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Get S$40 Grabfood Vouchers and 2 free virtual GP consultations with Doctor Anywhere when you purchase a plan by 30 Sep20. T&C apply

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Allianz cancer protect provides coverage masthead image treatmentsx

Get S$40 Grabfood Vouchers and 2 free virtual GP consultations with Doctor Anywhere when you purchase a plan by 30 Sep20. T&C apply


Allianz Cancer Protect provides coverage for you on diagnosis of cancer to alleviate your financial burden from the costs of treatments. Underwritten by Allianz

Promotion from 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020

Receive S$40 worth of Grabfood Vouchers and two complimentary virtual consultations (General Practitioner only) with Doctor Anywhere worth S$40 when you purchase an Allianz Cancer Protect policy by 30 September 2020. T&Cs apply.

Coverage / Benefits schedule


Allianz Cancer Protect

Benefit Limit (S$)
Coverage Silver Gold Platinum
Invasive Cancer3 Benefit

Pays out lump sum upon diagnosis (less any amount which had already been paid for Non-Invasive Cancer, in the current or any preceding period of insurance)

50,000 75,000 100,000
Non-Invasive Cancer3 Benefit

Pays out lump sum upon diagnosis (1 claim per lifetime)

10,000 15,000 20,000
Monthly Income Benefit

Payable up to 12 months upon diagnosis of Invasive Cancer

1,500/month 2,500/month 3,500/month

There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. These are stated as exclusions in the contract/policy wording.

You are advised to read the policy wording for the full list of exclusions

1 Benefit Limit is based on Allianz Cancer Protect Platinum Plan.

2 Premium is calculated based on male, age 18 (the minimum age for adult) for Allianz Cancer Protect Silver Plan.

3 The definitions of invasive Cancer and Non-invasive Cancers can be found in the Allianz Cancer Protect Policy Wordings

There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. These are stated as exclusions in the contract/policy wording.

You are advised to read the policy wording for the full list of exclusions

1 Benefit Limit is based on Allianz Cancer Protect Platinum Plan.

2 Premium is calculated based on male, age 18 (the minimum age for adult) for Allianz Cancer Protect Silver Plan.

3 The definitions of invasive Cancer and Non-invasive Cancers can be found in the Allianz Cancer Protect Policy Wordings

There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. These are stated as exclusions in the contract/policy wording.

You are advised to read the policy wording for the full list of exclusions

1 Benefit Limit is based on Allianz Cancer Protect Platinum Plan.

2 Premium is calculated based on male, age 18 (the minimum age for adult) for Allianz Cancer Protect Silver Plan.

3 The definitions of invasive Cancer and Non-invasive Cancers can be found in the Allianz Cancer Protect Policy Wordings

Annual Premium Table (in SGD inclusive of GST)

*For renewal only

Age Male Female Male Female Male Female
0 to 15 54.00 43.20 82.80 66.00 111.60 88.80
16 to 20 80.40 85.20 123.60 130.80 166.80 177.60
21 to 25 98.40 148.80 151.20 229.20 205.20 309.60
26 to 30 136.80 205.20 211.20 315.60 285.60 426.00
31 to 35 159.60 226.80 247.20 349.20 333.60 471.60
36 to 40 208.80 381.60 321.60 588.00 434.40 795.60
41 to 45 262.80 424.80 404.40 654.00 547.20 883.20
46 to 50 404.40 495.60 622.80 764.40 842.40 1,033.20
51 to 55 524.40 583.20 810.00 900.00 1,094.40 1,215.60
56 to 60 910.80 807.60 1,405.20 1,245.60 1,900.80 1,682.40
61 to 65 1,261.20 980.40 1,946.40 1,512.00 2,631.60 2,043.60
*66 to 70 1,959.60 1,224.00 3,024.00 1,887.60 4,089.60 2,551.20
*71 to 75 2,439.60 1,272.00 3,765.60 1,959.60 5,091.60 2,648.40
*76 to 79 2,816.40 1,522.80 4,347.60 2,347.20 5,878.80 3,172.80

*For renewal only

Monthly Premium Table (in SGD inclusive of GST)

*For renewal only

Age Male Female Male Female Male Female
0 to 5 4.50 3.60 6.90 5.50 9.30 7.40
6 to 15 4.50 5.30 6.90 8.20 9.30 11.10
16 to 20 6.70 7.10 10.30 10.90 13.90 14.80
21 to 25 8.20 12.40 12.60 19.10 17.10 25.80
26 to 30 11.40 17.10 17.60 26.30 23.80 35.50
31 to 35 13.30 18.90 20.60 29.10 27.80 39.30
36 to 40 17.40 31.80 26.80 49.00 36.20 66.30
41 to 45 21.90 35.40 33.70 54.50 45.60 73.60
46 to 50 33.70 41.30 51.90 63.70 70.20 86.10
51 to 55 43.70 48.60 67.50 75.00 91.20 101.30
56 to 60 75.90 67.30 117.10 103.80 158.40 140.20
61 to 65 105.10 81.70 162.20 126.00 219.30 170.30
*66 to 70 163.30 102.00 252.00 157.30 340.80 212.60
*71 to 75 203.30 106.00 313.80 163.30 424.30 220.70
*76 to 79 234.70 126.90 362.30 195.60 489.90 264.40

*For renewal only


The Insured Person must be:

(a) Holding a valid Singapore identification document such as a Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent’s Pass or other recognised work pass entitling the holder thereof to remain, or enter and remain, in Singapore; and

(b) (i) for an Adult, between 18 and 65 years old (both ages inclusive), or up to 79 years old for renewal policies,

(b) (ii) for a Child, between 30 days and 18 years old or 24 years old for those registered as full time students at an Educational Institution.

*For renewal only

Allianz Cancer Protect Product FAQ

  • Yes you can, as long as you hold a valid Singapore identification document such as a Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent’s Pass or other recognised work pass entitling you to remain in Singapore.

  • Yes you can, however only for your legally married spouse and children.  Parents, parents-in-law and siblings are not permitted.

  • No medical examination is required. However, you will need to answer 2 to 3 underwriting questions at point of sale for Allianz to determine if the application can be accepted.

  • No, claims received from other insurance companies will not affect the benefits payable to an Insured under the Allianz Cancer Protect plan.

  • No, Allianz will only permit one policy per insured person.c

  • However, if you cancel the policy after the 14-days Free Look period, where the policy premium is paid on a monthly basis, your monthly premium will not be refunded. Where the policy premium is paid on an annual basis, your refund will be the pro-rata premium for the unexpired period, subject to no claims being made.

  • You can only claim for this benefit once. Once the claim is made and accepted, no further Non-Invasive Cancer Benefit shall be paid, whether during the current or preceding Period of Insurance.

  • If you claim for the Non-Invasive Cancer Benefit, Allianz will pay out this benefit in a one-time lumpsum and the benefit for Invasive Cancer will correspondingly be reduced. If you claim for the Invasive Cancer Benefit, Allianz will pay out this benefit in a one-time lump sum (less any amount paid out for the Non-Invasive Cancer Benefit), and the monthly income benefit up to 12 months,  and thereafter the policy will be terminated.

  • Yes, there is a waiting period of 90 days from the effective date of the policy.

  • You can contact Allianz customerservice@Allianz.com.sg or 1800 222 1818 or +65 6222 1919 as soon as possible and complete a Claim form and other required forms as necessary and submit these along with supporting documents as proof of claim to assist the claim process.

Important Notes


This webpage is not a contract of insurance and reference should be made to the actual policy for the exact terms and conditions applicable to the insurance policy, which will be sent to you upon acceptance of your application by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE Singapore Branch, (“Allianz”). It does not constitute an offer to buy or sell an insurance product or service. It is also not intended to provide any insurance or financial advice. All insurance products described in this webpage are underwritten by Allianz and they are not products of, nor are they underwritten by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (“SCBSL”).

SCBSL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever regarding your application or the contract of insurance. In facilitating insurance arrangements or in referring customers to any insurer, SCBSL is acting in alliance with the insurer and not as an agent for customers.  You may wish to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase this product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether this product is suitable for you. If, after purchasing the policy, you decide that the policy is not suitable for you, you may terminate the policy in accordance with the free-look provision, if any, and Allianz may recover from you any expense incurred by them in underwriting the policy.

This Policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your Policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Allianz or visit the GIA or SDIC websites (www.gia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg).