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  • Supplier diversity & inclusion

    Simplifying supplier onboarding

Improving supplier diversity

As part of our efforts to improve levels of spend with diverse suppliers as well as simplifying the onboarding of new vendors, Standard Chartered UAE, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea have joined forces to accelerate the onboarding of different social enterprises that provide sustainably produced corporate gifts.

Across these regions a catalogue has been set up of centrally onboarded diverse vendors that stakeholders can readily and easily select corporate gifts from without having to initiate the onboarding process or wait for it to complete.

This initiative has made it simpler and less time consuming for internal stakeholders to identify and work with diverse, sustainable suppliers. So far, we have supported over 15 different social enterprises and sourced over 40 sustainable products globally. By purchasing products in this way and gifting them to our clients we are generating positive economic and community impacts across our markets and driving wider awareness of the benefits of sustainability and supplier diversity and inclusion.

Moving forward, we will continue to work to reduce complexity in our onboarding processes to facilitate greater opportunities to work with more diverse, sustainable suppliers around the world and in so doing directly contribute to achieving our societal ambitions.