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Tough times in life are inevitable, however there are ways to face these challenges

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Tough times in life are inevitable, however there are ways to face these challenges

Wise Methods for Thriving in Tough Times

While the majority of Singaporeans are active savers (74% save towards their top priority on a monthly basis), some say that the low interest rates of their current savings plan discourage them from saving more than they do now.

Whether you're dealing with a job loss or facing financial uncertainty, the fact is that tough times in life will happen to all of us, sooner or later. Here are some tips on how you can face these challenges, and emerge stronger than ever.

Wise Methods for Thriving in Tough Times

Don’t Skip Your Mental Workouts
Having a strong mind can allow you to handle your problems more effectively, but how can you cultivate mental toughness? By doing your mental workouts, of course. Much like how you might do push-ups every day to build physical strength, there are good habits you can practise to build your mental strength.

One of the easiest is to train your mind to think positively by directing your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself feeling down or anxious, think happy thoughts or give yourself positive affirmation. Besides making you feel better about yourself, a Harvard study in 2017 has shown that positive thinking may help you live longer and healthier too.

Take Care of Today (and the Future Will Take Care of Itself)
Instead of stressing over things you cannot control, choose to focus on the ones that you can. An easy way to stay motivated is to make a list of things that matter to you — this will help you to identify what to focus on first, and how you can actively work towards that goal.

To protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances that may make it harder for you to achieve your goal, it is important to ensure that you are well prepared for the future.

One way to do so is by securing the right insurance policies to protect you and your loved ones, as well as making sure that you are on the right track to achieving your top savings goal. While the majority of Singaporeans are active savers (74% save towards their top priority on a monthly basis), some say that the low interest rates of their current savings plan discourage them from saving more than they do now.

Seek Out and Accept Help
Wealth management is not always easy. When you’re going through tough times, don’t be embarrassed to seek help from family and friends. It can be easy to retreat into a shell when things are hard, thinking that we are saving our loved ones from shared stress. But communicating worries can be the first step to turning them into solutions.

Get in touch with Standard Chartered Priority Banking, and our team can help you thrive. With our financial planning expertise, you can meet challenging times confidently, from tailored insurance that protects against rising healthcare costs, to the perfect retirement planning advice that secures comfort in later years. And when new challenges arise, you can reach out to us, 24 hours a day.

Buying an insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high cost and the surrender value payable (if any) may be less than the total premiums paid. The contents of this article do not constitute a contract of insurance and reference should be made to the respective policies for the exact terms and conditions applicable to the insurance policy. It does not constitute an offer to buy or sell an insurance product or service. It is also not intended to provide any insurance or financial advice.

This article is for general information only and it does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to enter into any transaction. This article has not been prepared for any particular person or class of persons and it has been prepared without regard to the specific investment or insurance objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser on the suitability of a product for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to purchase any product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether the product is suitable for you.

This article is brought to you by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited. All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as advice or an offer for any product or service. Standard Chartered is not liable for any informational errors, incompleteness, delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein.

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