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Margaret Doyinsola – Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life

Margaret tells her what drew her into banking

Could you describe your role?

I work with the Wealth Management team here in Nigeria. I started my rotation in October and will be working with the different segments and sub-teams (Investment Advisory, Treasury and Bancassurance). Wealth Management provides advisory services and offers a range of investment options to a wide array of clients.

What’s been your most memorable experience with Standard Chartered?

My most memorable experience was when I worked on a project with four international graduates. The project required us to recommend a financing opportunity that would help a transition industry client move to net zero in line with the bank’s Chapter-3 strategy and bold stands. Our team recommended an opportunity within the Electric Vehicle (EV) Market. Of course, we had to initially deliberate on different plans, explore the feasibility of the plans, agree on the best plan and then sell idea. This required a lot of background work and research, but it was exciting!

What drew you to a career in banking?

I've always liked numbers, so it was either Accounting or Banking/Finance for me. I wanted something that would fit my personality as an enthusiast motivated by different challenges. Banking seemed to fit perfectly.

What drew you to a career with Standard Chartered?

Standard Chartered exposed me to a diverse environment that supports continuous learning & development as well as one that offers a solid career support. I find myself most efficient and productive in this kind of environment as it enables me to harness my potential to the fullest.

What drew you to a career with Standard Chartered?  

Standard Chartered Bank exposed me to a diverse environment that supports continuous learning, personal growth and development as well as an environment that offered a solid career support. I personally found myself most efficient and productive under this environment as I had the opportunity to harness my potential and contribute immensely. 

Could you use three words to describe life at Standard Chartered? 

Fun, Challenging, Rewarding

What do you love most about your role? 

The fact that I get to work directly with people that come from different backgrounds but share the same vision. 


Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life

Margaret Doyinsola

What advice/hints and tips, would you give to someone looking to work at Standard Chartered?

Invest in yourself, learn all you can, develop all the soft and technical skills needed for the position you are applying to. It is definitely worth it. I promise.

How should someone prepare for an interview with Standard Chartered?

The bank is more focused on recruiting unique talents that fit into the bank’s culture, so when preparing for the interview, keep calm, be yourself throughout and give practical answers. If you can, try to put the questions in context before answering. It helped me

Describe the bank in three words? 

Here for good!