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Secure your business with the assurance of appropriate coverage.

Contact MSIG
High rise buildings

Secure your business with the assurance of appropriate coverage.

Business Insurance

MSIG Business Insurance provides a wide range of covers to your business

Benefits Table
Maximum Benefits Payable (HK$)
Contents and Stock
Equipment or machinery (unless specifically mentioned) 750,000 per item
Computer systems’ records 10,000 per item

50,000 in aggregate

Deed, document, card, tape or transparency 5,000
Personal effects 4,000 per person
Any stock 15,000 per article
All loss or damage Sum Insured
Plus free extensions:
Contents temporarily removed from premises:

a.Surveying or photographic equipment

b.Documents in transit within Hong Kong

c.All other property

3,500 in aggregate

3,500 per loss

12,000 or 5% of Sum Insured on Contents whichever is greater

Damage to premises in case of theft or attempted theft Covered
Removal of debris 5% of the Sum Insured
Stock in transit within Hong Kong 50,000 per loss
Business Interruption
Additional Expenditure

•Additional expenditure such as the cost incurred for temporary premises and facilities if applicable

750,000 per year
Plus free extensions:
Professional accountants’ charges Sum Insured
Denial of access for more than 48 hours to your premises due to damage to property in the vicinity of the premises Covered
Loss of Money
In your premises during business hours, in transit or in a bank night safe 75,000
In your premises out of business hours and in a locked safe or strongroom 50,000
In your premises out of business hours but not in a safe or strongroom, or in your residence or that of your directors, partners or employees 5,000
Crossed cheques and other non-negotiable items 500,000
Plus free extensions:
Damage to safes or cases directly associated with theft or attempted theft 20,000 per loss
Cash cheque signed under violence or threat of violence 10,000 in aggregate
Suffer bodily injury or death as a result of attempted theft during business hours 50,000
Optional Covers
Loss of Gross Profit
·Reduction in turnover

·Increase in cost of working

Sum Insured
Employees’ Compensation
Liability under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance for employees’ bodily injury or death arising out of and in the course of employment Per Employees’ Compensation Ordinance
Public Liability
Legal liability to third parties due to bodily injury and/or property damage arising from your business 10,000,000 per event
Plus free extensions to cover the legal liability incurred by the Insured and arising from:
·Provision and management of canteen, social, sports and welfare activities

·Damage to rented premises

·Overseas visits

·Supply of free food and drink

Personal Accident
Pays you in respect of each unit of compensation insured for the injury to the insured person. The maximum number of units of compensation for each person insured is no more than 20. Maximum benefit payable per unit (HK$)
Death, permanent disablement or loss of a limb 25,000
Temporary total disablement from attending usual occupation 250 per week (up to 104 weeks)
Temporary partial disablement from attending to a substantial and essential part of usual occupation 65 per week (up to 104 weeks)
Medical expenses 2,000
Covers glass, for example in windows and display cases, against accidental breakage for its replacement cost Sum Insured

Company is registered and operating in Hong Kong

Important notes
  • The above information is intended as a general summary. It is for reference only and is not an offer for subscription of any insurance product. The policy may contain terms and conditions which are not detailed in the above. Should there be any discrepancy between the information contained in the above and the terms of the policy, the terms of the policy shall prevail. For exact terms and conditions and details of the exclusions, please refer to the relevant policy or contact MSIG
  • For details of coverage, terms, conditions, and exclusions, please refer to the policy wording.
  • The Insurance Authority (“IA”) has announced the collection of levy on insurance premium under the ‘Insurance Ordinance’ with effect from 1 January 2018. As a result, all premium amounts shown in this webpage are subject to levy. For further information, please visit
General exclusion

War and terrorism, wear and tear, mechanical and electrical breakdown, deliberate or intentional acts, liability arising from products, professional advice or service and liability under contract.

The above is a summary of Major Exclusions only. For details, please refer to policy provisions.

Disclaimer and Important Notes

The above plan is underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited (“MSIG”) which is a general insurer authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“SCBHK”) is an insurance agent appointed by MSIG. To the extent permissible by law, SCBHK shall not be liable to any person for the use of any of the above information.

The above plan, offered by MSIG, is only available for subscription by residents of the HKSAR, subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

The above information is intended as a general summary. It is for reference only and is not an offer for subscription of any insurance product. The policy may contain Terms and Conditions which are not detailed in the above. If there is any discrepancy between the information contained in the above and the Terms of the policy, the Terms of the policy shall prevail. For exact Terms and Conditions and details of the exclusions, please refer to the relevant policy or contact MSIG.

The material and information contained on this Web Site is provided for general information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information received via this Web Site should not be relied upon without consulting primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information or specific professional advice. You are recommended to obtain such professional advice where appropriate.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved directly between MSIG and the customer.