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  • Guide to payment regulations

    Understand the impact of regulations related to the provision of payment and e-money services in this guide

From regulated scope to licensing requirements and more

Payments have seen rapid evolution across the world, bolstered by advanced developments in technology and the exponential growth of fintechs.

While the fintechs bring new forms of payment innovations, the regulators are also keeping up by reviewing, updating – and in some instances introducing – payment regulations to ensure a safe and secure financial ecosystem and overall economic stability.

Here to help

The regulations that govern the provision of payment services tend to vary across jurisdictions. Corporates and fintechs that aspire to provide or facilitate such financial activities often find it challenging to interpret and understand the regulatory developments.

In this guide jointly developed in collaboration with Allen & Overy, you can look forward to an overview of prevailing regulatory frameworks and licensing schemes in selected jurisdictions. A Q&A section has been added to address key questions corporate and fintech clients typically face when assessing business activities that may fall within the regulated scope.

Following strong demand from our clients, we are proud to present the Guide to Payment Regulations: Edition 2. The latest edition of this guide covers the markets of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

Guide to Payment Regulations: Edition 2

Complete the form below to download the Guide to Payment Regulations: Edition 2, which covers the markets of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

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Guide to Payment Regulations: Edition 1

Complete the form below to download the Guide to Payment Regulations: Edition 1, which covers the markets of Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.

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