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Register/update your mobile number and email address for continuous access to online and mobile investment services

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Hk masthead security notice

Register/update your mobile number and email address for continuous access to online and mobile investment services

Important Note

Investment Fund is an investment product and some Investment Funds would involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in that investment product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) provides execution-only trading service over Online Unit Trusts and shall not advise you on the merits of a transaction, nor ensure the transaction is suitable for you.

Security Notice

To avoid rejection upon your access to your online and mobile investment services, please ensure that your email address and mobile number registered with the Bank are accurate.

In order to enhance security controls for online and mobile investment services, the Bank launched two-factor authentication and email alert services. Details of the arrangement are as follows:

1. Two-factor authentication

From now on, clients will be required to access the following online and mobile investment services with two-factor authentication:

  • Securities Services (including Online Securities Trading platform, SC Equities mobile app and online subscription to IPO)
  • Investment Fund Services (Online Unit Trusts trading platform)
  • Debt Securities Services (online subscription to Bonds IPO)

When you log into Online Banking or Mobile Banking and access the online and mobile investment trading platforms, the Bank will send a One-Time Password (OTP) to your mobile number based on the Bank’s record via SMS, for two-factor authentication.

2. Email alert

What’s more, you will receive an email alert when performing specified actions via Online Banking or our online and mobile investment trading platforms:

  • Log into/fail to log into online and mobile investment trading platforms
  • Perform transactions through online and mobile investment trading platforms
  • Subscribe to Securities or Bonds IPO
  • Change your password
  • Change your account information (e.g. correspondence address, email, and etc.)

You have to maintain a valid email address AND mobile number record with the Bank. Otherwise, your future log-in to our online and mobile investment trading platforms will be rejected.

Act now

To register or update your email address, please log into Online Banking. For guidance, please click here.

To register or update your mobile number, please visit our branches.

The above two-factor authentication arrangements and email alert are only applicable to online and mobile investment services, and no two-factor authentication is required for transactions performed via our Investment Hotline or branches. For any enquiries, please call our Customer Service Hotline 2886 8868.

Risk Disclosure Statement

Risk Disclosure Statement for Securities Services

Investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and may become valueless. Past performance of any securities is no guide to its future performance. Investors should consider their own investment objectives and risk tolerance level, and read the Terms and Conditions of relevant Securities Services before making any investment decision.

Risk Disclosure Statement for Investment Fund Services

  • Investment involves risks. The prices of units / shares of unit trust or mutual funds fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and may become valueless. Investors may not get back the amount they have invested. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling unit trusts or mutual funds. Past performance is no guide to its future performance.
  • Investors should read the terms and conditions contained in the relevant offering documents and in particular the investment policies and the risk factors and latest financial results information carefully and are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investment decision. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with unit trusts or mutual funds and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level.

Risk Disclosure Statement for Debt Securities Services

  • The price of bonds/structured notes can and does fluctuate and the price of any individual bonds/structured notes may experience upward or downward movements and may even become valueless. There is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred rather than profits made as a result of trading bonds/structured notes. Independent assessment of the risk and appropriateness of the transaction in light of your own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such transaction, should be considered before entering into any transaction.
  • This information is based on, or derived from, information obtained from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. It is prepared solely for your reference and no responsibility is accepted for use of or reliance on this information. This information is neither a recommendation nor an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any bonds/structured notes.


  • This webpage does not constitute any offer, invitation or recommendation to any person to enter into any transaction described therein or any similar transaction, nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future price movements. Investor should not make investment decisions based on this webpage alone.
  • This webpage has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.