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    Application zone

    Before you embark on your application, find out more about our process

Step 1: Apply online

It’s a quick process.  Start by uploading your CV and you’ll be guided through the process.  

Step 2: Pymetrics games assessment

Measures various traits and attributes, to help us understand: 

  • who you are as an individual
  • how you might fit to the role applied to.

The assessment includes 16 different games and should take around 35 minutes to complete.

Step 3: Valued behaviours assessment (VBA)

If you successfully complete step 2, you’ll be invited to complete the VBA assessment. It helps us understand your alignment to our valued behaviours.

Learn more about our culture, values and purpose.

Step 4: Digital interview

If successful, you’ll be invited to take part in a short video interview so we can get to know you even better.

Step 5: Assessment centre

This will be multiple assessments and a deep-dive into the key skills, behaviours and attributes needed to be successful across different Early Careers programmes.

Step 6: Offer and hiring

If you’re successful through our Assessment Centre, we’ll progress you to offer stage.

  • Variations to the selection process

    We’re a global bank and there may be some minor variations to the selection process in some markets.
    There also may be some variations based on programmes. 

  • Application help and support