
Account Features

money low initial deposit

Minimum opening balance for Rupee Accounts is LKR 1,000,000/- and for Foreign Currency accounts US$ 5,000- or equivalent.

atm easy access cash

Apply for fixed deposit account from our mobile app.

money overdraft facility

Obtain a facility against your deposit and enjoy automatic renewal on deposits.

time flexible tenure

We accommodate varied deposit periods and a wide range of currencies for your Fixed Deposits.

added value high interest rates

Our Deposits will allow you to maximize growth potential through attractive interest returns.


  • Age
    • Minimum 18 years old
  • A minimum opening balance for Rupee Accounts is LKR 1,000,000/- and for Foreign Currency accounts US$ 5,000- or equivalent.
  • Fixed deposits should be maintained with an active savings or current account.


  • You will need
    • Copy of Identification (NIC / Passport / DL)
    • Completed application form
    • Billing proof
Fixed Deposit Accounts
Our Fixed/Term Deposit account offers competitive interest rates and flexible investment periods.


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