Provide financial support from the early stage of illness so you can focus on treatments for recovery

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Provide financial support from the early stage of illness so you can focus on treatments for recovery

Critical Illness Protection

From now until 31 Mar 2025, enjoy 10% premium discount and fabulous gifts (Net premium $2,000 – $4,000: $200 supermarket coupon; Net premium $4,001 or above: $400 supermarket coupon) upon successful enrolment

Benefits Table

The 3 Major Critical Illnesses
The 6 Early-Stage Critical Illnesses
1. Cancer 1. Carcinoma-in-Situ
2. Heart attack 2. Early-Stage Cancer
3. Stroke 3. Coronary Artery Disease Requiring Surgery
4. Heart Valve Disease Requiring Surgery
5. Carotid Artery Disease Requiring Surgery
6. Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Surgery
  • Each insured person can claim up to 2 different Major Critical Illnesses and 2 different Early-Stage Critical Illnesses, subject to the Lifetime Benefit Limit.
  • The second Major Critical Illness claimed should not be the complication or sequelae of a Major Critical Illness for which a claim has been paid.
  • The second Early-Stage Critical Illness claimed should not be the complication or sequelae of an Early-Stage Critical Illness for which a claim has been paid.
Maximum benefits payable (HK$)
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Critical Illness Benefit
Lifetime Benefit Limit (per insured person) 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
Major Critical Illness (per type, payable up to 2 types) 250,000 500,000 750,000
Early-Stage Critical Illness (per type, payable up to 2 types) 50,000 100,000 150,000
Medical Consultation and Caring Benefit
Applicable after a Major Critical Illness claim

(Claimable for one Major Critical Illness per insured person)

(a) General or Specialist Outpatient Services 10 visits

800 per visit

(b) Chinese Herbalist Consultation
(c) Dietetic Consultation
(d) Psychological Counselling
(e) Supportive Care for Cancer 25,000
Monthly Premium Table (HK$)
Plan 1
Plan 2
Plan 3
Age Group

(As per policy effective date)

Non-Smoker Smoker Non-Smoker Smoker Non-Smoker Smoker
15 days – 17 25 35 50 75 80 110
18 – 24 35 50 70 100 105 150
25 – 29 45 65 90 135 135 200
30 – 34 70 105 145 215 215 320
35 – 39 115 180 230 360 345 545
40 – 44 195 310 390 615 590 925
45 – 49 315 525 625 1,045 940 1,570
50 – 54 500 890 1,005 1,780 1,505 2,670
55 – 59 805 1,425 1,605 2,850 2,410 4,275
60 – 64* 1,045 1,850 2,085 3,705 3,130 5,555
65 – 69* 1,355 2,405 2,715 4,815 4,070 7,220
70 – 74* 1,765 3,130 3,525 6,260 5,290 9,385
75 – 79* 2,290 4,070 4,585 8,135 6,875 12,205

* At Policy Renewal Only


1.The applicant must be a resident in Hong Kong and aged between 18 and 59.

2.Covers under a policy include covers for the applicant, the applicant’s spouse/domestic partner and unmarried children aged between 15 days and 18 years (full-time student up to 23 years old. See eligibility terms for details.

3.Premiums are payable annually or monthly.

4.Lifetime Benefit Limit means the maximum aggregate amount claimable under the policy as a whole by an insured person for the lifetime. The cover under the policy shall terminate automatically when the Lifetime Limit has been used up.

5.Unless cancelled, the policy will automatically be renewed each year. The policy will expire and not be further renewed at the end of the policy year in which the applicant has attained the age of 80.

6.Policy becomes effective after an application has been accepted and the premium and amount payable has been received. There is a waiting period of 90 days for cover in relation to claims made other than those caused by accident during the waiting period. The insured person must be alive for at least 21 days after being first diagnosed with a Major Critical Illness or Early-Stage Critical Illness as specified in the policy wording in order to qualify for a claim.

7.Premium will be adjusted when an insured person enters the next age group according to the premium table.

8.The applicant will have 14 days cooling off period upon receipt of the insurance policy(ies) and/or policy terms. The applicant may cancel the policy by giving written notice to MSIG within the 14 days cooling off period without giving any reason, except where one or more claims have been made before the date of cancellation. Any premium and the Levy paid by the applicant will be refunded without interest. In such case, the policy shall be deemed to have been void from the date of inception. This cancellation right shall not apply at policy renewal. Premium and the Levy once paid will not be refundable after the 14 days cooling off period.

Major exclusions:

1.Pre-existing conditions before policy commencement date

2.Congenital (inborn) anomalies

3.Illness occurred within 90 days waiting period from the first inception date of the policy except having caused by accident

4.Medical services which are not medically necessary

5.Genetic testing for cancer

6.Experimental, unproven, or unconventional medical treatment

7.Vaccination and immunisation injections for prevention of cancer

8.Over-the-counter medication and nutrient supplement

9.Unreasonable failure to seek or follow medical advice


11.War, invasion, rebellion

12.Radioactive contamination

The above is a summary of the Major Exclusions only. For details, please refer to policy provisions.

Important notes:

Insurance Authority (IA) has announced the collection of levy on insurance premium under the ‘Insurance Ordinance’ with effect from 1 January 2018. As a result, all premium amounts shown in this webpage are subject to levy. For further information, please visit

Disclaimer and Important Notes

The above plan is underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited (“MSIG”) which is a general insurer authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority of HKSAR. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“SCBHK”) is an insurance agent appointed by MSIG (Licensed Insurance Agency FA1239). To the extent permissible by law, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be liable to any person for the use of any of the above information.

The above plan, offered by MSIG, is only available for subscription by residents of the HKSAR, subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

The above information is intended as a general summary. It is for reference only and is not an offer for subscription of any insurance product. The policy may contain Terms and Conditions which are not detailed in the above. If there is any discrepancy between the information contained in the above and the Terms of the policy, the Terms of the policy shall prevail. For exact Terms and Conditions and details of the exclusions, please refer to the relevant policy or contact MSIG at (852) 3122 6722 (Service Hours: Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:30pm, except public holidays).

The material and information contained on this Web Site is provided for general information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information received via this Web Site should not be relied upon without consulting primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information or specific professional advice. You are recommended to obtain such professional advice where appropriate.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved directly between MSIG and the customer.