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Standard Chartered PLC announces changes to its Board

21 Dec 2015
3 mins

In February 2015 we announced that Ms Ruth Markland and Mr Paul Skinner, CBE, two of our most long-standing independent non-executive directors would step down from the Board. Today we confirm that they will step down with effect from 31 December 2015.  Ms Jasmine Whitbread, who joined the Board in April 2015, will succeed Paul as Chair of the Brand, Values and Conduct Committee from 1 January 2016.

In addition Dr Lars Thunell, an independent non-executive director and Chair of the Board Risk Committee has decided to step down from the Board. Lars has a number of other commitments and in light of the UN Secretary-General’s recently announced Climate Resilience Initiative, will be focusing a greater amount of his time on his role as Chairman of African Risk Capacity Ltd. Lars will ensure a smooth handover of his role as Chair of the Board Risk Committee to his successor before stepping down from the Board on 31 January 2016.

Mr David Philbrick Conner (aged 67) will join the Board as an independent non-executive director on 1 January 2016 and will also join the Board Risk Committee, Audit Committee and the Board Financial Crime Risk Committee at that time. He will succeed Lars as Chair of the Board Risk Committee from 1 February 2016. David has significant global banking experience, strong risk management credentials and an in-depth knowledge of Asian markets, having lived and worked across Asia for 37 years. David was CEO and director of OCBC Bank from 2002 until 2012 and remained as a non-executive director of OCBC Bank until 2014. Prior to that, he spent 26 years at Citibank in a number of senior Asian-based roles. He is currently a non-executive director of GasLog Partners LP.

Ms Elizabeth (Liz) Lloyd, CBE is to be appointed as Group Company Secretary on 1 January 2016 to succeed Miss Annemarie Durbin who will step down as Group Company Secretary with effect from 31 December 2015. 

Sir John Peace, Chairman said “On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Ruth, Paul, Lars and Annemarie for their significant contributions to the Group. We wish them all well for the future. 

“David Conner brings significant banking and risk management experience and a deep understanding of Asian markets. I am delighted to welcome him to Standard Chartered.” 

Remuneration Statement in relation to Board Appointment

Remuneration statement in relation to Mr David Philbrick Conner
The independent non-executive directors do not participate in any of the Group’s incentive arrangements. Mr Conner will receive a fee of GBP100,000 per annum for his services as a non-executive director, with additional fees payable for appointment to Board Committees. This is disclosed in accordance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Listing Rules”).

Additional information
There are no matters relating to the resignations of Ms Markland, Mr Skinner and Dr Thunell that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.
Mr Conner has no relationship with any other Director, member of senior management or substantial or controlling shareholder of Standard Chartered PLC. 
Mr Conner does not have any interests in shares of the Company.
Save as disclosed above there is no other information to be disclosed under the requirements of UK Listing Rule 9.6.13 (1-6) and Rule 13.51(2) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules in relation to Mr Conner’s appointment which has received the necessary regulatory approval.

For further information, please contact:

Shaun Gamble
Director, Media Relations
Standard Chartered
+44 20 7885 5934

James Hopkinson
Global Head, Investor Relations
Standard Chartered
+44 20 7885 7151

Standard Chartered

We are a leading international banking group, with a presence in 53 of the world’s most dynamic markets. Our purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity, and our heritage and values are expressed in our brand promise, here for good.

Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges.

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