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Our Business Instalment Loan is up to HKD 6,000,000

a gentleman using his laptop enjoying SC banking services, with a coffee on the desk

Our Business Instalment Loan is up to HKD 6,000,000

Please click here for our loan calculator

Business Instalment Loan

Our Business Instalment  Loan does not require tangible assets from you. It’s the simplest way to access fund for maximizing your opportunities in Greater Bay Area.


1 For limited companies, personal guarantees are required from major shareholders.

Eligibility & Documents


  • Companies registered in Hong Kong
  • Minimum 3 years of business operations


  • The Company

    1. Copy of “Certificate of Incorporation”

    2. Copy of “Business Registration Certificate”

    3. Copy of particulars of Sole Proprietorship (Form 1A)

    4. Copy of particulars of Partnership (Form 1C)

    5. Copies of particulars of Directorship and Company Secretary (Form D1/D2)

    6. Copy of “Memorandum & Articles of Association”

    7. Latest 6 months bank statement from 3 major bank

    8. Latest 1 year financial statements (if applicable)

    9. Company logo printing documents (if applicable)

  • The Sole-proprietor / Partners / Guarantors

    1. Copy of HKID Card / Passport

Terms and Conditions

Application form

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!