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  • Our Stands

    Accelerating Zero

    We believe the transition to a net zero carbon economy presents an opportunity for innovation and growth.

The world must reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 to limit the worst effects of climate change. This will require efforts across stakeholder groups to accelerate the transition to a low carbon, climate resilient economy.

Policymakers, businesses and financial institutions must work together to ensure that finance is an enabler of change.

The need for a just transition that addresses environmental challenges, while ensuring inclusive economic and social development in the footprint markets where we operate, is a priority for the Group.

Accelerating Zero is one of our three Stands, our long-term ambitions on climate, financial inclusion and globalisation.

Find out more about our other two Stands, Lifting Participation and Resetting Globalisation.

 Mohammed, a teacher in Bangladesh.

Accelerating Zero in Bangladesh 

Mohammed, a teacher in the Teknaf region of Bangladesh, provides an example of how a more reliable electricity supply can help communities across the country.

Bill Winters smiling

Supporting innovation to drive the transition to net zero

Our Group CEO, Bill Winters, joins a discussion about financing a just transition during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.

Learn more about our net zero commitments

How we approach sustainability

Standard Chartered has an important role to play in supporting our clients, sectors and markets to deliver net zero, but to do so in a manner that supports livelihoods and promotes sustainable economic growth. We currently provide financial services to clients, sectors and markets that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions however we’re committed to net zero in our own operations by 2025 and in our financed emissions by 2050. 

Learn more about our approach