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Save deposit interest rates masthead

Standard Chartered offers a wide range of cash management and deposit products that give you added value and benefits

Deposit Interest Rates

Savings Account

Basic Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.25
Interest is calculated daily and paid 6-monthly. Effective Date: 25/05/2009.
Master Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.
e$aver Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.
Young Savers Account
Balance Tier (RM)
 Interest Rate (%)p.a.
Up to 50,000 2.50
Above 50,000 0.25
Interest is calculated daily and paid 6-monthly. Effective Date: 28/12/2023.
SeniorSave Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.
Privilege Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.
JustOne Personal Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All Balances 0.10
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 17/04/2020.
JustOne Preferred Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All Balances 0.10
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 05/06/2020.
JustOne Priority Savings Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All Balances 0.10
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 05/06/2020.
PowerPay Account*
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All Balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020
Wealth $aver Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/7/2024.

Current Account

M2 Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.
SuperSalary Account
Balance Tier (RM)
Interest Rate (%)p.a.
All balances 0.05
Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Effective Date: 1/12/2020.

Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit, Sustainable Fixed Deposits and Term Deposit-i Board Rates* (Applicable for Retail Individuals and Business Banking clients only)
Interest Rate (%) p.a.
1 month 2.50
2 months 2.50
3 months 2.50
4 months 2.65
5 months 2.65
6 months 2.65
7 months 2.70
8 months 2.70
9 months 2.70
10 months 2.70
11 months 2.70
12 months 2.70
12 months and above 2.70
Interest is calculated on a contractual basis and paid upon maturity (for tenures of 1-12 months) or on a half yearly basis (for tenures of more than 12 months). Effective Date: 28/12/2023

Foreign Exchange Rates

Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

These are indicative rates and should not be construed to be applicable for any specific transaction.

Published rate as 26/03/2025 8:24:01 AM

The below are indicative rates and subject to change.

1 U.S. DOLLARS 4.547 4.3341 4.3316 USD
1 STERLING POUNDS 5.9053 5.5948 5.5635 GBP
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS 2.9033 2.703 2.6862 AUD
1 CANADIAN DOLLARS 3.1946 3.0283 3.0128 CAD
1 NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS 2.6272 2.4616 2.4465 NZD
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 63.0155 59.3202 0 CNY
1 EURO 4.9671 4.6164 4.5838 EUR
100 BANGLADESH TAKA 3.8204 3.5001 3.4723 BDT
100 BRUNEI DOLLARS 342.0881 322.6626 321.3242 BND
100 DANISH KRONERS 66.2536 62.2686 61.8949 DKK
100 SOUTH AFRICAN RANDS 25.3317 23.3322 23.1236 ZAR
100 HONGKONG DOLLARS 59.0165 55.1952 54.6953 HKD
100 INDIAN RUPEES 5.437 4.9597 4.7216 INR
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 0.028 0.0255 0.0253 IDR
100 JAPANESE YEN 3.0535 2.8699 2.8574 JPY
100 NORWEGIAN KRONERS 43.7215 40.717 40.4512 NOK
100 FILIPINO PESO 8.0366 7.3966 7.3243 PHP
100 PAKISTAN RUPEES 1.6483 1.5216 1.5095 PKR
100 SAUDI ARABIAN RIYALS 123.0576 113.8247 112.8074 SAR
100 SINGAPORE DOLLARS 341.2768 323.8996 322.5562 SGD
100 SRI LANKA RUPEES 1.5562 1.4412 1.3714 LKR
100 SWEDISH KRONERS 45.7524 42.7336 42.4381 SEK
100 SWISS FRANCS 520.6493 486.2483 483.7702 CHF
100 THAI BAHTS 13.7577 12.5484 12.4612 THB
100 U.A.E. DIRHAMS 0 0 0 AED

Foreign Currency Account

Foreign Currency Deposit Account ( FCA) interest rates are dependent on market rates and could fluctuate from day to day. Please check with your nearest branch or contact your Relationship Manager (RM) for the latest FCA interest rate.

Calculation of the interest rate on FCA account is as follows: Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly

Protected by PIDM up to RM 250,000 for each depositor

Foreign Currency Account

Standardised Base Rate/ Kadar Asas Standard = 3.00%

What is the Standardised Base Rate (“SBR”)?

Apakah Kadar Asas Standard (“KAS”)?

The SBR is the reference rate that all banks will use starting from 1 August 2022 in the pricing of new retail floating-rate loans/financings, refinancing of existing retail loans/financings, and the renewal of revolving retail loans/financings from 1 August 2022. Retail loans/financings refer to loans/financings to individuals (not SMEs or businesses), while ‘floating-rate loans/financings’ refer to loans/financings where the interest/profit/rental rate can change during the lifetime of the loans/financing. The SBR is linked solely to the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR), as determined by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Bank Negara Malaysia.

KAS ialah kadar rujukan yang akan digunakan oleh semua bank mulai 1 Ogos 2022 dalam penetapan harga pinjaman/ pembiayaan kadar terapung runcit baharu, pembiayaan semula pinjaman/ pembiayaan runcit sedia ada, dan pembaharuan pinjaman/ pembiayaan runcit pusingan mulai 1 Ogos 2022 Pinjaman/pembiayaan runcit merujuk kepada pinjaman/pembiayaan kepada individu (bukan Pembiayaan Komersial untuk Syarikat (“PKS”) atau perniagaan), manakala ‘pinjaman/ pembiayaan kadar terapung’ merujuk kepada pinjaman/ pembiayaan di mana kadar faedah/ keuntungan/ sewaan boleh berubah sepanjang hayat pinjaman/ pembiayaan. KAS dikaitkan semata-mata kepada Kadar Dasar Semalaman (“KDS”), seperti yang ditentukan oleh Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari (“MPC”) Bank Negara Malaysia.

What are the possible scenarios to trigger a change in SBR?

Apakah senario yang mungkin boleh mencetuskan perubahan dalam KAS?

The SBR can rise or fall due to changes in the benchmark rate, i.e. changes in Overnight Policy Rate (“OPR”).

KAS boleh naik atau turun disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam kadar penanda aras, iaitu perubahan dalam Kadar Dasar Semalaman (“KDS”).

Effective date: 11 May 2023
Tarikh kuat kuasa: 11 Mei 2023

Applicable for new individual financing application.
Terpakai untuk permohonan pembiayaan individu baharu

BEFORE 11 May 2023
AFTER 11 May 2023
Reference Rate /  Kadar Rujukan SBR = 2.75% SBR = 3.00 %
Interest Rate / Kadar Bunga SBR + 1.75% SBR + 1.75%
Effective Lending Rate / Kadar Pinjaman Berkesan 4.50% 4.75%
Monthly instalment / Ansuran Bulanan  (RM) 1,855.17 1,924.25
Loan Amount / Jumlah Pinjaman: RM350,000 (No Lock-In Period / Tiada Tempoh Berkunci)
Loan Tenure / Tempoh Pinjaman: 30 years/ tahun
Note: Effective Lending Rate may vary if SBR, BR or BLR changes. Nota: Kadar Pinjaman Berkesan mungkin berbeza jika KAS, KA atau KPA berubah.

Historical trend of Reference Rate since January 2015 below for your reference. / Trend sejarah Kadar Rujukan sejak Januari 2015 di bawah untuk rujukan anda.

Historical Trend
Effective Date
Standardised Base Rate (SBR) 3.25% 3.25% 3.00% 3.25% 3.00% 2.75% 2.50% 2.00% 1.75% 2.00% 2.25% 2.25% 2.50% 2.75% 3.00%
Base Rate (BR) 3.67% 3.77% 3.52% 3.77% 3.52% 3.27% 3.02% 2.52% 2.27% 2.52% 2.77% 2.77% 3.02% 3.27% 3.52%
Base Lending Rate (BLR) / Base Financing Rate (BFR) 6.95% 6.95% 6.70% 6.95% 6.70% 6.45% 6.20% 5.70% 5.45% 5.70% 5.95% 5.95% 6.20% 6.45% 6.70%
Indicative Effective Lending  (IELR) / Indicative Financing Rate (IEFR) 4.67% 4.77% 4.52% 4.77% 4.65% 4.50% 4.25% 3.75% 3.50% 3.75% 4.00% 4.00% 4.25% 4.50% 4.75%
Note:The SBR was introduced on 1 August 2022.The dotted line in the graph and the grey numbers in the table shows the historical series of the OPR, which is the benchmark rate of the SBR.

Indicative effective rate refers to the indicative annual effective lending/financing rate for a standard 30- year housing loan / home financing product with financing amount of RM350k and has no lock-in period.


KAS telah diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos 2022. Garis putus-putus dalam graf dan nombor kelabu dalam jadual menunjukkan siri sejarah KDS, iaitu kadar penanda aras KSA.

Kadar berkesan indikatif merujuk kepada indikatif kadar pinjaman/pembiayaan berkesan tahunan untuk pinjaman perumahan / produk pembiayaan rumah untuk 30 tahun dengan jumlah pembiayaan RM350k dan tidak mempunyai tempoh berkunci.

Base Rate / Kadar Asas = 3.52%

What is the base rate (BR)?

Apakah Kadar Asas (KA)?

The BR we offer on this product is made up of two parts, our benchmark cost of funds (“COF”) and the Statutory Reserve Requirement (“SRR”) cost imposed by Bank Negara Malaysia. Our benchmark COF is the marginal cost of raising funds for the property financings for individual.

KA yang kami tawarkan pada produk ini terdiri daripada dua bahagian, kos penanda aras dana (“COF”) dan kos Keperluan Rizab Berkanun (“SRR”) yang dikenakan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia. Penanda aras COF kami ialah kos marginal untuk mengumpul dana bagi pembiayaan hartanah untuk individu. 

What are possible scenarios to trigger a change in the BR?

Apakah senario yang mungkin boleh mencetuskan perubahan dalam KA?

Our BR can rise or fall due to changes in the benchmark COF and changes in the SRR.

KA kami boleh naik atau turun disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam penanda aras COF dan perubahan dalam SRR.

Changes in the benchmark COF could occur due to changes in the Overnight Policy Rate (“OPR”) as decided by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Bank Negara Malaysia. In addition, as the benchmark COF is the marginal cost of raising funds, it will change in line with fluctuation in the market funding condition.

Perubahan dalam COF penanda aras boleh berlaku disebabkan perubahan dalam Kadar Dasar Semalaman (“KDS”) seperti yang diputuskan oleh Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari (“MPC”) Bank Negara Malaysia. Di samping itu, sebagai penanda aras COF ialah kos marginal untuk mengumpul dana, ia akan berubah sejajar dengan turun naik dalam keadaan pembiayaan pasaran.

SRR cost will change in line with changes in the SRR rate as decided by MPC of Bank Negara Malaysia.

Kos SRR akan berubah selaras dengan perubahan dalam kadar SRR seperti yang diputuskan oleh MPC Bank Negara Malaysia.

Effective date: 11 May 2023
Tarikh Kuat Kuasa: 11 Mei 2023

Base Lending Rate/ Kadar Pinjaman Asas = 6.70%

Effective date: 11 May 2023
Tarikh Kuat Kuasa: 11 Mei 2023


  1. BLR is not applicable for new individual home/commercial financing applications from 2nd January 2015 onwards.
  2. BLR is applicable ONLY for commercial financing for company (“SME”).


  1. KPA tidak boleh digunakan untuk permohonan pembiayaan rumah/komersial individu baharu mulai 2 Januari 2015 dan seterusnya.
  2. KPA hanya terpakai untuk pembiayaan komersial untuk syarikat (“PKS”)

KLIBOR rate = 3.73%

Effective Date : 1 January 2025 – 31 March 2025

Not applicable for new individual loan / financing applications from 2 January 2015 onwards.

*Product not available for account opening effective 2 January 2013


* Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor