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This document is not intended to be an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase securities.
The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed in good faith to be reliable and the opinions, analyses, forecasts, projections and expectations (collectively “Opinions”) contained herein are based on such information and are expressions of belief only.
No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made that such information or Opinions is accurate, complete or verified and should not be relied on as such. Information and Opinions contained herein are published for recipients’ reference only.
As with any other form of financial product, the financial product introduced herein carries risks, and you may not get back the amount you originally invested. You should be aware that this financial product may not be suitable for potential investors who are averse to such risks, and to consider the fees and charges involved.
You are advised to read and understand the approved relevant documents accompanying and relating to the product (whether prospectuses, information memorandum or deed) for inherent risks of investing in the product.
If in doubt, potential investors should seek independent advice. Investment in this financial product is neither deposited with nor guaranteed by Standard Chartered or its subsidiaries. Accordingly, neither the Bank nor any of its related companies shall have any responsibility whatsoever to any investor for any losses which the investor may suffer as a result of the performance of the product.