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Lynsey McGarry, USA: So many cultures to explore

Lynsey McGarry

22 Jan 2019

From 17 February eight of our staff will embark on a challenge never attempted before. They will make history by taking part in a 90-day Belt & Road Relay across 44 markets where we have a presence along the Belt & Road. Lynsey is representing our ‘Europe & Americas’ region.

I can’t wait to see the Belt and Road in such a celebratory way

We’ll be running in so many markets that I wouldn’t normally visit, and I’m looking forward to experiencing a multitude of cultures and business initiatives.

I am an active person

I have always been training, but changed my workouts to prepare for the Relay. Now, instead of cycling 80 miles every Saturday and Sunday, I’m running more, and recently ran a half marathon.

I like pushing myself

In 2011, I led a group of 33 young adults cycling across America to raise funding and awareness for Bike & Build, a non-profit organisation supporting affordable housing in America. I had never cycled before this event, but I’m always looking for ways to push myself, either physically or mentally.

Africa fascinates me

I once made my way through Southern and Eastern Africa overland to Mount Kilimanjaro. It was a fascinating experience to watch the landscapes, foods and people change, as I worked my way through so many beautiful countries. I had the opportunity to climb Kilimanjaro, work on a farm in South Africa, scuba dive in Zanzibar, and take a motorcycle trip around Lake Victoria.

I love the outdoors

I try to get out of New York City and back to nature as often as possible. I go back-country hiking, trial-running, and cycling fairly regularly, and usually I spend my leave entirely outdoors – whether cycling around Colorado, camping in the Canadian Rockies, or more recently visiting Iceland.

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