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Breaking Barriers and Shaping the Future: Kajal’s Story

In the dynamic world of banking and technology, individuals like Kajal are leading the way in breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive future. As a Software Developer at Standard Chartered, Kajal has quickly become a driving force at the Bank, harnessing her expertise and passion to make a lasting impact. Since joining the Bank in June 2022, Kajal's journey has been nothing short of inspiring. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Technology and Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kajal brings a unique blend of technical skills and an unwavering determination to create meaningful change.

Why did you choose a career in technology?

Choosing a career in technology was driven by a multitude of factors that resonated with my interests and aspirations. One of the main reasons was my fascination with unravelling complex problems. Technology provides an exciting avenue for me to explore innovative solutions and express my creativity.

Rapid advancements in fields like artificial intelligence and machine learning captured my imagination. I knew that being part of this ever-evolving landscape would allow me to actively contribute to transformative breakthroughs.

What attracted you to join the Standard Chartered Technology Team?

There are a few key reasons I joined.

Can you tell us a little bit about some of the projects you are working on?

As a React Developer on the Security Service Team, my main responsibility is designing and developing user interfaces for security applications. I collaborate closely with my team and Senior Developers to improve security measures and protect user data. I've gained deep knowledge of React and related technologies, honed my interface-building skills, and become proficient in tools like Git and Jira.

I am also a part of the Post-Trade Team, where I work with my colleagues to develop big data applications using Hadoop, Spark, and Python. I'm learning how to process and analyse large datasets efficiently, build scalable data pipelines, and collaborate with senior team members who provide valuable guidance.

What is your proudest achievement in your Standard Chartered career so far?

One of my proudest moments at Standard Chartered was during my six-week training programme. We were challenged to create a working project using the technology stacks we had learned, including React, Spring Boot, JDBC, and Git. It was a defining moment for me as I eagerly embraced the opportunity.

I thoroughly reviewed the concepts and collaborated with my team to brainstorm project ideas. We utilised React for the front end and Spring Boot for the back end. When we presented our project to the evaluation panel, they were impressed with our implementation of various technologies.

To my delight, our project secured the first position among all the submissions. It was a proud and satisfying moment, knowing that our hard work and technical skills had paid off. Building that successful project using the technologies we had learned was truly a highlight of my career at Standard Chartered.

What do you love the most about your job?

As a newcomer in the fintech industry, I'm constantly amazed by the learning opportunities at Standard Chartered. Each day brings new challenges and chances to grow. One thing I love about my job is the exposure to the various teams within the Bank. It's fascinating to see how different functions, like corporate banking, retail banking, wealth management, and transaction banking, collaborate to achieve the Bank's goals. This holistic view of the organisation helps me understand how a large fintech institution operates and delivers value to customers.

The learning opportunities at Standard Chartered are unparalleled. Through training programmes, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions, I continuously expand my skills. The supportive work culture and guidance from my colleagues have been instrumental in my professional development. I'm grateful to work in an environment that encourages learning and growth in the technology industry.

What advice would you give to young women looking to build a tech career?

Here are some valuable tips to consider on your tech career journey:

Remember, your passion, dedication, and continuous learning will pave the way for a rewarding and impactful tech career.