Current Account
Designed to enable you to carry out your day-to-day transactions with flexibility and convenience
Savings Accounts
A convenient and secure savings account to help you manage your finances
Fixed Deposit
Make your money work for you with Standard Chartered’s Fixed Deposits
Debit Cards
Access your account from anywhere with confidence
Personal Loan and Overdraft
We offer a range of loan and overdraft solutions designed to suit the needs of you and your family
Joint General Mortgage Scheme
Offer’s the joint scheme mortgage, a flexible, subsidized, mortgage for primary residence buyers
Standard Variable Rate Mortgage
The right product to facilitate your home financing needs outside of the Joint General Mortgage Scheme
Time for a new home?
Are you looking for a little more space? We’re here to help
We have a loan that’s right for you
We could support you with a Rapid Response Loan
Help Center
Forms Download
If you're a first-time buyer or an existing mortgage holder looking for a little more space; we're here to help.