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Diversify your Income


Diversify your Income


Title Diversify Your Income
Webinar Details We understand that your savings buy you less these days as price have risen faster than savings rate.

What is your next best option when Banks no longer offer high interest rates for your savings?

Join us if you are in search for ideas to diversify your income stream.

Host Ivy Seah

Investment Advisor

Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia

Speaker(s) Vincent Chan

Head, Multi-Asset

Fullerton Fund Management, Singapore

Registration Link https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/xtbzhage
Post event
Key Takeaways
1. Stay positive equity markets
Economic and earnings growth will be sustained by supportive fiscal spending and liquidity injection by major central banks. Weaker Asia equity markets and lower bond yields offer opportunities to gradually add equity and reduce government bonds. Technology, Consumer Discretionary and Materials sectors are highly valued now.


2. Diversify your income
Generating income from bonds has become challenging against the backdrop of low interest rate environment. Investors should consider diversifying their investment from bond funds to Balanced/Growth funds to ride on the market recovery and potentially gain better total return.


3. Invest for longer term through Principal Heritage Series
The series of income, balanced and growth funds invest in bonds, Asian equities and Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) to generate monthly income that ranges between 1.5% to 4.5% p.a. The dynamic asset allocation will help investors to cushion through market cycles while generating potential capital upside.


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