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100 days 100 pays – Restitution of Rights on Deposits

Campaign period: 01 June to 8th Sept 2023 (100 days)

“100 Days 100 Pays” campaign has been launched by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to enable depositors to avail return/refund of any unclaimed deposits in Savings Accounts, Current Accounts or Term Deposits, before transferring it to the Depositor Education and Awareness (DEA) Fund.

What is an unclaimed deposit?

Unclaimed deposits refer to funds that have remained inactive for a period of ten years or longer in savings accounts, current accounts, or term deposits. On no activity during the period, banks transfer the funds to the DEA Fund, which is maintained by the RBI. Please note, a depositor can claim the amount even after the transfer.

Please do reach out to the closest Standard Chartered Bank branch to activate your account and claim the funds transferred under the Depositors Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF). Our Bank staff will be happy to assist you in the process towards activation of your account and availing of its services and features.