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My prusignature infinite masthead

PRUSignature Infinite (this is an insurance product): Make wealth preservation your priority

Protection and potential returns to increase your sense of wellbeing

Safeguard your loved ones with a plan that multiplies in value to maximise protection.  

PRUSignature Infinite provides protection levels that make you feel safe

More details on PRUSignature Infinite
Age of Entry 1 to 70 years old Age Next Birthday (ANB)
Premium Payment Term 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years2
Policy Term Up to 100 years old3 ANB
Premium Payment Frequency / Mode Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly via direct debit or credit card
Sum Assured Multiplier, SAM
(Basic Sum Assured is derived based on SAM x annualized BUA premium)
Basic Level
Age Next Birthday Premium Payment Terms
(ANB) 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years
1-18 18X 33X 44X
19-25 30X 33X 44X
26-35 23X 28X 38X
36-45 19X 23X 33X
46-55 11X 14X 23X
56-60 9X 11X 17X
61-65 7X 11X N/A
66 and above 5X 9X N/A
Premier Level
3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years
1-18 12X 20X 35X 45X
19-25 20X 35X 35X 45X
26-35 15X 25X 30X 40X
36-45 12X 20X 25X 35X
46-55 8X 12X 15X 25X
56-60 6X 10X 12X 22X
61-65 5X 8X 12X N/A
66 and above 4X 6X 10X N/A
Size of Premium Basic Level
Premium Payment Term Minimum Premium Maximum Premium
5 years RM12,000 per year RM24,990 per year
10 years RM6,000 per year RM11,990 per year
20 years RM4,000 per year RM7,990 per year
Premier Level
Premium Payment Term Minimum Premium Maximum Premium
3 years RM40,000 per year Subject to underwriting
5 years RM25,000 per year
10 years RM12,000 per year
20 years RM8,000 per year
Benefits to expect with PRUSignature Infinite
Death Benefit

(Basic Sum Assured is derived based on SAM x annualised BUA premium)

Entry Age: 1 to 50 years old ANB
Death at age 70 next birthday or below

Higher of:

Basic Sum Assured


Total value of units

Death at age 71  next birthday or above

Higher of:

Total value of units



Entry Age: 51 to 70 years old ANB
Policy Year 1 – 20

Higher of:

Basic Sum Assured


Total value of units

Policy Year 21 and above

Higher of:

Total value of units



Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit

(TPD benefit is available before policy anniversary of age 70 next birthday)

Higher of:

Basic Sum Assured OR Total value of units

Maturity Benefit Total value of units at policy anniversary of the Life Assured’s age 100 next birthday
Charges applicable to PRUSignature Infinite
Administration Charge Deducted monthly from BUA to meet insurer’s policy expenses and direct distribution cost, including commission payable to the Bank.

% of administration charge (based on BUA account value + total BUA premium due but unpaid) according to the policy year is as illustrated below:

Policy Year Premium Payment Terms
3 Years / 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years
1 3.6% p.a. 3. 6% p.a. 2.2% p.a.
6 None
8 None  None
Insurance Charge A monthly insurance charge is levied depending on your chosen premium (Basic Level or Premier Level), attained age, gender, smoking status, occupational class, coverage selected and underwriting condition, among other factors.
Service Charge  RM5 per month (for direct debit/credit card)
Fund Management Charge Annual management fee (% of investment fund) deducted to cover cost of managing the investment fund. Varies depending on the fund selected. Please refer to the respective Fund Fact Sheet(s).
Partial Withdrawal Charge/ Surrender Charge For each partial withdrawal made [regardless of partial withdrawal made from BUA4 or Investment Unit Account (IUA)], a charge of RM25 will be imposed.

On top of that, for any partial withdrawal made from BUA, an additional charge might be imposed. Please refer to the table below for the additional charges.

Additional partial withdrawal charge (based on % of amount that is withdrawn from BUA) / surrender charge (based on % of value of units in BUA).

Policy Year Premium Payment Terms
3 Years / 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years
1 20% 35% 60%
2 15% 22% 30%
3 10% 16% 20%
4 5% 11% 15%
5 2% 7% 12%
6 None 3% 10%
7 1% 8%
8  None 6%
9 4%
10 2%
Fund Switching Fee Four free switches per policy year. Thereafter, minimum of 1.00% of the switched amount or RM50.
Top-up Charge RM25 will be charged for each Single Premium Top-up.
1Creditor proof only for PRUSignature Infinite with statutory trust [for non-Muslim policy owner, a trust can be created when the policy is nominated to Spouse, Children or Parent (if no spouse or child at the time of nomination). Under such circumstance, the designated beneficiaries can receive the monies under the trust policy]. Creditor proof means that the creditors will not be able to directly claim the insurance money to pay off debts. However, any debts outstanding will still need to be settled, whether by liquidating other assets or utilising the insurance money.

2Applicable for entry ANB 1 to 60.

3The policy coverage term and benefits payable shall depend on the policy having sufficient account value to cover all the policy charges. To ensure that the policy has sufficient account value, additional premiums may be required for continuous coverage up to policy anniversary of ANB 100.

4Partial withdrawal from BUA is only allowed from policy year 6 onwards.

Important Notices & Disclaimer

  • PRUSignature Infinite is a regular premium investment-linked insurance plan underwritten by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad 198301012262 (107655-U) and distributed by Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad (“Bank”) 198401003274. The Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for the plan or the products and services offered by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad.
  • Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is a licensed insurance company and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia. Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is responsible for the products and benefits offered by them, as well as any representation made in any of their marketing materials.
  •  This content contains only a brief description of the product and is not exhaustive. You are advised to visit any of our branches and to refer to Product Brochure (if any), Product Disclosure Sheet, Product Illustration and Fund Fact Sheet(s) (if any) before purchasing a policy, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the policy contract for details of the important features and benefits under the policy.
  • Buying life insurance policy is a long-term financial commitment. You should assess the affordability and suitability of the product (including supplementary benefits) that best suits your personal circumstances in relation to your financial goals and risk appetite. To achieve that, we recommend that you speak to your Bank Representative who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision.


PROTECTION BY PERBADANAN INSURANS DEPOSIT MALAYSIA (“PIDM”) ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS CERTIFICATE/POLICY IS(ARE) SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”) Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit http://www.pidm.gov.my).