supporting?

If your mobile phone number is registered in your name, you can complete the information verification with the following approach:

Send the electronic accounts of your mobile phone number in the form of attachments or screenshots, or paper bills in photo format, which is issued in recent 3 months, as attachments to mailbox, provided you have registered e-mail in our bank. If you receive the notification by e-mail, you can reply to the email directly. The verification results will be informed by mail within 5 working days from the date of your submission. If no feedback receives after 5 working days, you can call us at 956083 or visit our branch for result inquiry.OR2. Visit branch with taking your valid identification document and real-name registration original documents/e-bills printout issued in recent 3 months.

The English translation is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes.