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Standard Chartered News and Media
About Standard Chartered GBA Centre

Standard Chartered GBA Centre, as one of key actions of Standard Chartered group’s strategy of investing and developing GBA, was a project invested by Standard Chartered Bank and Standard Chartered Bank (Hongkong) Limited in August 2020. The project is to rent and build up multiple floors offices at Guangzhou International Commercial Centre (ICC), which is an office location to hosting multiple legal entities, branches of Standard Chartered group. At present, Standard Chartered Global Business Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd and Standard Chartered (Guangzhou) Business Management Co., Ltd have operated at ICC. These two legal entities will provide global back office operation services, technology solutions and innovation services to Standard Chartered group and hold ICC property usage and provide property services respectively. On December 26th, 2021, Standard Chartered Bank Guangzhou Branch was relocated to ICC. On May 10th, 2022, Standard Chartered announced the phase III office at ICC was ready to use marking the completion of facility building up of GBA centre.