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At the forefront of Transformation, Technology & Operations at Standard Chartered – Mira’s story

Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur’s Associate Vice President of Private Banking Operations, Mira Fauzi joined the Bank over five years ago with a successful track record in the financial services industry. Alongside her bachelor's degree in Banking, Corporate and Finance, Mira has a wealth of experience in portfolio management, financial risk and investment banking. In this article, we will delve into what it's like to work at the forefront of financial services in the Transformation, Technology and Operations (TTO) team at Standard Chartered.

What attracted you to join Standard Chartered’s Technology team?

The Standard Chartered TTO team is a tight-knit community driven by our shared goal of streamlining operations and harnessing technology to simplify complex processes. I was attracted to join the team because I wanted to be a part of an organisation that values collaboration, transformation, and efficiency.

What is your proudest achievement since joining Standard Chartered?

Looking back on my Standard Chartered career, I take immense pride in the growth and development of the people I have had the privilege of managing. Witnessing the success of my team members brings me great joy and a sense of fulfilment. My proudest moment since joining the Bank was being recognised as a Tech Hero for the automation efforts of the Corporate Action team. It's gratifying to know that my contributions have driven positive change at Standard Chartered and in the lives of my colleagues.

What do you love the most about your job?

One of the things that I cherish most about my job is its dynamic nature. It constantly challenges me to learn and upskill myself, keeping me on my toes and pushing me to be my best. The members of my team serve as an ever-present source of motivation, driving me to be better and achieve more.

How would you describe the culture of the Technology team?

I feel truly fortunate to be a part of a team with such an innovative culture. Both my colleagues and management are incredibly supportive and embody Standard Chartered’s values in everything they do. This cultivates an environment that is both positive and motivating as well as creating a strong sense of teamwork and accountability.

What would surprise people about working at Standard Chartered?

I believe that the abundance of opportunities to learn and grow at Standard Chartered is definitely what would surprise people about working here. Since joining the Bank, I have had the chance to develop my skills and take on opportunities to expand my knowledge and understanding of operations. Alongside this, I believe its people are what truly sets Standard Chartered apart. Working alongside my motivated and supportive colleagues in such a strong and collaborative team has made all the difference.

What would you say to someone thinking about making the move from a technology organisation to Standard Chartered?

To anyone contemplating a move from a technology organisation to Standard Chartered, I would say this: don't hesitate, take the leap and join us! I firmly believe that constantly pushing yourself to move forward, and embracing new experiences makes life more fulfilling. Standard Chartered is a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation that offers a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Not only will you be working with cutting-edge technology, but you'll also have the chance to collaborate with a talented and supportive team of professionals. So, if you're looking to challenge yourself and take your career to the next level, I can't recommend Standard Chartered enough.