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Give your loved ones a protected future ahead

People, Person, Man

Give your loved ones a protected future ahead

There’s no gift like the gift of protection to your loved ones

PRUSignature Vanguard (this is an insurance product) enables you to stay protected with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)1 and Critical Illness Benefits while enabling you to stay ahead by leaving a legacy for your loved ones if you pass on.

Key benefits

Give your protection a boost with payor riders

Payor Basic Payor Basic pays the Insurance Premium and PRUAllocator Premium (if any) upon Life Assured suffering from TPD6 or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period.
Payor Saver Payor Saver pays the Investment Premium upon Life Assured suffering from TPD6 or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period.
Spouse Payor Basic Spouse Payor Basic pays the Insurance Premium and PRUAllocator Premium (if any) upon Life Assured’s spouse suffering from TPD6, death or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period.
Spouse Payor Saver Spouse Payor Saver pays the Investment Premium upon Life Assured’s spouse suffering from TPD6, death or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period.
Parent Payor Basic Parent Payor Basic pays the Insurance Premium and PRUAllocator Premium (if any) upon Life Assured’s parent suffering from TPD6, death or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period or the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 25, whichever is earlier.
Parent Payor Saver Parent Payor Saver pays the Investment Premium upon Life Assured’s parent suffering from TPD6, death or diagnosis of a covered Critical Illness. Provided the policy is in force, this benefit will be payable until the end of the premium payment period or the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 25, whichever is earlier.

Important notes

1Accidental Death Benefit and TPD Benefit are available prior to the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 70, while the policy is in force.

2The Basic Sum Assured is subject to any decrease of sum assured due to accelerated sum assured paid out under Accelerating Critical Illness Benefit and any reduction due to Partial Withdrawal from Basic Unit Account (BUA).

3PRUSignature Vanguard offers a selection of different policy term options up to age next birthday 80, 90 or 100 (where applicable). This plan comes with Extension of Coverage Term to extend the term of basic plan up to the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 100. For rider(s), if applicable, the rider’s term will be extended up to the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 100 or the rider’s maximum coverage term, whichever is earlier. Unless you request to disable the Extension of Coverage Term, your policy will be auto extended as long as it has sufficient value of units to be deducted to pay for the relevant charges, fees and taxes during the extended term. To ensure sufficient value of units, additional premium is likely required during the extended term. During the extended coverage term, the coverage provided by the basic plan and rider(s) (if applicable) will remain the same.

4Loyalty Bonus and Loyalty Booster are payable subject to terms and conditions, and provided that the policy is still in force.

5Accelerating Critical Illness Benefit is available prior to the Policy Anniversary of Life Assured’s age next birthday 100 or expiry of policy, whichever is earlier.

6Refer to TPD event prior to the Policy Anniversary of insured life’s age next birthday 70 or expiry of the rider, whichever is earlier.


  • PRUSignature Vanguard is a regular premium investment-linked insurance plan underwritten by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad 198301012262 (107655-U) and distributed by Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad (“Bank”) 198401003274. The Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for the plan or the products and services offered by Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad.
  • Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is a licensed insurance company and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia. Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad is responsible for the products and benefits offered by them, as well as any representation made in any of their marketing materials.
  • This content contains only a brief description of the product and is not exhaustive. You are advised to visit any of our branches and to refer to Product Brochure (if any), Product Disclosure Sheet, Product Illustration and Fund Fact Sheet(s) (if any) before purchasing a policy, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the policy contract for details of the important features and benefits under the policy.
  • Buying life insurance policy is a long-term financial commitment. You should assess the affordability and suitability of the product (including supplementary benefits) that best suits your personal circumstances in relation to your financial goals and risk appetite. To achieve that, we recommend that you speak to your Bank Representative who will perform a needs analysis and assist you in making an informed decision.


PROTECTION BY PERBADANAN INSURANS DEPOSIT MALAYSIA (“PIDM”) ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS CERTIFICATE/POLICY IS(ARE) SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”)Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit http://www.pidm.gov.my).