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Get S$40 Grabfood Vouchers and 2 free virtual GP consultations with Doctor Anywhere when you purchase a plan by 30 Sep20. T&C apply

Allianz Accident Protect

Get comprehensive protection with 24-hour worldwide coverage with Allianz Accident Protect. Underwritten by Allianz.

Promotion from 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020

Receive S$40 worth of Grabfood Vouchers and two complimentary virtual consultations (General Practitioner only) with Doctor Anywhere worth S$40 when you purchase an Allianz Accident Protect policy by 30 September 2020. T&Cs apply.

Enjoy 10% off your first year’s premium1 and a basic dental check-up and teeth cleaning (scaling and polishing) package worth $100  Z

Key Coverage Highlights

Medical & Surgical Expense

In addition to the Accident Death Coverage, Allianz will also indemnify for medical expenses incurred by the Insured Person as a result of an Accident, including chiropractor or TCM practitioner medical expenses.

Mobility Aids and Home Modification Benefit
Any mobility aids (including wheelchair and walking aids) prescribed by the medical practitioner and any home modifications of your flat for coping with the permanent disablement will be covered.

Lump Sum Payment upon diagnosis of Infectious Disease including Dengue and HFMD
Lump sum payment upon diagnosis of Dengue, Zika, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Chikungunya, and Hand Foot Mouth Disease.

Optional Add-ons
Extend to include Hospitalisation Benefit, Weekly Cash Benefits, or Dependent Cover Benefits.

No Claim Bonus
Insured Person can enjoy 10% premium discount for each year without a claim, up to a maximum of 30%.

15% Discount for Couple / Family Plans
Insured Person can add his/her spouse, as well as up to 10 children in the policy for a couple / family plan.

Coverage / Benefits Schedule

Allianz Accident Protect
Limit of Liability (SGD)
Silver Gold Platinum Child
Section 1: Basic Personal Accident Benefits

(a) Accidental Death

$50,000 $100,000 $300,000 $25,000
(b) Total Permanent Disability and

(c) Partial Permanent Disability

$50,000 $100,000 $300,000 $25,000
(d) Bereavement Allowance / Grant $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $2,500
(e) Medical & Surgical Expenses

(per accident)

$2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $2,500
(f) Ambulance / Transport Fee $200 per accident
(g) Mobility Aids & Home Modification

(per accident)

$5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $5,000
(h) Infectious Disease Benefits

Lump sum payment due to diagnosis of Dengue, Zika, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Chikungunya, and Hand Foot Mouth Disease

$200/event $400/event $600/event $200/event
Section 2: Hospitalisation Benefits (OPTIONAL)
(a) Daily Hospital Cash

(max 750 days per accident)

$50/day $100/day $200/day $25/day
(b) Double Daily Hospital Cash in ICU

(max 90 days per accident)

$100/day $200/day $400/day $50/day
(c) Recuperation Benefit

Payable from the 1st day of discharged from hospital after confinement in hospital for at least 7 consecutive days (max 30 days per accident)

$50/day $100/day $200/day $25/day
Section 3: Weekly Cash Benefits (OPTIONAL)
(a) Weekly Cash Benefit due to temporary disablement

(up to 104 weeks per accident)

$100/week $200/week $400/week n/a
Section 4: Dependent Cover Benefits (OPTIONAL)
(a) Child Education Fund

Lump sum payment to each child upon Accidental Death & Total Permanent Disability of Insured Person

$25,000 $50,000 $100,000 n/a
NO CLAIMS BONUS of 10% each year, up to a maximum of 30%
Premium Table

Premiums displayed are before discount and inclusive of 7% GST.

Annual Premium (SGD)
Section 1: Basic PA $179.76 $333.84 $731.88 $64.20
Section 2: Hospitalisation (OPTIONAL) $102.72 $192.60 $385.20 $38.52
Section 3: Weekly Cash Benefits (OPTIONAL) $51.36 $115.56 $218.28
Section 4: Dependent Cover – per child (OPTIONAL) $38.52 $64.20 $141.24
Monthly Premium (SGD) Silver Gold Platinum Child
Section 1: Basic PA $14.98 $27.82 $60.99 $5.35
Section 2: Hospitalisation (OPTIONAL) $8.56 $16.05 $32.10 $3.21
Section 3: Weekly Cash Benefits (OPTIONAL) $4.28 $9.63 $18.19
Section 4: Dependent Cover – per child (OPTIONAL) $3.21 $5.35 $11.77

Premium rates are inclusive of 7% GST.


1. The Insured Person must be:
(a) Holding a valid Singapore identification document such as a Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent’s Pass or other recognised work pass entitling the holder thereof to remain, or enter and remain, in Singapore; and
(b) (i) for an Adult, between 18 and 65 years old (both ages inclusive) on the first effective date of the Policy, or up to eighty (80) years old for renewal policies.
(ii) for a Child, between 30 days and 18 years old or 24 years old for those registered as full time students at an Educational Institution.


  • Yes you can, as long as you hold a valid Singapore identification document such as a Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent’s Pass or other recognised work pass entitling the holder to remain in Singapore.

  • You must be between 18 and 65 years old on the first effective date of the Policy, or up to 80 years old for renewal policies. For your children, they must be between 30 days and 18 years old and this can go up to 24 years old if they are registered as full time students at an Educational Institution.

  • Yes you can purchase a policy for your legally married spouse and children. However, parents, parents-in-law and siblings are not permitted.

  • Yes, provided that you did not reside outside of Singapore for more than 90 consecutive days before the Accident. If you did reside outside of Singapore for more than 90 consecutive days, then only the Death and Permanent Disability benefits are payable.

  • No medical examination is required.

  • Yes, certain benefits such as death and disablement benefits are claimable under all policies. For any expenses actually incurred such as Medical and Surgical expenses, only the amount that is not recoverable from any other insurance policies will be reimbursed.

  • Yes, you can cancel the policy at any time by informing Allianz at CustomerService@allianz.com.sg or 1800 222 1818 with your full name, NRIC and policy details. Allianz will refund the premium on a pro-rata basis.

  • Yes, exclusions include pre-existing conditions, certain occupational activities and childbirth/pregnancy. For more information and the full list of exclusions, please refer the Policy Wording.

  • No, the premiums for Allianz Accident Protect will not increase with age.

  • You can contact the Claims Department at Claims@allianz.com.sg or 1800 222 1818 as soon as possible and complete a Claim form to assist the claim process. Written proof of the accident such as police report, invoices and all supporting documents must be furnished as proof of claim.

Important Notes


This webpage is not a contract of insurance and reference should be made to the actual policy for the exact terms and conditions applicable to the insurance policy, which will be sent to you upon acceptance of your application by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE Singapore, (“Allianz”). It does not constitute an offer to buy or sell an insurance product or service. It is also not intended to provide any insurance or financial advice. All insurance products described in this webpage are underwritten by Allianz, and they are not products of, nor are they underwritten by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (“SCBSL”).

SCBSL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever regarding your application or the contract of insurance. In facilitating insurance arrangements or in referring customers to any insurer, the Bank SCBSL is acting in alliance with the insurer and not as an agent for customers.  You may wish to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase this product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether this product is suitable for you.

This Policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your Policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Allianz or visit the GIA or SDIC websites. (www.gia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg).