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  • Global Credit Conference 2022

This year’s flagship credit conference features thought leadership sessions on the most exciting trends and pressing issues in credit markets, how to navigate them, and hone-in on opportunities.

Riding the wave: re-mapping opportunities in Global Credit Markets

18 May 2022

Making waves: in conversation with GCC’s transformational thought leaders

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)’s diversification efforts are creating positive economic and social impact. Who are the transformational thought leaders navigating the region into a new future?

Riding transformational waves: how GCC’s diversification strategies are starting to pay off

To reduce their over-reliance on oil and adapt to a changing world, GCC countries are diversifying into newer sectors. Learn more about the diversification strategies that are paying off, and what more needs to be done.

On the crest of a digital wave: how digital transformation is changing the Middle East

Many GCC countries have become early adopters of cutting-edge digital technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and smart city development to the creation of cryptocurrency hubs. Find out what role innovative financing is playing in this transformational effort.

Dubai Panel

Re-mapping opportunities: why 2022 could be an interesting year for the bold and brave

Geopolitical uncertainties, volatile oil prices, higher inflation and weaker growth are impacting the near-term outlook.  But the bold and the brave can unearth opportunities, if they know where to look for them.

Re-drawing investment maps in green: financing sustainable growth in Africa

A low-carbon, climate-resilient path would offer Africa the opportunity to leapfrog to a better form of growth. But this requires a major ramp-up of investments in energy transition and sustainable infrastructure.

Supply chains heading for new shores: why diversification and partnership will determine the way

Supply chains will continue to evolve and adapt. Learn how corporates, development organisations and financial institutions can work together to address the funding gap.

Funding liquidity: is the tide turning for bank issuances?

Regional banks are now facing new challenges as central banks start turning off the cash taps.  How can regional banks drive balance sheet growth? Find out more.

Watershed moments: will 2022 be the end of an era and the beginning of a new one?

Geopolitics, soaring gas prices, and supply chain disruption are changing the course of financial markets and derail the tighter integration of finance and trade flows. Learn more on what’s next for Europe and the world.

Re-thinking Commercial Real Estate (CRE): how the pandemic is reshaping sector opportunities

Hybrid working, changes in the residential market, data centres, shifts in office space, ESG focus and change in customer behaviours are all overhauling the sector. Find out where new opportunities lie.

The giga green revolution: is it finally here?

Giga-scale green tech projects in batteries, hydrogen-producing electrolysers and carbon capture are fuelling the energy transition. What are the challenges slowing this transformation?

African credit wave gaining momentum: how are borrowers riding it?

Innovative structures, rising social and sustainability debt issuance and the return to market of African borrowers is ushering in a new wave of credit markets activity. Here’s how borrowers are gaining access to new sources of capital.

Riding the volatility tsunami: will leveraged credit markets continue to provide safe passage?

Leveraged credit markets have continued to thrive amid geo-political uncertainties, high inflation, and volatility in energy supplies. Gain insights into recent performance and behaviours, and an outlook of what is yet to come.

oil and gas CCIB London

Oil and gas: how geo-political events are impacting the transition to a net-zero world

The global energy narrative has shifted significantly in recent months. Learn how market experts see the sector evolving and what can corporations and investors do to address unprecedented challenges.