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  • The London headquarters of Standard Chartered bank.


    Striving to be a responsible business

    Our business practices are guided by our valued behaviours.

We work to operationalise our net zero targets, manage our environmental and social risk, act transparently, and invest in our people – guided by our values ‘Never settle’, ‘Better together’ and ‘Do the right thing’.​

Net Zero Roadmap hero

Operationalising our net zero targets​​

We aim to reach net zero in our financed emissions by 2050 and in our own operations by 2025.​

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Watch the video

Protecting and restoring nature

Our markets represent some of the richest biodiversity in the world. We want to play a role in protecting and restoring nature to unlock its transformative potential​.

people crossing street

Managing our environmental and social risk​

For over 20 years, our cross-sector Environmental and Social Risk Management Framework has helped us proactively manage relevant risks and impacts arising from the Group’s client relationships and transactions. ​

Disclosing our impact transparently

We are committed to transparently disclosing our impact across sustainable finance mobilisation, revenue, assets, liabilities, nature-related dependencies, and financed and facilitated emissions.

Embedding sustainability across our business

A Standard Chartered office in the sunlight
Watch the video to learn about our approach.

Standard Chartered has an important role to play in supporting our clients, sectors and markets to deliver net zero, but to do so in a manner that supports livelihoods and promotes sustainable economic growth. We currently provide financial services to clients, sectors and markets that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions however we’re committed to net zero in our own operations by 2025 and in our financed emissions by 2050.

Learn more about our approach.