SCB AG Paris branch has successfully passed the Gender equality index
on April 15, 2021
Caroline Eber-Ittel, CEO France at Standard Chartered Bank
Equality is important. The reason why, should be just obvious but it seems that it’s still not. Gender equality is a fundamental right that some famous women and less famous ones like our grandmothers and mothers fought for, and I feel I have a mission to perpetuate it for my two daughters.
That’s why I was pleased to see that SCB AG Paris branch has successfully passed the Gender equality index as per French legal obligation. The good result of the index shows that the Paris branch has already reached a good level of equality; it’s really encouraging, as it’s the first time that we are eligible to the index.
Since 2018, a professional equality index to estimate the gaps in terms of remuneration between women and men is a legal obligation in France. All entities with more than 50 headcounts per calendar year must publish their resulting rating on the employment administration dedicated site, and communicate to their employee representatives and all staff.
The Index is made of 4 indicators resulting in a rating on 100 points:
- Gaps in terms of compensation per age and classification between women and men
- Gaps in terms of compensation increase between women and men
- Compensation increase following the return from maternity leave
- Gaps in terms of number of women and men among the 10 higher remunerations
It’s a fantastic outcome and a real team achievement for the SCB AG Paris branch. We will continue to monitor gender equality closely and do our best to improve it in the upcoming years. As a team, we will carry on focusing on actions to promote diversity & inclusion and #choosetochallenge to make an impact on our colleagues, communities, and ourselves.