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Important Information and Terms and Conditions for Application for Standard Chartered / MANHATTAN Credit Card Supplementary Card

Terms and Conditions for Standard Chartered / MANHATTAN Credit Card Supplementary Card Application

  1. By making an application, you (being the Supplementary Card Applicant) confirm that you have read and accept all terms and conditions set out in this application form, its accompanying leaflet (if applicable) as well as all terms and conditions stated in the Client Terms and the applicable documents referred to in Part A of Client Terms (including the Credit Card Terms, highlights of which are appended in this application) (“our banking agreement”, which is available to you at any of our branches and/or on our website at and you agree to be bound by them and any variation we make to our banking agreement.
  2. A maximum of 3 Supplementary Cards can be issued for each Credit Card Account.
  3. (a) Annual fees for Principal Visa Infinite Card, Principal Priority Banking Credit Card, Principal Asia Miles Mastercard/ Simply Cash Visa Card and WorldMiles Card (formerly known as Standard Chartered American Express® Card)/Preferred Banking Credit Card/Platinum Credit Card/executive platinum Credit Card/UnionPay Dual Currency Platinum Credit Card/Shop n’Gain Platinum Credit Card are HKD6,000, HKD2,400, HKD2,000 and HKD1,800 respectively; the annual fee is permanently waived for Supplementary Cards. (b) Annual fees for Principal Titanium Credit Card, Principal Gold Credit Card and Principal Classic Credit Card/executive Credit Card/Shop n’Gain Credit Card are HKD600, HKD550 and HKD250 respectively; and in respect of any one of the said Principal Credit Cards, annual fees for each Supplementary Cards issued thereunder are HKD300, HKD275 and HKD125 respectively. (c) Annual fees for Principal MANHATTAN Platinum Card, MANHATTAN Titanium Card, MANHATTAN 21/Infinity Card and MANHATTAN Visa are HKD1,800, HKD600, HKD330 and HKD216 respectively; and in respect of any one of the said Principal Credit Cards, annual fees for each Supplementary Card issued thereunder are HKD900, HKD300, HKD160 and HKD108 respectively. 
  4. If you currently hold a valid Standard Chartered/MANHATTAN Credit Card Supplementary Card and you choose to apply for another Supplementary Card under the same card type(s) from the same Principal Cardholder in this application, the Bank reserves the right not to process the application for that card type(s).
  5. The Annualised Percentage Rate of interest (“APR”) for all Standard Chartered Credit Cards and all MANHATTAN Credit Cards is 35.70% for retail purchases and 39.09% (inclusive of cash advance fee) for cash advances; or in each case at such higher rate which we may in our sole discretion (subject to applicable laws and regulations) determine from time to time. APR is calculated based on the guidelines as set out in the Code of Banking Practice and is for reference only. 
  6. For Standard Chartered Credit Card, once the Principal Cardholder has activated the Principal Card, all Supplementary Card(s) under the same account will be automatically activated. No activation shall be required for the Supplementary Card and its activation status depends on that of the Principal Card. Please ensure that the Principal Card is activated before using the Supplementary Card.
  7. For MANHATTAN Credit Card, the Principal Card and any Supplementary Card(s) previously issued under the same account will be temporarily suspended once this Supplementary Card application is approved. The Principal Cardholder is required to activate the Principal Card upon receipt of the newly approved Supplementary Card by calling the MANHATTAN Credit Card 24-Hour Activation Hotline at 2902 7418 such that all Cards under the same account can be used. As the activation status of the Supplementary Card depends on the Principal Card, please ensure that the Principal Card is activated before using the Supplementary Card.
  8. If you do not have any bank account with the Bank at the time of this application, the Bank will update your contact information into the Bank’s system(s) upon successful approval of the credit card. If you recently have any bank account with the Bank, a notification of information update will be sent to you accordingly.
  9. Any benefit offer for successful application is subject to availability and we may change such offer at our discretion from time to time without notice to you.
  10. Principal Cardholder may enquire about the status of this application by calling our 24-hour Standard Chartered/MANHATTAN Credit Card Customer Service Hotline.
  11. You have read and understand our “Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data” (“Notice”) which is available to you at any of our branches and/or on our website at and forms part of our banking agreement. You agree that all information provided by you in connection with this application (including personal information) may be used and disclosed to such persons (whether in or outside Hong Kong) and for such purpose as set out in the Notice.
  12. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

Please note that this form and any document submitted will not be returned. The Bank may request additional documents from you for processing.

Highlight of the Banking Agreement (including Credit Card Terms)

Important Notes: You are suggested to read carefully the entire banking agreement. Your attention is particularly drawn to the following major terms and conditions:

  1. The terms of our banking agreement apply to the use of your credit card. If you do not agree with those terms, you may wish to terminate your credit card in accordance with the procedure in the Credit Card Terms.
  2. You must comply with the activation procedures we notify you from time to time.
  3. You must ensure that only the person issued with a credit card uses it.
  4. You are liable for all transactions made using your credit card or the card number on such credit card. You are also liable for all transactions made using a Supplementary Card or the card number on such Supplementary Card. If you are a Supplementary Cardholder, you will not be liable for the use of any Supplementary Card issued to another Supplementary Cardholder or the use of the Principal Card.
  5. You must ensure that your credit limit is not exceeded.
  6. You must pay the interest, fees and charges that apply to your credit card.
  7. You must pay at least the minimum payment due or minimum monthly repayment as set out in your statement. You remain liable to us even if you do not receive your periodic statement.
  8. The minimum payment due shall be the aggregate amount of items as set out in the Credit Card Terms or any minimum amount as set out in the tariff sheet, whichever amount is higher.
  9. If we do not receive your balance owing for your credit card on or before the due date set out in your statement, we may charge you (subject to any grace period in accordance with our usual practice or applicable law) the applicable involuntary charges, which we may debit from your account.
  10. We (and any other member of the Standard Chartered Group) may set off any amount we (or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group) owe you against any amount you owe us (or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group) (whether or not the obligation is matured or contingent). We (and each other member of the Standard Chartered Group) may also combine or consolidate all accounts. If we (or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group) combine accounts, any credit funds held by you in your accounts will be applied to adjust the amount owing by you in relation to your other accounts. We (and each other member of the Standard Chartered Group) may do so at any time (even if you are not in default).
  11. If we do not receive the minimum payment or minimum monthly repayment on or before the due date, you must pay for the applicable involuntary charges. You may not use your credit card until the minimum payment or minimum monthly repayment has been paid and we may suspend the use of your credit card.
  12. Despite any other terms of our banking agreement, subject to applicable law, we may at any time demand immediate payment of any amounts you owe us.
  13. If you think there is an error on your statement, you must notify us with details of such error within the period specified in the statement. If you do not do so, we will treat the statement as correct.
  14. If you are not comfortable with any changes we make to our banking agreement, you may terminate your credit card in accordance with the procedure in the Credit Card Terms.
  15. If your credit card or any Supplementary Card is lost or stolen, you will be liable for the use of the credit card and any Supplementary Card until such time you notify us that the card is lost or stolen. However, your liability will be limited to HK$500 if you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence and you have complied with the Security Procedures set out in our Client Terms.
  16. You are liable for your failure and that of any Supplementary Cardholder in complying with our banking agreement.
  17. If you or we end the account for a credit card, subject to any applicable law, you must immediately pay all amounts owing to us in connection with the credit card and any Supplementary Card.
  18. You may be liable for any transaction made using a Supplementary Card until it has been returned or until we are able to implement our procedures applicable to lost cards. We may impose any charges incurred from implementing such procedures.
  19. Our Client Terms include additional provisions relating to your liability to us and exclusions or limits on our liability.

Additional major terms and conditions applicable to Dual Currency Card

  1. Each of the accounts for a dual currency card will be operated separately in the same way as an account for a credit card.
    For instance, any balance owing for one account for a dual currency card will be calculated and have to be settled separately from the balance owing for another account for a dual currency card.
  2. Only one credit limit denominated in Hong Kong Dollars will apply to collectively all of the account for the dual currency card.
  3. For any account for a dual currency card that is not denominated in Hong Kong Dollars, you may pay the balance owing for such account in the same currency that such account is denominated or in Hong Kong Dollars.
    If you choose to pay such balance owing in Hong Kong Dollars, we may convert any amount of such Hong Kong Dollars you pay to us at a rate we reasonably consider appropriate. If you intend to make minimum or full payment, you also bear the risk of not able to do so due to the shortfall arising from the conversion.
  4. We may or may not allow you to use your dual currency card to obtain cash advance. If we allow you to do so,
    •  transactions made in Hong Kong or overseas will be posted to the Hong Kong Dollars denominated account;
    •  transactions made in China will be posted to the Renminbi denominated account.
  5. Transactions made using a dual currency card will be processed as follows:
    •  transactions made in Hong Kong will be posted to the Hong Kong Dollars denominated account;
    •  transactions made in China will be posted to the Renminbi denominated account (except where the transaction is processed in a currency other than Renminbi, the relevant amount will be converted into Hong Kong Dollars and posted to the Hong Kong Dollars denominated account);
    •  transactions made outside Hong Kong or China will be converted into Hong Kong Dollars and posted to the Hong Kong Dollars denominated account.

Credit Card Application Form Declaration

By signing this application:-
  1. You (being the Principal Cardholder and Supplementary Card Applicant) represent and warrant that all information (including any documents) you have given to us (being each member of the Standard Chartered Group identified in the application or the approval as the person providing the facility, product or service to you, and its successors and assigns) in connection with this application is correct, complete and not misleading-
    important note: if this is not the case you may be personally liable; You also authorize us to verify from any source we may choose. If you are a Supplementary Card Applicant, You further represent and confirm that the Supplementary Card Applicant is a Hong Kong resident and is at least 16 years of age;
  2. You acknowledge that we may decline your application in its entirety or in part (in respect of any one or more particular product(s), service(s) or account(s)/subaccount(s) you are applying for in this application) without giving you any reason for doing so; if this happens, no contractual relationship arises between you and us in respect of any product(s), service(s) or account(s) / sub-account(s) requested in this application which we have declined to provide to you;
  3. You agree and confirm that: 
    1. Our Client Terms and the applicable documents referred to in Part A of our Client Terms, including Credit Card Terms and other prevailing terms and conditions, (collectively “the banking agreement”) have been made available to you at any of our branches and on our website at;
    2. You have read and understood the banking agreement and you agree to be bound by it ; and
    3. You are bound by any variation we make to the banking agreement, in accordance with the banking agreement – important note: in particular, you understand that by entering into the banking agreement you give indemnities, authorisations, consents and waivers and agree to limitations on our liability;
  4. You agree and confirm that: (i) a highlight of the banking agreement has been provided to you as appended in this application form; (ii) unless you have indicated your choice to receive a hard copy, you agree to receive an electronic copy of the banking agreement; (iii) you have read and understood the banking agreement and/or a highlight of it; and (iv) you agree to be bound by the banking agreement; 
  5. You acknowledge receipt of and confirm that you have read and agree to the Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data (“Notice”); you further agree that the Notice shall form part of the banking agreement; you agree that all information provided by you in this application form and any other personal data collected by us from time to time about you or that you may provide to us may be used and disclosed for such purposes and to such persons (whether the recipient is located in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) or another country including a country that does not offer the same level of data protection as Hong Kong) for the purposes described in, and otherwise in accordance with our policies on use and disclosure of personal data as set out in the Notice, which may be subject to change from time to time; 
  6. You represent and warrant that you have complied and will comply with all applicable laws (including any foreign exchange restrictions) in connection with the banking agreement;
  7. If you are a Supplementary Card Applicant, you confirm that:
    1. none of your credit cards have been cancelled due to payment default;
    2. you do not have any payments overdue by more than one month on any loans or credit cards you have with other financial institutions;
    3. you are not and have never been bankrupt and you have no intention of petitioning nor are you currently petitioning for bankruptcy;
    4. unless otherwise specified, you confirm that you are not a relative or spouse/ex-spouse of any of our or our subsidiary’s or affiliate’s directors, employees with lending authority or shareholders holding 10% or more of our issued shares (“specified persons”). Moreover, none of the specified persons mentioned herein is your guarantor of any other matters. You agree to notify us in writing as soon as reasonably practicable if you subsequently become aware of any change in the aforesaid status;
    5. the Credit Card Terms and any important notes and related terms that we have provided to you in connection with the credit card shall form part of the banking agreement and you confirm that you have read and understand them and agree to be bound by them;
  8. If you are a Principal Cardholder, you agree that if the Supplementary Card you are applying for in this application is embedded with contactless feature, and your existing Principal Card and other Supplementary Card(s) under the same card account (if any) do not carry such feature, the cards will be replaced with new card(s) with contactless feature;
  9. We will deliver the Supplementary Card to you at the Principal Cardholder’s correspondence address if we accept your application;

You understand and agree that the Bank reserves the right to cancel or not to proceed with this application if the required documents and/or application information are not provided within 30 days from the date of the application, and/or the relevant requirement(s) is not met.

If there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of this application form, the English version prevails.

Important Information