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The Reserve Bank- Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

In line with the Bank’s Grievance Redressal policy, Customers who wish to provide feedback or send in their complaint may use the following channels available with the Bank:

Level 1:

  • Call our Phone Banking Help lines
  • “May I Help You” desks are available at all our branches. Customers can also approach our Service Managers at the designated desks.
  • Email us at Customer.Care@sc.com or Write to us at the below mentioned address:
    Standard Chartered Bank
    Customer Care Unit
    19, Rajaji Salai
    Chennai 600 001

Level 2:

If you are not satisfied with the response received from Customer.Care@sc.com on your request or complaint, you can write to Standard Chartered Bank, 19, Rajaji Salai, Chennai – 600001 or Email us at Head.Service@sc.com 

Level 3:

If you are not satisfied with the response received from Head.Service@sc.com on your request or complaint, you can write to Ms. Jigna Chandarana, Principal Nodal Officer (PNO) at Principal.NodalOfficer@sc.com or call us at 080 – 42896718 / 080 – 28089025. (Monday to Friday – 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM), except on national holidays. You will receive a response within 5 working days.

The complete details of the Bank’s Grievance Redressal policy along with Nodal Officer details can be found in the enclosed link: https://www.sc.com/in/important-information/grievance-redressal/

In line with RBI recommendation, the Bank has incorporated the role of an Internal Ombudsman, who is an independent authority to review grievances raised by Customers. The Internal Ombudsman will share an independent view and be a part of Bank’s Grievance Redressal mechanism. The decision taken by the Internal Ombudsman will be binding on the Bank.

If you are still not satisfied with the response or have not received a response from the Bank within a month, then you can file a complaint with the Integrated Ombudsman. The complaint may be lodged Online through the portal https://cms.rbi.org.in


The Reserve Bank- Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

 Salient Features:

  1. The Scheme shall apply to the services provided by a Regulated Entity in India to its customers under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
  2. “Regulated Entity” means a Bank or a Non-Banking Financial Company or a System Participant as defined in the Scheme, or any other entity as may be specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time; to the extent not excluded under the Scheme.
  3. The Reserve Bank may appoint one or more of its officers as Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsman, to carry out the functions entrusted to them under the Scheme.
  4. The appointment of Ombudsman or the Deputy Ombudsman, as the case may be, shall be made for a period not exceeding three years at a time.
  5. The complaints under the Scheme made Online shall be registered on the portal (https://cms.rbi.org.in). Complaints in electronic mode (E-mail) and physical form, including postal and hand-delivered complaints, shall be addressed, and sent to the place where the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre of the Reserve Bank is established, for scrutiny and initial processing.
  6. The complaint, if submitted in physical form, shall be duly signed by the complainant or by the authorised representative. The complaint shall be submitted in electronic or physical mode in such format and containing such information as may be specified by Reserve Bank.
  7. The contact details of Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC) is mentioned below: Email: crpc@rbi.org.in
    Physical Address:              
    Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre,
    Reserve Bank of India,
    4th Floor, Sector 17,
    Chandigarh – 160017
  8. The Ombudsman/Deputy Ombudsman shall consider the complaints of customers of Regulated Entities relating to deficiency in service.
  9. There is no limit on the amount in a dispute that can be brought before the Ombudsman for which the Ombudsman can pass an Award. However, for any consequential loss suffered by the complainant, the Ombudsman shall have the power to provide a compensation up to Rupees 20 lakh, in addition to, up to Rupees One lakh for the loss of the complainant’s time, expenses incurred and for harassment/mental anguish suffered by the complainant.
  10. While the Ombudsman shall have the power to address and close all complaints, the Deputy Ombudsman shall have the power to close those complaints falling under clause 10 of the Scheme and complaints settled through facilitation as stated under clause 14 of the Scheme.
  11. Any customer aggrieved by an act or omission of a Regulated Entity resulting in deficiency in service may file a complaint under the Scheme personally or through an authorised representative.
  12. No complaint for deficiency in service shall lie under the Scheme in matters involving:
    1. commercial judgment/commercial decision of a Regulated Entity
    2. a dispute between a vendor and a Regulated Entity relating to an outsourcing contract
    3. a grievance not addressed to the Ombudsman directly
    4. general grievances against Management or Executives of a Regulated Entity
    5. a dispute in which action is initiated by a Regulated Entity in compliance with the orders of a statutory or law enforcing authority
    6. a service not within the regulatory purview of the Reserve Bank
    7. a dispute between Regulated Entities; and
    8. a dispute involving the employee-employer relationship of a Regulated Entity
  13. A complaint under the Scheme shall not lie unless:
    1. the complainant had, before making a complaint under the Scheme, made a written complaint to the Regulated Entity concerned and –
      1. the complaint was rejected wholly or partly by the Regulated Entity, and the complainant is not satisfied with the reply; or the complainant had not received any reply within 30 days after the Regulated Entity received the complaint; and
      2. the complaint is made to the Ombudsman within one year after the complainant has received the reply from the Regulated Entity to the complaint or, where no reply is received, within one year and 30 days from the date of the complaint.
    2. the complaint is not in respect of the same cause of action which is already –
      1. pending before an Ombudsman or settled or dealt with on merits, by an Ombudsman, whether or not received from the same complainant or along with one or more complainants, or one or more of the parties concerned
      2. pending before any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator or any other Forum or Authority; or, settled or dealt with on merits, by any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator or any other Forum or Authority, whether or not received from the same complainant or along with one or more of the complainants/parties concerned;
    3. the complaint is not abusive or frivolous or vexatious in nature
    4. the complaint to the Regulated Entity was made before the expiry of the period of limitation prescribed under the Limitation Act, 1963, for such claims
    5. the complainant provides complete information as specified in clause 11 of the Scheme
    6. the complaint is lodged by the complainant personally or through an authorised representative other than an advocate unless the advocate is the aggrieved person.
  14. The Ombudsman/Deputy Ombudsman shall endeavour to promote settlement of a complaint by agreement between the complainant and the Regulated Entity through facilitation or conciliation or mediation.
  15. The Regulated Entity shall, on receipt of the complaint, file its written version in reply to the averments in the complaint enclosing therewith copies of the documents relied upon, within 15 days before the Ombudsman for resolution.
  16. In case the complaint is not resolved through facilitation, such action as may be considered appropriate, including a meeting of the complainant with the officials of Regulated Entity, for resolution of the complaint by conciliation or mediation may be initiated.
  17. The complaint would be deemed to be resolved when:
    1. it has been settled by the Regulated Entity with the complainant upon the intervention of the Ombudsman; or
    2. the complainant has agreed in writing or otherwise (which may be recorded) that the manner and the extent of resolution of the grievance is satisfactory; or
    3. the complainant has withdrawn the complaint voluntarily.
  18. The Deputy Ombudsman or the Ombudsman may reject a complaint at any stage if it appears that the complaint made:
    1. is non-maintainable under clause 10; or
    2. is in the nature of offering suggestions or seeking guidance or explanation
  19. The Ombudsman may reject a complaint at any stage if:
    1. in his opinion there is no deficiency in service; or
    2. the compensation sought for the consequential loss is beyond the power of the Ombudsman to award the compensation as indicated in clause 8(2); or
    3. the complaint is not pursued by the complainant with reasonable diligence; or
    4. the complaint is without any sufficient cause; or
    5. the complaint requires consideration of elaborate documentary and oral evidence and the proceedings before the Ombudsman are not appropriate for adjudication of such complaint; or
    6. in the opinion of the Ombudsman there is no financial loss or damage, or inconvenience caused to the complainant.

A copy of the Scheme is available at our branches and the same shall be shared upon request.