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Person, Human, Vegetation
  1. Personal Loans and Mortgages
  2. Mortgages
  3. Green Mortgage

Green Mortgage

Make a positive impact on society and the environment

Green Mortgage Promotion Benefits
  • In support of

    towards a greener built environment

  • Make a difference in

    your carbon emissions

  • Enjoy a

    interest rate on your mortgage loan

Make a positive impact on society and the environment by taking out a Green Mortgage.

Delivering Sustainable Finance where it matters the most


Over 885k microfinance loans enabled


1.4 million tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided


Nearly 20,000 SME loans disbursed


70% of our total Sustainable Finance assets are located in emerging markets. 84% of them are in Asia, Africa and the Middle East
How does the Green Mortgage Promotion work?

You will enjoy a pricing discount on your mortgage loan should you meet the following conditions:

  • Your mortgage property must have a valid Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark rating of Green Mark Gold, Green Mark GoldPlus, Green Mark Platinum, or Green Mark Super Low Energy (SLE), which includes Green Mark GoldPlus SLE and Green Mark Platinum SLE, which is within 3 years from the certification year
  • You must apply for a new mortgage loan or reprice your existing loan with the bank
  • You must take up a floating rate package, which is a  SORA-Pegged package.

Refer to the Standard Chartered Green Mortgage Terms and Conditions which apply1.

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The BCA Green Mark certification scheme was launched in 2005, and is a green building rating system designed to evaluate a building’s environmental impact and performance from design to operational stage. The scheme is refreshed every few years to stay relevant with the latest being the BCA Green Mark 2021 (GM: 2021) certification scheme. The refreshed scheme encourages the industry and professionals to collaborate and develop green building solutions to raise energy efficiency and attain standards to achieve sustainability outcomes outlined in the Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP). One of the targets under SGBMP is to have at least 80% of buildings in Singapore (by Gross Floor Area) to be green by 2030.

You may do so at the following link: https://www.sleb.sg/Building/GreenMarkBuildingsDirectory

Yes, provided the properties meet the eligibility criteria.

The Bank has a Green and Social Sustainable Finance Product Framework. This defines eligibility for a ‘sustainability’ label for all products across the Bank. It was co-authored with Sustainalytics, the leading provider of ESG data and verification.

Our Sustainable Product Framework and our Sustainable Finance Impact Report can be found here.

The Bank has various products that support sustainability by generating social and environmental benefits. For Green Mortgages, we are encouraging our customers to purchase green properties which  have lower carbon footprints and consume less energy. Other products that support sustainability are Sustainable Time Deposits and ESG Unit Trusts.

Late payment fee: S$50 for SGD loans

Default rate: 5% above SGD Prime lending rate* on the overdue instalment amount for SGD loans

*Prime lending rate is a minimum indicative interest rate charged by the bank, and is usually used as a benchmark for loans.

Refer to our pricing guide for the full list of fees and charges.

The Standard Chartered Green Mortgage Promotion (“Promotion”) is available from now to 31 March 2025 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”) to all new and existing customers of Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (the “Bank”), who are individuals. By participating in the Promotion, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. To be eligible for the Promotion: a. you must submit an application to the Bank during the Promotion Period: i. for a new Eligible Mortgage Facility with the Bank; or ii. to reprice your existing Mortgage Facility with the Bank to an Eligible Mortgage Facility (each such application a “Repricing Application”). The Property must have a BCA Green Mark Rating of “Green Mark Platinum”, “Green Mark GoldPlus”, or “Green Mark Gold”. You should inform us of the rating in the application form, or, in the case of a Repricing Application, on the call with the Bank’s mortgage repricing unit. The BCA Green Mark Rating must be valid as determined by 3 years from the certification year, as reflected on the SLEB Green Mark Building Directory: https://www.sleb.sg/Building/GreenMarkBuildingsDirectory.
  • Click here for the full terms and conditions.

Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not are not insured.

You are encouraged to read the ABS Guide on Home Loans before committing to any housing loan. The Guide is available on MoneySENSE’s and ABS websites in the four official languages.

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priority banking