Being in control of your wealth is good
Secure your financial future with a wide range of investment options
Secure your financial future with a wide range of investment options
Currency | COF Rates | Benchmark/RFR Rates |
USD | USD COF + 0.85% | 1MTH CME TERM SOFR + 1.28% |
SGD | SGD COF + 0.85% | 1MTH SORA + 1.18% |
EUR | EUR COF + 0.60% | 1MTH ESTR + 0.83% |
GBP | GBP COF + 0.60% | 1MTH ICE TERM SONIA + 0.63% |
CHF | CHF COF + 0.60% | 1MTH SARON + 0.63% |
JPY | JPY COF + 0.60% | 30DAY TONA + 0.63% |
HKD | HKD COF + 0.60% | 1MTH HIBOR + 0.30% |
AUD | AUD COF + 0.60% | 1MTH BBSW + 0.58% |
NZD | NZD COF + 0.60% | 0.70% (fixed) |
CNH | CNH COF + 0.60% | N.A. |
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The information on this webpage has not been prepared for any particular person or class of persons and does not constitute and should not be construed as investment advice nor an investment recommendation. It has been prepared without regards to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of an investment for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to invest in an investment.
For the avoidance of doubt, the applicable interest rates, fees and charges and/or any waiver thereof, which are reflected above, are only valid for staff of Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited, Standard Chartered PF Managers Pte. Ltd, Standard Chartered Trust (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore Branch (collectively, “Standard Chartered” or the “Bank”) during the period of their employment with the Bank. Upon resignation and/or termination of employment with Standard Chartered, the standard and prevailing commercial interest rates, fees and charges shall apply. The Bank reserves the right to vary the applicable interest rates, fees and charges, in accordance with the terms of our banking agreement, as may be amended and/or notified to you from time to time.
“Best rates” means rates that are equal to or better than the rates offered to employees of corporate clients who maintain an Employee Banking relationship with Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited. “Simple and fast” refers to the application process for banking products made simpler and faster. “24/7 service” refers to dedicated 24/7 phone banking service and services that can be accessed through our staff web portal at
UT product disclaimer
You should read the relevant prospectus before deciding whether to invest in a unit trust. Investments in unit trusts are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by, Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited or its affiliates. Unit Trusts are not available to US persons. An investment in unit trusts is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal.
Wealth Lending disclaimer
You are fully responsible for your investment decision, including whether Wealth Lending is suitable for you. The products/services involved are not principal-protected and you may lose all or part of your original investment amount. Further, using Wealth Lending for investments may also magnify your losses.
Online Trading Product Disclaimer
You are fully responsible for your investment decision, including whether the Equities Trading service is suitable for you. The products / services described here in relation to Equities Trading service are not principal-protected and you may lose all or part of your original investment amount.
Structured Deposit Disclaimer
1. Unlike traditional deposits, structured deposits have an investment element and returns may vary.
2. Please refer to our risk disclosure statements such as the “Know Your Investment Risk” (KYIR) for other risks and more information.
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured. For clarity, these investment products are not deposits and do not qualify as an insured deposit under the Singapore Deposit Insurance and Policy Owners’ Protection Schemes Act 2011