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Protect you against employer liability and medical expenses incurred by your domestic servant

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One lady taking the rattan basket with smile

Protect you against employer liability and medical expenses incurred by your domestic servant

HelperSurance 4.0

From now until 31 Mar 2025, enjoy 25% discount upon successful application for MSIG HelperSurance 4.0.

COVID-19 related benefits*:
  • Cover hospitalisation expenses of your domestic servant including room & board and other miscellaneous hospital services charges for up to HK$30,000 per year
  • Cover actual expenses incurred to employ a new domestic employee in the event of your domestic servant is repatriated due to serious sickness or death caused by COVID-19 with maximum HK$10,000 per year
  • Loss or interruption of service due to the confinement of your domestic servant in the hospital for treatment of COVID-19 up to HK$6,000 per year

*Please refer to the policy wording for details of coverage

Benefits Table


Employees’ Compensation Cover
– Your liability as an employer under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance
100 million per event
Clinical Expenses
– Actual expenses of your domestic servant incurred for medical treatment for bodily injury or sickness 200 per visit per day
– Actual expenses of your domestic servant incurred for treatment by Chinese Medicine Practitioner or Physiotherapist 500 per year
100 per visit per day
– Aggregate limit 4,000 per year
Surgical and Hospitalisation Expenses
– Hospital confinement for surgery or treatment of bodily injury or sickness (include Day Care Surgery) of your domestic servant :
– Room & board and other miscellaneous hospital services charges 300 per day
– Surgical Operation Fee 10,000 per operation
– Anaesthetist Fees 25% of Surgical Operation Fee
– Operating Theatre Charge 12.5% of Surgical Operation Fee
– Aggregate limit 30,000 per year
Service Interruption
– Loss or interruption of service resulting from the confinement of your domestic servant in a hospital at least one day for surgery or treatment of bodily injury or sickness
6,000 per year
300 per day
Dental Expenses
– Domestic servant requires dental treatment, including oral surgery, treatment of abscesses, X-rays, extractions or fillings as a result of dental disease
Two-thirds of actual expenses
up to 1,500 per year
Personal Accident Benefit
– Accidents occurring during domestic servant’s rest days resulting in death, loss of limbs or loss of sight
100,000 per year
Repatriation Expenses
– Repatriation of your domestic servant if certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner as medically unfit to complete the term of contract of employment, or in the event of death, the repatriation of his/her mortal remains to the country of residence
20,000 per year
Replacement Helper Expenses
– Actual expenses incurred to employ a new domestic employee in the event your domestic servant is repatriated due to serious sickness, bodily injury or death
10,000 per year
Fidelity Guarantee
– Pecuniary loss directly resulting from the act of fraud or dishonesty committed by your domestic servant
10,000 per year
Medical Protection for Abuse of Your Family
– Actual medical expenses incurred for the treatment of bodily injury of your Family caused by domestic servant’s intentional malicious acts
– Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment expenses
10,000 per year
1,000 per visit per day
  1. This plan is only applicable for the foreign domestic servant who is employed by You for full time domestic duties and is aged between 16 and 65.
  2. A standard Employment Contract as specified by the Director of Immigration (Hong Kong) must be entered into between You and the insured Domestic Servant, and it shall be effective on/before the Policy Effective Date.
  3. The insured Domestic Servant must hold a valid employment visa issued by Hong Kong Immigration Department in connection with the employment between You and the insured Domestic Servant for the full-time domestic duties as specified in the standard Employment Contract.
  4. The insured Domestic Servant shall work at the address as specified in the standard Employment Contract during the period of insurance.
  5. The 14-day waiting period from the effective date of the insurance is applicable under – Clinical Expenses, Surgical and Hospitalisation Expenses, Service Interruption Cover and Dental Expenses for each Domestic Servant.
  6. The premium has included the Employees’ Compensation Insurance Levy.
Major exclusions:
  1. Self-inflicted injury or suicide, nervous or mental disease or disorder, venereal disease, congenital anomalies and deformities, infertility, sterilisation, heart disease or cancer
  2. Rest-cure or physical check-up
  3. Cosmetic or plastic surgery unless to correct an injury for which the Policy covers
  4. Vaccinations, immunisation, injections or preventive medication
  5. Routine examination, scaling, polishing or cleaning and crowning
  6. Any Bodily Injury or sickness or dental treatment occurred outside the territorial limits of Hong Kong
  7. Repatriation or transportation of mortal remains originating outside Hong Kong
  8. War, invasion, rebellion
  9. Radioactive contamination

The above is a summary of Major Exclusions only. For details, please refer to policy provisions.

Important notes:

Insurance Authority (IA) has announced the collection of levy on insurance premium under the ‘Insurance Ordinance’ with effect from 1 January 2018. As a result, all premium amounts shown in this webpage are subject to levy. For further information, please visit

Disclaimer and Important Notes

The above plan is underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited (“MSIG”) which is a general insurer authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority of HKSAR. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“SCBHK”) is an insurance agent appointed by MSIG (Licensed Insurance Agency FA1239). To the extent permissible by law, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be liable to any person for the use of any of the above information.

The above plan, offered by MSIG, is only available for subscription by residents of the HKSAR, subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

The above information is intended as a general summary. It is for reference only and is not an offer for subscription of any insurance product. The policy may contain Terms and Conditions which are not detailed in the above. If there is any discrepancy between the information contained in the above and the Terms of the policy, the Terms of the policy shall prevail. For exact Terms and Conditions and details of the exclusions, please refer to the relevant policy or contact MSIG at (852) 3122 6722 (Service Hours: Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:30pm, except public holidays).

The material and information contained on this Web Site is provided for general information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information received via this Web Site should not be relied upon without consulting primary or more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information or specific professional advice. You are recommended to obtain such professional advice where appropriate.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved directly between MSIG and the customer.