Why SC Stocks?

Free Real-time Quote & Price Alert Free real-time stock quote entitlement will be based on your Banking Plans with Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”). For more details, please refer to Stock investment FAQs.

Each client is entitled to free push notification/ up to 200 free email price alerts per month. HKD1 will be charged for each stock price alert SMS.

$0 trade lodgement fee and custodial fee Lodgement fee of other banks range from HKD2.5 to HKD5 per board lot; custodial fee of other banks range from HKD100 to HKD150 half-yearly.

Free Market Analysis Report powered by Refinitiv We partner with Refinitiv to provide you with timely stock market insights and analysis, so you can keep up with the market trends.

The Standard Chartered online stock trading platform offers customers a one-stop service for stock investments. From stock analysis and pricing to trading, it helps you tailor your stock investment portfolio to your needs. With just one stock account, you can buy and sell U.S. stocks, Hong Kong stocks, and A-shares, easily accessing multiple stock market investment opportunities.

Why SC Stocks?

Free Real-time Quote & Price Alert Free real-time stock quote entitlement will be based on your Banking Plans with Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”). For more details, please refer to Stock investment FAQs.

Each client is entitled to free push notification/ up to 200 free email price alerts per month. HKD1 will be charged for each stock price alert SMS.

$0 trade lodgement fee and custodial fee Lodgement fee of other banks range from HKD2.5 to HKD5 per board lot; custodial fee of other banks range from HKD100 to HKD150 half-yearly.

Free Market Analysis Report powered by Refinitiv We partner with Refinitiv to provide you with timely stock market insights and analysis, so you can keep up with the market trends.

The Standard Chartered online stock trading platform offers customers a one-stop service for stock investments. From stock analysis and pricing to trading, it helps you tailor your stock investment portfolio to your needs. With just one stock account, you can buy and sell U.S. stocks, Hong Kong stocks, and A-shares, easily accessing multiple stock market investment opportunities.

Why SC Stocks?

Free Real-time Quote & Price Alert Free real-time stock quote entitlement will be based on your Banking Plans with Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”). For more details, please refer to Stock investment FAQs.

Each client is entitled to free push notification/ up to 200 free email price alerts per month. HKD1 will be charged for each stock price alert SMS.

$0 trade lodgement fee and custodial fee Lodgement fee of other banks range from HKD2.5 to HKD5 per board lot; custodial fee of other banks range from HKD100 to HKD150 half-yearly.

Free Market Analysis Report powered by Refinitiv We partner with Refinitiv to provide you with timely stock market insights and analysis, so you can keep up with the market trends.

The Standard Chartered online stock trading platform offers customers a one-stop service for stock investments. From stock analysis and pricing to trading, it helps you tailor your stock investment portfolio to your needs. With just one stock account, you can buy and sell U.S. stocks, Hong Kong stocks, and A-shares, easily accessing multiple stock market investment opportunities.

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Exclusive Securities Offers

Exclusive buy brokerage fee waiver for Priority Private Professional Investors

Seize investment opportunities by performing stocks trading now to enjoy U.S. stocks buy brokerage fee waiver.

  • Trade Now Trade Now

    How to open Securities Account?

    If you do not have any Securities Account, you can open Securities Account via Online Banking or SC Mobile App.

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    Via SC Mobile App

    Use mobile device (iOS App or Android App) to click the following button. Simply click “Equities” on Invest tab.

    Via Online Banking

    Login Online Banking and select “Securities Services” from the menu

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Exclusive stock trading privileges for priority private and priority banking payroll clients

Unlock your wealth opportunities now by opening a new stock trading account during the promotion period to enjoy unlimited securities BUY brokerage waiver.

  • Act Now Act Now

    How to open Securities Account?

    If you do not have any Securities Account, you can open Securities Account via Online Banking or SC Mobile App.

    Sxa existing client desktopxpng

    Via SC Mobile App

    Use mobile device (iOS App or Android App) to click the following button. Simply click “Equities” on Invest tab.

    Via Online Banking

    Login Online Banking and select “Securities Services” from the menu

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Refer and earn rewards

Refer your friends and family on SC Mobile to open Securities Account and earn HKD200 cash rebate for each successful referral !

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Stocks by Market


Hong Kong

China A share

Low trading cost

No stamp duty is required for buy & sell

Smaller lot size

The minimum trading unit for U.S. stocks is 1 share, which is smaller than Hong Kong stocks and A shares

Variety of stocks

There are plenty of choices in technology, consumer cyclical and other sectors to capture the opportunities

Eligible Stocks & Trading Hours

Eligible securities to be included

Equities securities and ETFs listed in NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), NYSE AMEX, NYSE ARCA and BATS.

Stock trading hours

Normal trading session from Monday to Friday
Summer trading hours (HKT) 21:30 – 04:00 on the next day
Winter trading hours (HKT) 22:30 – 05:00 on the next day

Stock order types

For stock buy and sell orders, limit orders and GTD limit orders are accepted.

Stocks and cash settlement

Trade day + 1 day

Before you begin trading stocks, you must submit a US Tax Form to certify your non-US person status in order to place a trading order in the US market. You may find the appropriate US Tax Form in here.

You can submit the form in the following ways:

  • Upload to our portal
  • Email us at us-tax-processing.hk@sc.com
  • Submit to any of our branches
  • Mail to Client On-Boarding Deposit Ops, 13/F Standard Chartered Tower, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Details of U.S. stock investment services

Variety of currencies

Trade in HKD, CNY and USD

Inflow of mainland capital

Massive inflow of funds from the mainland and the listing of well-known mainland companies in Hong Kong brings upward momentum to the market

Growing ETF space

Hong Kong’s growing ETF space offers diverse range of exposures, trading in the Asian time zone and the city’s simple and low tax regime

Eligible Stocks & Trading Hours

Eligible stocks for trading

  • Stocks and ETFs listed on SEHK
  • Derivative products listed on SEHK, including but not limited to warrants, callable bull/ bear contracts, leverage and inverse products

Stock trading hours

Morning auction session 09:00 – 09:20
Continuous trading (Morning) 09:30 – 12:00
Continuous trading(Afternoon) 13:00 – 16:00
Closing auction session 16:00 – 16:10^

^ Market closes randomly within 16:08 – 16:10.

Stock order types

Allow enhanced limit order/CAS at-auction limit order, stop-loss order, market order, morning at-auction limit order and Good-till-day (“GTD”) limit order

Stock clearing and settlement cycle

Stocks and cash settlement: Trade day + 2 days

Details of Hong Kong stock investment services

Fast emerging economy

Participate in the growth of fast emerging economy in Mainland China


Opportunities in RMB

Capture new stock investment opportunities in Renminbi

Diversify investment portfolio

Diversify your investment portfolio with shares of the Mainland China markets’ without the need to open an account in Mainland China

Eligible Stocks & Trading Hours

Eligible stocks for trading

The full list of eligible SSE and SZSE securities is published on the HKEx website and will be updated from time to time.

Stock trading hours

Stock trading hours Northbound Trading of A Shares (SSE/SZSE) Northbound Trading of ETFs (SSE) Northbound Trading of ETFs (SZSE)
09:15 – 09:25 Opening Call Auction
09:30 – 11:30 Continuous Auction (Morning)
13:00 – 14:57 Continuous Auction (Afternoon) Continuous Auction (Afternoon) Continuous Auction (Afternoon)
14:57 – 15:00 Closing Call Auction Closing Call Auction

Stock order types

Only allow limit order

Stock clearing and settlement cycle

Stock settlement: Trade day

Cash settlement: Trade day + 1 day

Standard Chartered clients enjoy:

Stock settlement: Trade day

Cash settlement: Trade day (cash settlement will take place on trade day at around 7p.m.)

Details of China Connect stock investment services

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Daily Navigator

Daily house views from our Global Chief Investment Office (CIO)

Click here for daily update from our CIO across equities, bonds, FX forecasts and technical charts

Setup Your Stock Account

If you don’t have SC bank account yet, kindly register banking account first then open investment account based on below guidance.

SC Mobile

Online banking

  • Sxa onboarding en step
  • Sxa onboarding en step
  • Sxa onboarding en step
  • Sxa onboarding en step

Apply through SC Mobile

Step 1

Select Invest > Select Equities > Securities Services

Step 2

Review, confirm personal details, and complete Securities Services Questionnaire

Step 3

Select markets, settlement account, and preferred way to receive documents

Step 4

Upload required documents, confirm client declaration and submit application

  • Hk us stock mobile step
  • Hk us stock mobile step
  • Hk us stock mobile step

Activate US stock service

Step 1

Fill in Form W-8BEN to declare your non-U.S. person status

Step 2

Access our Tax Form Upload Portal, fill in your personal information

Step 3

Upload your completed tax form and submit

Activate China stock service

Please visit any of our branches to sign-up for China Connect Securities Services, find branch locations close to you.

  • Hk open stock account online banking step v
  • Hk open stock account online banking step v
  • Hk open stock account online banking step v
  • Hk open stock account online banking step v

Apply through Online Banking

Step 1

Click “Securities Services” at the left menu

Step 2

Click “Open Account” to start the application

Step 3

Review, confirm personal details and complete “Securities Services Questionnaire”

Step 4

Select markets and settlement account to submit application

  • Hk us stock mobile step
  • Hk us stock mobile step
  • Hk us stock mobile step

Activate US stock service

Step 1

Fill in Form W-8BEN to declare your non-U.S. person status

Step 2

Access our Tax Form Upload Portal, fill in your personal information

Step 3

Upload your completed tax form and submit

Activate China stock service

Please visit any of our branches to sign-up for China Connect Securities Services, find branch locations close to you.

Hk app module bg

Trade Stocks

Price Alert

Stock Analysis

Online Trading Guide

Online trading x en

Part 1: Getting Started

How to access the platform and place trade?

Hk online trading guide part en
Online trading x en

Part 2: Guide on stock investment analysis tools

How to navigate the market tools and information?

Hk online trading guide part en
Online trading x en

Part 3: Creating Watchlists and Price Alerts

How to add counters to watchlists and set up price

Hk online trading guide part en

All – round Services

The Standard Chartered online trading platform offers you comprehensive and convenient stock investment services, supporting every step you take to achieve your goals in stock trade online.


Keep and view monthly statements securities account, securities contact note/ receipt/ withdrawal, IPO advices, corporate action advices in a convenient way


Submit application online for any IPO available on Hong Kong Main Board and Growth Enterprise Market

eCorporate Actions

Manage 4 main types of corporate actions online: dividend with option, tender offer, rights issue and open offer

Push Notification

Receive price alert, order status and corporate action notification, and so much more

Currently, you can trade all stocks listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK), Shanghai A shares under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and well as all stocks listed in NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), NYSE AMEX, NYSE ARCA and BATS through our online stock investment services.

When you log into the online stock trading platform, you will see a tag Market Information. Click into Market Information and you can find free real-time basic quote under Quote. To search your desired stock, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Enter the stock code in the search box at the top right corner
  2. Select the stock you want to look for
  3. The free real time basic quote will be displayed
  4. For detailed quote, you can click on Detailed Quote

Yes, you will receive FREE real-time stock quotes once you sign up for our online stock investment services. The number of free quotes you receive will depend on the financial plan you choose and the number of stock trades you make.

Please refer to the below table:

Monthly Free real-time detailed quote
Banking Relationship Package Free Real-Time Detailed Quotes per Calendar Month
Priority Banking 1,000
Premium Banking 500
Easy Banking & Non-Relationship Package 200

Bonus FREE real-time stock quote:

Each successful stock trade will give you an additional 100 FREE real-time detailed quotes in the month you trade. The more you trade, the more bonus FREE real-time stock quote you can earn. Please note that all your executed orders placed through the same channel (online or phone) on the same stock and same instruction side in one trading day are considered as one executed trade.

Any unused bonus free real-time stock quotes earned in a month will expire at the end of the following second month. The number of free real-time stock quotes you are entitled in the month will be reflected in the “Unused Quote” of the online stock investment service screen on or before the 3rd business day of the month.

The following will be taken into account when deriving your monthly entitlement:

  • the monthly entitled free real-time stock quotes based on your banking relationship package,
  • the bonus free real-time stock quotes you earned in the last month but not yet used (if any), and
  • the real-time stock quotes you used in the previous month (if any).

Our online stock investment service keeps you informed about your monthly entitled free stock quotes. You will receive your 1st alert when your remaining FREE real-time stock quotes falls to ‘10’; and the 2nd alert once all your free real-time stock quotes have been used up.

If you exceed your monthly usage of FREE allocation of real-time stock quotes, a fee will apply as per our Service Charges schedule.

We provide 24/7 online stock investment services except during daily maintenance from 5:00 – 7:00 a.m. Hong Kong time. All US stock orders will be sent to US Exchanges when the US markets open.

Before you begin trading stocks, you must submit a US Tax Form to certify your non-US person status in order to place a trading order in the US market. You may find the appropriate US Tax Form in the following website: https://www.sc.com/en/regulatory-disclosures/client-tax/#fatca.

You can submit the form in the following ways:

  • Upload to our portal
  • Email us at us-tax-processing.hk@sc.com
  • Submit to any of our branches
  • Mail to Client On-Boarding Deposit Ops, 13/F Standard Chartered Tower, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Once you’ve completed the steps above, you’ll be able to start trading US stocks.

Please find the following steps:

  • Make sure you have active Standard Chartered stock account and settlement account.
  • Fill in your personal information, Standard Chartered stock account number and stock details on the “Securities Transfer Request” form obtained from branches.
  • If transferring stocks from another bank/financial institution to your Standard Chartered stock account, please check “Transfer in from another financial institution to my/our above account number”.
  • If transferring stocks from your Standard Chartered account to another bank/financial institution, please check “Transfer out to another financial institution from my/our above account number”.
  • Fill in the information of the bank/financial institution that you want to transfer to/from, and make sure the requested information provided in the form is complete and accurate.
  • Read the “Notes” in the form carefully, and sign on the form.
  • Submit the form to any of our branches.
  • Inform the bank/financial institution about the stock transfer details. It must be done by client for both transfer-in and transfer-out.

For transferring Hong Kong stocks and/or Shanghai/Shenzhen A-shares under China Stock Connect, our CCASS participant ID is C00039.

When trading Hong Kong and US stocks through our bank, there are no custody fees, stock account service charges, or deposit fees for purchased stocks.

However, a commission will be charged for each stock transaction. Details are as follows:

Stock Commission fees
Hong Kong stocks
  • Online Banking and SC Equities: 0.20% (minimum commission of HKD50 per transaction)
  • Stock Hotline: 0.50% (minimum commission of HKD150 per transaction)
US stocks
  • Electronic Channels: 0.20% (minimum commission of USD18 per transaction)

Additionally, other institutions will charge the following fees for each stock transaction, as detailed below:

Stock Fees
Hong Kong stocks SFC Transaction Levy (collected by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission): 0.0027% of the transaction amount for each stock trade.

FSTB Transaction Levy (collected by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau): 0.00015% of the transaction amount for each stock trade.

Trading Fee (collected by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange): 0.00565% of the transaction amount for each stock trade.

Stamp Duty (collected by the Hong Kong Government): 0.1% of the transaction amount for each stock trade, with amounts less than HKD1 treated as HKD1.

Settlement Fee (collected by the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company): 0.002% of the transaction amount for each Central Clearing System stock, with a minimum fee of HKD2 and a maximum fee of HKD100.

US stocks Third-Party Fees (Transaction): SEC fee of 0.00278% of the stock transaction amount (applicable only to sell orders).

For more details on stock trading fees, please click here.

You may refer to here for more details

  • This website does not constitute any prediction of likely future price movements.
  • Investors should not make investment decisions based on this website alone.
  • This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.

Risk Disclosure Statement for Stock Investment Services

  • Investment involves risks. The prices of stocks fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and the worst case may result in loss of your entire investment amount.
  • Past performance of any stocks is no guide to its future performance. Investors should consider their own investment objectives, investment experience, financial situation, risk tolerance level and carefully read the Terms and Conditions of relevant Stock Investment Services before making any investment decision.

Important Notes of SMS/Email Communications

  • Client is responsible for charges that may be imposed by individual mobile network operator (including but not limited to roaming service charges).
  • You will not receive a personal call to inform you of your order status if you have enrolled for SMS/ email order confirmation or placed your order through the online channel. Please use order status enquiry function to check the updated status of your order.
  • SMS order confirmation and price alert services require pre-registration and are subject to relevant Terms and Conditions.
  • Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) gives no warranty as to the timeliness or reliability of the SMS/ email communications and shall have no liability in the event that the client fails to receive such communication.

Important Notes of Online Stock Trading and SC Equities

  • The Bank will not be liable for any loss or damage to you as a result of making the Online Stock Trading Services available to you, unless the loss or damage is directly caused by our negligence or our willful default.
  • For more details and the risks involved, please refer to the Stock Investment Services Terms and Conditions or contact our branch staff.

Stock Investment Services Terms and Conditions

Download here

Capture securities opportunities in Hong Kong, Mainland China and U.S. markets with a single account. Capture securities opportunities in Hong Kong, Mainland China and U.S. markets with a single account.

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