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Say YES to simplicity

đť—Łđť—Ąđť—¨Signature Protect (this is an insurance product): Say YES to simplicity

Exactly what you need

PRUSignature Protect is a single premium non-participating individual term life insurance plan that offers insurance protection benefits.Download eBrochure here.

Say YES to PRUSignature Protect

Eligibility & Underwriting Requirement

Entry Age
18 to 60 years old
Policy Term Minimum: 5 years
Maximum: 35 years or up to age 70, whichever is earlier.
Basic Sum Assured (BSA) Minimum: RM100,000
Maximum: Subject to underwriting
Contact our Client Care Hotline at 1300 888 888
Visit the nearest Standard Chartered branch

Important notes


  • This is for your general information only. You are advised to visit any of our branches and ask for a copy of Product Brochure (if any), Product Disclosure Sheet and Sales Illustration before purchasing a plan, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the policy contract for details of the important features of the plan.
  • Buying life insurance policy is a long-term financial commitment. You should assess the affordability and suitability of the product (including supplementary benefits) that best suits your personal circumstances in relation to your financial goals and risk appetite. To achieve that, we recommend that you speak to your Bank Representative who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision.
  • This plan is underwritten by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad, and distributed by Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad (“Bank”). The Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for the plan or the products and services offered by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad.
  • Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is a licensed insurance company and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia. Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is responsible for the products and benefits offered by them, as well as any representation made in any of their marketing materials.
  • Any age reference shall be on the basis of age next birthday

The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy is(are) protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”) Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit http://www.pidm.gov.my).

Prudential         PIDM