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InvestPro is a financial solution which gives you better investment strategies.

InvestPro offers you an all-in-one investment solution with unique rewards when your investments accumulate


InvestPro is a financial solution which gives you better pricing and investment privileges.

Earn Extra Rewards

Every HK$10,000 investment transaction, including Securities Services, Investment Fund Services, Premium Deposit, Equity-Linked Investment Services, Debt Securities Services and Currency Switching or insurance premium (for single premium life insurance policies)* = 1 Investment Point.

More Privileges

Priority Banking or Premium Banking clients are automatically entitled to a higher investment zone.

Trade More and Earn More

InvestPro is a complete financial solution which gives you better pricing and investment privileges. The more you trade on products, the better offers you can enjoy.

For more details, please contact our branch staff.

How it’s works

Investment Zone
D ≥1,000
C 500 – 999 or Priority Banking clients
B 100 – 499 or Premium Banking clients
A 0 – 99
Securities Brokerage – Online Banking & SC Equities: 0.20% (Minimum brokerage: HKD50)
– Securities Hotline: 0.30% (Minimum brokerage: HKD150)
Investment Funds Subscription Fee Discounts (excluding Monthly Investment Plan)
• Funds with Subscription Fees ≥5%
2% 1.50% 1% 0.25%
• Funds with Subscription Fees < 5% 0.50% 0.50% N/A N/A

The above InvestPro Reward is subject to Terms & Conditions of InvestPro, please refer to the documents for details.

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Terms & Conditions


  • This webpage does not constitute any prediction of likely future price movements.
  • Investors should not make investment decisions based on this webpage alone.
  • This webpage has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.