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Standard Chartered appoints Group Head of Brand and Chief Marketing Officer
27 February 2014
We’ve recently closed a multi-million dollar deal with Cebu Air
27 February 2014
First non-quota based RMB two-way cross-border sweeping transaction with Baoxin group
20 February 2014
Independent study measures our impact in Africa
18 February 2014
Renminbi Globalisation Index up December on deposits and cross-border payments
7 February 2014
The Offshore Renminbi Review: Strong growth potential for CNH usage by mainland companies
5 February 2014
We’ve awarded eight eye health innovation grants
3 February 2014
We’ve opened a subsidiary in Angola with insurance company, ENSA
20 January 2014
We collaborated with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Cathay Pacific Airways to finance a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft
13 January 2014
Standard Chartered Reorganisation of Business and Board Changes
9 January 2014
Deposits and cross-border payments grow Renminbi Globalisation Index in November
7 January 2014
Boosting RMB denominated Trade Finance in Emerging Markets
17 December 2013
Renminbi Globalisation Index up 2.4% in Oct on rising HK and Taiwan offshore deposits
9 December 2013
Pre-close trading update
4 December 2013
The Year Ahead – rising East, emerging West
3 December 2013
We’re collaborating with Agricultural Bank of China to provide Renminbi clearing in the UK
2 December 2013
Caroline Eber-Ittel is appointed Country CEO and Head of Wholesale Banking France
2 December 2013
The Offshore Renminbi Review: RMB gains momentum
2 December 2013
Liverpool FC kick-off week-long campaign to mark World AIDS Day 2013
1 December 2013
Changes to our PLC Board
29 November 2013
Growing our business in the longer term
11 November 2013