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    Assessment advice

    Hacker Rank assessments

Candidates applying for tech roles in India only, who have been successful at both the Pymetrics and Valued Behaviour Assessment, will be invited to take part in a Hacker Rank assessment.

Make sure that you read your invitation email very carefully, as it will tell you the timeframe in which your test needs to be completed. ​

This will test your tech skills in relation to the role that you’ve applied for. It is a timed assessment – you will see how long you have to complete your particular test when you log in. ​

If you’d like some more information before beginning this assessment, please watch the short film.

When you first log into the platform, you will be able to review a sample test, to get yourself familiar with the structure and type of questions you can expect to see. There is no time limit here, so we suggest taking plenty of time to familiarise yourself to ensure you perform at your best. ​

Once you’ve submitted your Hacker Rank assessment, the team will be in touch within a week to let you know whether you’ve been invited to our next and final stage – the assessment centre. 

Click through the

Timeline of activity

to learn more

Two women talking to each otherTwo experienced career professionals walk down the hallway in a Standard Chartered office.

Stage 1

Receive your invitation to complete HackerRank​

Stage 2

Complete assessment at the time specified​

Stage 3

You’ll hear back on next steps within a week​

Next steps