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Europe and the Americas

Our presence across Europe and the Americas

We take pride in our ability to bridge the physical distance between our clients in the Region, who are looking to expand into our Emerging Markets network, and vice versa.

The Europe and the Americas business is a centre of expertise for the Bank’s major product offerings, allowing us to provide a wide range of services, platforms and capabilities to meet the growing needs of our clients.

As one of the Bank’s fastest-growing client regional franchises, our business in Europe and the Americas is pivotal to delivering the strategic aspirations of the Bank.
We opened our UK office in 1853 and these London headquarters are the main centre in Europe for Corporate and Institutional Banking client coverage. It is also a Booking Centre for our Private Banking, Priority Banking (led from Jersey) and Retail Banking services in the Falklands. Our EU hub, Standard Chartered Bank AG, which is located in Frankfurt, strengthens our presence across Europe and enables us to better serve our strategic and evolving European client base.

Standard Chartered is also present in multiple locations across North and South America, with our Americas headquarters located in New York. Our Americas franchise, through our Corporate and Institutional Banking business, is committed to providing financial products and services to multi-national corporations, financial institutions and development organisations.

Our global network