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New Risk-free rates- what does this mean for you?

Person, Human, Electronics

New Risk-free rates- what does this mean for you?

Important Notice

In line with industry wide from Interbank Offered Rates (IBOR) to the new Risk-Free Rates (RFR).

More information

The following RFR Benchmarks have been identified as replacements to the IBOR benchmarks used for the respective currencies:

RFR Benchmark
Rate (Ticker Code)
Migration Date
GBP Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) 1M ICE Term SONIA (TSRR1100) ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA)


2nd October 2021
CHF Swiss Average Rate Overnight (SARON) 1M SARON


Six Swiss Exchange (SIX)


4th December 2021
EUR Euro Short-Term Rate (€STR) 1M €STR (EST.B.EU000A2QQF24.CR) European Central Bank (ECB)


4th December 2021
JPY Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONA) 30-Day TONA


QUICK Benchmarks Inc. (QBS)


4th December 2021
USD Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) SOFR 1-month CME Term


Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME)


28 November 2022
SGD Singapore Overnight Rate Average


1M SORA (SORACA1M Index) Monetary Authority of Singapore



1st August 2022

If you have any queries on your Wealth Lending facilities with us, please reach out to your Relationship Manager or visit our IBOR website.

RFR Rates 


  • The applicable interest rate in respect of the Facilities, and each utilization, shall be determined pursuant to the disbursement instruction, the aggregate of the applicable:
  1. Margin; and
  2. Base Rate,

and shall be payable monthly, in arrears.

  • The Bank may, from time to time as it deems fit and at its absolute discretion, review and amend the rate or rates of interest or commission stated herein by notice to you if in its opinion, there is a change in market conditions necessitating such review, and such amendment shall take effect and be binding on you from the date of the notice. Interest rates applicable to a Facility may be based on or may reference a Base Rate. If, in each case in the Bank’s reasonable opinion: (i) a Base Rate has or will be permanently or indefinitely discontinued; (ii) the methodology, formula or other means of determining a Base Rate has materially changed; (iii) a Base Rate is otherwise no longer appropriate for the purposes of calculating interest under any Facility Letter or (iv) the Bank is unable to determine a Base Rate for any other reason, the Bank may substitute such Base Rate with a standard market interest rate generally accepted, in the Bank’s reasonable opinion, in the international or domestic markets for such Facility as the appropriate successor to such Base Rate or the Bank may calculate such Base Rate with reference to any appropriate source or method as determined by the Bank.
  • (where the Base Rate is the Bank’s variable lending rate)
    • Interest in respect of the Facilities shall be charged at the existing rate as charged to your Facilities (as the Bank may in its absolute discretion determine) as determined pursuant to the disbursement instruction.
  • (where the Base Rate is BBSW, ESTR, HIBOR, SARON, CME Term SOFR, ICE Term SONIA, SORA, TONA)

Interest in respect of the Facilities shall be charged according to the applicable Base Rate as determined pursuant to the disbursement instruction.

The Base Rate will be computed as follows:

  1. The first pricing is based on the 1M BBSW / 1M ESTR /1M HIBOR/ 1M SARON /1M CME Term SOFR / 1M ICE Term SONIA/ 1M SORA / 30 Days TONA (as the case may be) as at the first business day of the loan disbursement month. Re-pricings are made every month, and the Base Rate for each revision shall be based on the relevant  1M BBSW / 1M ESTR / 1M HIBOR //1M CME Term SOFR / 1M ICE Term SONIA / 1M SORA / 30 Days TONA as at the previous business day of the first business day of the month to which the repricing applies, for 1M SARON, the Base Rate shall be as at 5 business days preceding the first business day of the month.
  2. If the 1M ESTR, 1M SARON, 1M CME Term SOFR, 1M ICE Term SONIA, 1M SORA, 30 Days TONA or such relevant base rate is less than zero, the Base Rate shall be deemed to be zero.
  • Unless context requires otherwise, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

Base Rate” means the base lending rate, as determined pursuant to the disbursement instruction.

1M BBSW”, means the applicable Screen Rate or (where no Screen Rate is available for the Interest Period) the arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded upwards to four decimal places) quoted by the Bank to leading banks in the Australia interbank market, for the offering of deposits in Australian Dollars for 1-month; or

1M ESTR”  (EST.B.EU000A2QQF24.CR), means the appliable Screen Rate for the 1-month compounded average of Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR) published or made available by the European Central Bank (ECB) as administrator (or any successor administrator), or following notification from the Bank, shall mean the applicable Screen Rate for the 1-month forward-looking term rate based on ESTR that has been selected or recommended by such administrator or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank; or

1M HIBOR”, means the applicable Screen Rate or (where no Screen Rate is available for the Interest Period) the arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded upwards to four decimal places) quoted by the Bank to leading banks in the Hong Kong interbank market, for the offering of deposits in Hong Kong Dollars for 1-month; or

1M SARON” (SAR1MC), means the appliable Screen Rate for the 1-month compounded average of the Swiss Average Rate Overnight (SARON) published or made available by the Six Swiss Exchange (SIX) as administrator (or any  successor administrator), or following notification from the Bank, shall mean the applicable Screen Rate for the 1-month forward-looking term rate based on SARON that has been selected or recommended by such administrator, or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank; or

1M CME Term SOFR” (SR1M), means the appliable Screen Rate for the 1-month forward-looking term Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) provided by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group Benchmark Administration Limited as administrator of the benchmark (or a successor administrator), or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank; or

1M ICE Term SONIA” (TSRR1100), means the appliable Screen Rate for 1-month term Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (SONIA) provided by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (IBA) as administrator of the benchmark  (or a successor administrator), or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank; or

1M SORA” means the appliable Screen Rate for the 1-month compounded average rate of Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA) published or made available by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) as administrator (or any successor administrator), or following notification from the Bank, shall mean the applicable Screen Rate for the one-month forward-looking term rate based on SORA that has been selected or recommended by such administrator, or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank; or

30-Day TONA” (TONA.030A), means the appliable Screen Rate for the 30 day compounded average of the Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONA) published or made available by QUICK Benchmarks Inc. (QBS) as administrator (or any successor administrator), or following notification from the Bank, shall mean the applicable Screen Rate for the 1-month forward-looking term rate based on TONA that has been selected or recommended by such administrator, or (if that is not available) an appropriate source or method determined by the Bank.

Margin” shall be per annum and as determined pursuant to the disbursement instruction.

Screen Rate” means:

  1. in relation to 1M BBSW, the Bank Bill Swap Rate administered by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) for Australian Dollars, appearing on the ASX website (asx.com.au); or
  2. in relation to 1M ESTR, the 1-month compounded [average] rate of ESTR provided by ECB for Euros, appearing on the website ( https://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/home.do)or such other Screen Rate as notified to you by the Bank; or
  3. in relation to 1M HIBOR, the Hong Kong interbank offered rate administered by the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) for Hong Kong Dollars, appearing on the HKAB website (hkab.org.hk); or
  4. in relation to 1M SARON, the 1-month compounded average rate of SARON provided by Six Swiss Exchange (SIX) for Swiss Francs, appearing on the website (https://www.sixgroup.com/exchanges/indices/data_centre/swiss_reference_rates/compound_rates_en.html); or
  5. in relation to 1M CME Term SOFR, the 1-month compounded average rate of SOFR provided by CME for US Dollars, appearing on the website (https://www.cmegroup.com/market-data/cme-group-benchmark-administration/term-sofr.html#); or
  6. in relation to 1M ICE Term SONIA, the 1-month compounded average rate of SONIA provided by IBA for Pound Sterling, appearing on the website (https://www.theice.com/iba/risk-free-rates); or
  7. in relation to 1M SORA, the 1-month compounded average rate of SORA provided by Money Authority of Singapore (MAS) for Singapore Dollars appearing on the  website (https://eservices.mas.gov.sg/statistics/dir/DomesticInterestRates.aspx); or
  8. in relation to 30 Day TONA, the 1-month compounded average rate of TONA provided by QUICK Benchmarks Inc. (QBS) for Japanese Yen, appearing on the website (https://moneyworld.jp/page/tona.html); and

where the agreed page is replaced or the service ceases to be available, the Bank may specify another page or service displaying the appropriate rate, or in the alternative substitute the Screen Rate with such other rate as the Bank may determine in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner.


Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (“SCBSL”) is a subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank, which is licensed to conduct banking business under the Singapore Banking Act  1970, and Standard Chartered Bank is a foreign company registered in Singapore under the Companies Act, Chapter 50. Investment products and foreign currency deposits are excluded from the coverage of Singapore’s Deposit Insurance and Policy Owners’ Protection Schemes Act 2011.

The memorandums found on this website (the “Memorandums”) are being distributed for general information only and it does not constitute any offer, recommendation, or solicitation by SCBSL to any person to enter into any transaction or adopt any hedging, trading or investment strategy, nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future movements in rates or prices or any representation that any such future movements will not exceed those shown in any illustration. They have not been prepared for any particular person or class of persons and they have been prepared without regards to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of the product for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a licensed or an exempt financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether this product is suitable for you.

All Memorandums are prepared and issued by the issuer. The Memorandums can also be acquired directly from the respective issuer’s websites. SCBSL provides the Memorandums to you for information purposes only. SCBSL will not accept any responsibility or liability of any kind, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information in the Memorandums. SCBSL makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory regarding the Memorandums or any information contained or referred to in the Memorandums. The Memorandums are distributed on the express understanding that, whilst the information in them is believed to be reliable, it has not been independently verified by us. SCBSL shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with any reliance on and/or use of the Memorandums or any information contained or referred to in the Memorandums.

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