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Global Account Manager Relationship Model

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Global Account Manager Relationship Model

Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking

Global Account Manager Relationship Model

Standard Chartered China and Hong Kong Adopt “Global Account Manager” (GAM) Relationship Model

  • “Global Account Manager” (GAM) provides a unified business support for our clients, and is responsible for mobilising and coordinating the Bank’s resources to fully meet clients’ financial needs across our global footprint;
  • Leveraging our unique edges in extensive network and latest technologies, we are able to support enterprises in establishing the financial ecology of global supply chain, allowing members faster and safer access to sustainable financial support.

Our commitment and dedication for GBA development

  • Standard Chartered will continue to roll out GBA initiatives and embrace GBA business as our strategic focus. Standard Chartered set up GBA management, strategic planning, sales, credit and backup teams to offer continued support and quality services to GBA clients;
  • In 2020, Standard Chartered announced the establishment of Standard Chartered GBA Centre in Guangzhou Tianhe District.


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