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  • Case study

    Actively working to onboard small, women-owned businesses in Malaysia

A few years ago when we looked at the existing supplier landscape in Standard Chartered Malaysia, we realised there was a lack of diversity in our supplier base. Recognising this wasn’t right, we put a programme in place to change this. 

Thanks to Standard Chartered’s identification and support of my female locally owned company, it has allowed us to have the opportunity to transition to a digital model.

CEO, JCMS ProRewards

A key success of this programme was that by the end of 2019 we increased the number of women owned businesses by 60%+. 

An example of one of these women owned businesses is JCMS ProRewards. JCMS ProRewards work with Standard Chartered to manage the redemption of points customers accumulate against credit cards and provide gift fulfilment services.

They are a company that shares our belief in the power of diversity:

“Thanks to Standard Chartered’s long-standing support for female-owned companies, our link has strengthened beyond a traditional supplier-customer relationship… the Bank has provided support to JCMS’s transition into a digital company. JCMS moved its services from an off-line and email-oriented model, to a digital fulfilment model that supports the Bank’s digital customer journey. This was a breakthrough project for JCMS, and it will benefit the company’s overall growth for years to come. Our relationship and interactions with the Bank have strengthened the belief in the power of diversity, and its’ key role in growing companies and economies. That’s a lesson to everyone: companies that overlook or ignore diverse suppliers and employees miss out on some of the best opportunities in today’s business world.”

– CEO, JCMS ProRewards