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MortgageOne SIBOR

Smarter solutions for your financing needs

Employee Banking Benefits


  • For new purchase
    • Standard current promotional pricing applies.

    • For refinancing / cashout
    • Up to S$1,800#for legal fee subsidy
    • Cash rebate of S$300#

For Walk-In Customers

  • For new purchase
    • Standard current promotional pricing applies.

  • For refinancing / cashout
    • Standard current promotional pricing applies.

Important Notes

Promotions are applicable for private properties only with a minimum loan size of S$500,000. For a limited period till 31 December 2017, you will be eligible to enjoy the promotion, if you satisfy the following requirements:
(a) you must be an employee of Prudential or its subsidiaries in Singapore;

(b) you must apply for and have your application for the SuperSalary account (“SuperSalary Account”), the Bonus$aver account (“Bonus$aver Account”) or any other eligible current and savings account offered by the Bank in conjunction with the Standard Chartered Employee Banking Programme (the “EB Programme”) (as the case may be) approved by the Bank (the “Eligible Account”);

(c) you must successfully make arrangements for either (i) the crediting of your monthly salary by your employer (being an EB Company) into your Eligible Account with the Bank; or (ii) the transfer of your monthly salary from your account with another bank to your Eligible Account with the Bank by way of a GIRO application

(d) you must satisfy and/or comply with any additional criteria prescribed for the individual banking product below set out under Mortgage Suite; and

(e) your SuperSalary Account, your Bonus$aver Account or any other banking product offered by the Bank in conjunction with the EB Programme (as the case may be) must be validly existing (i.e. must not be suspended, cancelled or terminated), in good standing, and conducted in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined in the Bank’s sole and absolute discretion

For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not be eligible for any of the benefits and privileges offered under this EB Programme for the promotion if and when (i) you cease to be an employee of a participating company (the “EB Company”) of the EB Programme;the EB Company; (ii) the EB Company ceases to be a participating company of the EB Programme; or (iii) the EB Programme is terminated for any reason whatsoever at the Bank’s sole and absolute discretion. In that event, you agree that the Bank may withdraw and/or remove any benefit conferred on you under the EB Programme, and recover such benefit and/or any loss suffered as a consequence of the foregoing.

* Subject to no agent referral fees and/or Member-Get-Member (MGM) fees.
# Subject to clawback if loan is redeemed in the first 3 years.