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    Turning expertise into actionable insights. Explore our views on what to watch out for in today’s markets

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Global Outlook Q3 2024: Clouded by geo-economic uncertainty

Download the executive  summary of our latest Global Economic Outlook Q3-2024 report to learn about the outlook  for growth, FX and rates, against a backdrop of geo-economic uncertainties, easing interest rates and inflation.

A watch face is shown up close.

Global Outlook Q2 2024: Decision time

Download the executive  summary of our latest Global Economic Outlook Q2-2024 report to find out what the outlook is for growth, inflation, FX and rates, against a backdrop of monetary policy changes and major elections.

Credit markets

Case Studies

Market outlooks and insights

Hot air balloon in the sky

Global Economic Outlook 2024: A soft landing, with risks

Download our Executive Summary of the latest Global Economic Outlook 2024 report.

Global H2-23 Outlook – Inflation and policy divergence driving FX trends

What is the capacity of the US economy to cope with further Fed tightening? Will China’s slowing economic momentum bounce back in H2? Eric Robertsen, Global Head of Research and Chief Strategist shares his views on the global outlook for the second half of the year and opportunities in emerging markets.

Hot air balloon in the sky

Global Outlook 2024 Podcast – A soft landing, with risks

As we enter 2024, we’re seeing a story of divergence across key economies. While the US has been surprisingly resilient, confidence in China’s economy is under pressure from property-sector woes and concerns about the labour market. What are the implications for other markets?

Eric Robertsen, Global Head of Research & Chief Strategist, and Razia Khan, Head of Research, Africa and Middle East, share insights into why we see a soft landing, with risks, for the global economy this year.

Financing and securities services

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Transforming Emerging Markets through digitisation and collaboration

What opportunities are arising to help clients gain footholds in Emerging Markets? Why is a coherent data strategy foundational to competitiveness and what is the optimal custody operating model for digital assets?

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Digital Asset Custody

Why do traditional players hold an important role in digital assets custody? How is the regulatory landscape changing and where are the opportunities for asset servicers in tokenisation? Waqar Chaudry, Innovation and Digital Assets Product, Financing and Securities Services shares insights.

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Focus on Footprint: Middle East

Why is the Middle East seeing a lot of interest from institutional investors and asset services? What are the differences in accessing these markets? Simon Kellaway, Global Head of Sales, Regional Head of GCNA, Financing and Securities Services explains in this video.

Learn more about financial markets at Standard Chartered

Uncovering a world of unchartered opportunities

Access and thrive in high-barrier markets with us. We provide on-the-ground research into Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and proprietary pricing and trade execution across multiple asset classes – including FX, rates, and commodities.

And for more complex packaging needs, we offer bespoke structuring solutions. For financing needs, we offer a full spectrum across our dynamic footprint – from traditional credit and debt market products, to specialised financing and beyond. And with custody, clearing and securities lending also available, we can support all your financial market needs.