Fixed / Regular Income Investments

A smart and convenient way to invest to achieve your long-term goals

Types of Fixed/Regular Income Investments

Government Certificates

Defense Saving Certificates (DSC)

To meet the financial needs of long-term category investors and provide them with the opportunity to take maximum benefit of their savings, DSCs have been specifically been designed to meet the future requirements of the depositors with a maturity period of 10 years.


  • Available in denomination of Rs.500, Rs.1,000, Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000, Rs.50,000, Rs.100,000, Rs.500,000 and Rs.1,000,000/=
  • No maximum investment limits
  • Encashable at par any time after the date of purchase. However, no profit is payable if encashment is made before completion of one complete year.
  • Pledgable
  • Zakat and Taxes are applicable


Premium Prize Bonds (Registered)

Premium Prize Bond (Registered) (PPB) is a savings scheme by Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) governed under the “Premium Prize Bonds (Registered) Rules, 2017”. The investor in PPB can get a six-monthly profit on investment and is eligible for prize money in quarterly draws.


  • Available in PKR 25,000/- and PKR 40,000/- Denominations.
  • Registered in the name of investor.
  • Direct Credit of Prize Money and Profit in Investors Bank Account.
  • Unlimited Investment and Tenure.
  • WHT applicable & Exempt from Zakat.


Special Saving Certificates (SSC)

This is three years maturity scheme where profit is paid on the completion of each period of six months. These certificates are available in the denomination of Rs.500, Rs.1,000, Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000, Rs.50,000, Rs.100,000, Rs.500,000 and Rs.1,000,000/=


  • Available in denomination of Rs.500, Rs.1,000, Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000, Rs.50,000, Rs.100,000, Rs.500,000 and Rs.1,000,000/=
  • No maximum investment limits
  • Encashable at par any time after the date of purchase. However, no profit is payable if encashment is made before completion of one complete year.
  • Pledgable
  • Zakat and Taxes are applicable


Government Bonds/Sukuk

Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)

PIBs are medium to long-term investment instruments with fixed/floating coupon payments guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.


  • Long-term, coupon bearing instruments with semi-annual (six monthly) coupon payments.
  • Available maturities up to 10 Years.
  • Auction schedule and targets for fresh PIBs issuance announced by SBP on a quarterly basis
  • Guaranteed by Government of Pakistan
Treasury Bills (T-Bills)

T Bills are short term discount securities guaranteed by Government of Pakistan.


  • Short-term, highly liquid zero-coupon Government Debt Instruments.
  • Sold at discount to face value.
  • Tenors up to 1 Year.
  • Tradable in the secondary market
Ijarah Sukuks

Medium to long-term investment instruments with floating coupon payments guaranteed by Government of Pakistan.


  • Shariah compliant
  • Low risk
  • Semi-annual profit payments
  • Tradable in secondary market

Note: Please check with your respective RM for product availability

Retail Sukuks

Retail Sukuks are medium to long-term investment instruments with floating coupon payments


  • Shariah compliant
  • Low to Medium risk
  • Periodic profit payments (depending on product structure)

Note: Please check with your respective RM for product availability

Certificate of Deposit

Certificate of Musharika

Certificate of Musharika (COM) is a shariah compliant profit and loss sharing scheme, with an indicative rate of return with tenor up to one year.


  • Shariah compliant
  • Secure and Rewarding Returns
  • Low risk
  • Periodic payout option
Tenure Less than 5 Million 5 Million to less than 10 Million 10 Million to less than 20 Million 20 Million to less than 50 Million 50 Million to less than 100 Million Greater than 100 Million
3 Months 4.00% 4.05% 4.10% 4.15% 4.20% 4.25%
6 months 6.00% 6.05% 6.10% 6.15% 6.20% 6.25%
1 Year – Monthly Profit 10.00% 10.05% 10.10% 10.20% 10.30% 10.50%
1 Year – Quarterly Profit 10.05% 10.10% 10.15% 10.25% 10.35% 10.55%
1 Year – Half Yearly Profit 10.10% 10.15% 10.20% 10.30% 10.40% 10.60%
1 – Year Profit on Maturity 10.25% 10.30% 10.35% 10.45% 10.55% 10.75%

Naya Pakistan Certificate

Naya Pakistan Certificates with more than one-year maturity are long-term, coupon bearing instruments with regular coupon payments and maturities as governed by SBP while Naya Pakistan Certificates with maturity of one year or less are short-term instruments, highly liquid and carry interest/coupon as determined by SBP.

Currency of Issue: USD, EUR, GBP and PKR or any other currency as notified by the regulator

Minimum Investment:

  • EUR 1,000 and multiples of EUR 500 thereon for EUR certificates.
  • GBP 1,000 and multiples of GBP 500 thereon for GBP certificates.
  • USD 1,000 and multiples of USD 500 thereon for USD certificates.
  • PKR 10,000 and multiples of PKR 1,000 thereon for PKR certificates.

Important Documents:

3-Month 7.00% p.a. 13.50% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 7.25% p.a.
6-Month 7.00% p.a. 13.50% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 7.25% p.a.
12-Month 7.00% p.a. 13.00% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 7.25% p.a.
3-Year 7.50% p.a. 12.50% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 7.50% p.a.
5-Year 7.50% p.a. 12.50% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 7.50% p.a.
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*Revised rates are effective from February 20, 2025, as per SBP FD circular no. 1 of 2025 and S.R.O. 174(I)/2025

Islamic Naya Pakistan Certificates

Islamic certificates are Shariah Compliant long-term & short-term profit bearing instruments with regular profit payments with maturities as governed by SBP.

Currency of Issue: USD, EUR, GBP and PKR or any other currency as notified by the regulator

Minimum Investment:

  • EUR 1,000 and multiples of EUR 500 thereon for EUR certificates.
  • GBP 1,000 and multiples of GBP 500 thereon for GBP certificates.
  • USD 1,000 and multiples of USD 500 thereon for USD certificates.
  • PKR 10,000 and multiples of PKR 1000 thereon for PKR certificates.

Profit Sharing Ratio & Profit Weightage: Click Here

Encashment Schedule:

Important Documents:

3-Month 8.25% p.a. 21.00% p.a. 6.25% p.a. 7.25% p.a.
6-Month 8.50% p.a. 21.25% p.a. 6.50% p.a. 7.50% p.a.
12-Month 9.00% p.a. 21.50% p.a. 7.00% p.a. 8.00% p.a.
3-Year 8.00% p.a. 17.50% p.a. 6.50% p.a. 7.50% p.a.
5-Year 8.00% p.a. 15.00% p.a. 6.50% p.a. 7.50% p.a.
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These are instruments where the issuer (the borrower/customer) issues a security for purchase by the security holder (the lender/financier). These instruments pay investors periodic fixed/floating returns until the maturity date. At maturity, investors are repaid the principal amount (Face Value). These instruments are issued by financial and non-banking financial institutions, corporations and governments.

  • They provide steady income to investors throughout the life of the instrument.
  • They are rated by credit rating agencies allowing investors to choose instruments as per their respective risk profiles.

SCBPL is only the distributor of these products.

SCBPL offers Shariah Compliant Regular Income Products. Please contact your RM to check for product availability.

The Islamic Regular Income Products adhere to Islamic principle of avoiding interest/riba as they are usually based on sale, lease, partnership (Modarba) or agency relationship.

Par Value is the amount of money a bondholder will get back once a bond matures.

The amount the bondholder/sukuk holder will receive as interest payments/ profit payments and is always calculated on Face Value/ Par Value.

This is the holding period profit that accrues to the holder of the security for the time period of holding. In other words, this is the return (interest/profit) that is due to the holder of the security.

Yield to Maturity (YTM) – The rate of return that an investor would achieve on a bond/sukuk, if he/she bought it at a given price and held it to maturity; the internal rate of return on investment.

The minimum investment amount is PKR. 1,000,000/-

IPS Accounts are custodial accounts maintained for buying and holding Government Securities (PIBs, T-Bills, Sukuk or any other such security issued by State Bank of Pakistan from time to time on behalf of Government of Pakistan). Individuals with a PKR denominated account with SCBPL are eligible to open an IPS account.

The investment is subject to the deduction of Withholding Tax as per prevailing Tax Laws.

Please see the SOCs for latest charges.

Certificate of Deposit (COD) is a savings certificate with a fixed maturity date and specified interest rate.

Certificate of Musharaka (COM) is a Shariah compliant Certificate of Deposit. It is a profit and loss sharing scheme, with a projected rate of return and maturity period as per chosen tenor. SCBPL offers COM issued by Orix Modaraba.

COD/COM is not Bank Savings or a Term Deposit.

Profit payment frequency can be monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly or on maturity as selected on the application.

The minimum investment amount is PKR. 100,000/-

Certificate issuer may apply the following:

  • No profit payment on encashment before completion of one month from the date of investment.
  • All premature encashment after one month will incur a downward profit rate adjustment.
  • 1% of the encashment value on redemption of COMs prior to maturity at discretion of the issuer.

The payment of profits, encashment value is subject to Zakat deduction (if attested copy of CZ-50 is not provided to ORIXM at any time prior to redemption), Withholding Tax and/or Capital Gain Tax where applicable.

You can get your funds back into your account within 10 working days from the submission of attested copy of SNIC/CNIC, request for encashment, along with original certificates (duly discharged) at any SCBPL branch.

DSCs can be encashed at par any time after the date of purchase. However, no profit is payable if encashment is made before completion of one complete year.

SSCs can be encashed at par any time after the date of purchase. However, no profit is payable if encashment is made before completion of six months and no service charges shall be deducted for the encashment of these certificates.

DSCs and SSCs can be pledged.

Certificates issued/purchased/ reinvested on or after November 15th, 2010 shall not be automatically reinvested (rolled over) on maturity.

Zakat shall be deducted at source as per rules.

The investment is subject to the deduction of Tax as per prevailing Tax Laws.

The Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) initiated a new registered prize bonds scheme called “PREMIUM PRIZE BONDS (REGISTERED)” parallel to the National Prize Bonds Scheme. Contrary to the National Prize Bonds (bearer), the Premium Prize Bond is a registered prize bond which is issued in the name of registered investor. The investor gets a six monthly profit on investment at a rate notified by the Government of Pakistan upon completion of six month period either from the date of issue or date of last profit paid in addition to eligibility for prize money in quarterly draws, subject to compliance to shut period requirements.

Presently, there are two denominations i.e. Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 40,000/-

The Premium Prize Bond Scheme is a product of Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS). These Bonds are issued as a Federal Government Debt by the office of State Bank of Pakistan Banking Services Corporation or branch of designated commercial bank.

Any investment made under Premium Prize Bond Scheme and profit earned thereon is exempted from compulsory deduction of Zakat. However, withholding tax on both the profit (Section 151 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001) and prize money (Section 156 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001) shall be applicable as per the prevailing rate notified by the Federal Government.

The Premium Prize Bonds are issued for unlimited tenor without any maturity, till such time it is encashed by the registered holder or withdrawn by the Government.

There is no maximum limit in number or value for purchase of Premium Prize Bonds. However, these bonds shall be issued in multiples of its face value only.

Premium Prize Bonds can be encashed by the registered investor at any time after its issuance from office of issue. No deduction will be made on face value.

Profit on PPBs is notified by the Finance Division GoP from time to time. Prevailing profit rates can be viewed at

The Draws for each denomination of Premium Prize Bonds are held on quarterly basis. Profit payment is semi-annual, subject to completion of six months from the date of issuance or profit paid.

The investor is not required to submit any claim as the prize money against winning Premium Prize Bonds is directly credited to registered investor’s Bank account provided at the time of purchase of respective bond. Like prize money, the investor is not required to submit any claim for profit payment. The profit on investment is directly credited on due dates into the registered bank account of the investor provided in the application.

Yes, PPBs can be transferred from one person to another person; however:

  • Transfer of Bonds is only available for individual investor(s).
  • The investor can only transfer PPBs from the same commercial bank irrespective of the branch.
  • Personal presence of both the Transferor and Transferee is mandatory
  • The original PPBs to be transferred must be presented along with a duly filled Application Form for the transfer of PPBs and identity document.
  • Transferor of bonds before the completion of six months period either from the date of issuance or date of last profit will not be paid any profit for the broken period.
  • Transfer of prize winning bonds from one person to another will only be allowed subequent to settlement of outstanding prize money in the regisered investor’s account.
  • After transfer of title, the Transferor shall relinquish all his / her claims in terms of principal, profit and prize money (if any).


The contents of this webpage are for general information only and do not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation of an offer to enter into a transaction or adopt any hedging, trading or investment strategy, nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future movements in rates or prices or any representation that any such future movements will not exceed those shown in any illustration.

It has not been prepared for any particular person or class of persons and it has been prepared without regards to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of the product for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether this product is suitable for you.

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This information attributable to Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited having its registered office at PO Box 5556, I.I Chundrigar Road Karachi, which is a banking company registered with State Bank of Pakistan under Banking Companies Ordinance 1962 and is also having licensed issued by Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan for Securities Advisor. Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited acts as a distributor of mutual funds and other third-party financial products.


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