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To support SME growth, our Business Working Capital provides facilities limit up to HKD 40,000,000

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Vintage toned Wall Street at sunset, Manhattan, New York City, USA.

To support SME growth, our Business Working Capital provides facilities limit up to HKD 40,000,000

Business Working Capital

Our Business Working Capital offer a range of products, including short-term loan, overdraft and trade facilities, to help you seize the huge opportunity from The Belt and Road .


1 The bank may require client to provide latest 12 months audited financial report or additional personal and company related documents when applicable

2Risk Disclosure Statement for Foreign Exchange:

Foreign exchange involves risks. Fluctuation in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in gains or significant losses in the event that the customer converts deposit from the foreign currency to another currency (including Hong Kong Dollar).

3Risk Disclosure Statement for RMB Investment:

Risk relating to Renminbi – You should note that the value of Renminbi against other foreign currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC government’s control (for example, the PRC government regulates conversion between Renminbi and foreign currencies), which may adversely affect your return under this product when you convert Renminbi into your home currency. Renminbi is not a freely convertible currency. Any conversion of Renminbi through banks in Hong Kong may be subject to certain restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.

Eligibility & Documents


  • Companies registered in Hong Kong
  • Minimum 3 years of business operations
  • Companies commit to have an operating account in our bank with at least 50% of the facility limit amount of business inflow every calendar quarter

Documents Required

  • The Company

    1. Copy of “Certificate of Incorporation”

    2. Copy of “Business Registration Certificate”

    3. Copy of particulars of Sole Proprietorship (Form 1A)

    4. Copy of particulars of Partnership (Form 1C)

    5. Copies of particulars of Directorship and Company Secretary (Form D1/D2)

    6. Copy of “Memorandum & Articles of Association”

    7. Latest 6 months bank statement

    8. Latest 1 year financial statements (if applicable)

    9. Company logo printing documents (if applicable)

  • The Guarantors

    1. Copy of HKID Card / Passport

Terms and Conditions
