Moving past the pandemic towards a new social contract
Coronavirus has presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to address so…
29 Oct 2020
你也許會聽過「蝴蝶效應」一詞,這詞由美國氣象學家Edward N. Lorenz提出。理論指出,一隻蝴蝶在巴西輕輕拍翼也足以引發一連串事件,而最…
我們正處於新時代,工業4.0為我們注入活力與新機,其機械人機器人和人工智能改變了工業和商業的格局,數碼化正逐步改變我們的工作和娛樂方式。 跨國公…
Clear logistics: moving towards a fully transparent supply c…
The complexity of supply chains has created a major challenge – a lack o…
24 Oct 2020
EU Taxonomy: Defining a green and sustainable future
The regulatory recap Creating a carbon-free economy The EU Taxonomy Regu…
23 Oct 2020
Fostering the global circular economy
Turning the world circular The now well-known infrastructure gap in deve…
21 Oct 2020
No time to waste for waste and water management
According to the United Nations, over two billion people are living with…
Sustainability through ESG financing
The objective of green financing is to ensure more capital is directed&n…
Sustainable development – in good times and bad
The narrative around the economic impact of COVID-19 is now well trodden…
Facilitating solar adoption
For many parts of the world, solar energy has become one of the most cos…
Black History Month : Robert Ottey
Name: Robert Ottey Role: Regional Head of Audit Europe & Americas an…
20 Oct 2020
Black History Month : Nike Kazzim
Name: Nike Kazzim Role: Regional HR Business Partner, COO, Operations, T…
Black History Month : Kudzai Zendera
Name: Kudzai Zendera Role: Senior Manager, Balance Sheet & Performan…
Black History Month : Andre Omar Taylor
Name: Andre Omar Taylor Role: Director, Governance and Oversight CFCC As…
Why should I care where my stuff comes from?
You may not know it, but you’re sitting at the end of a very long interc…