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Cafeteria, Indoors, Restaurant

[Expired] Enjoy 20% off “The Best of Land and Sea” dinner buffet at Garden Café of Conrad Hong Kong and other offers

Credit card offers

From 1 May to 30 June 2023 (unless otherwise specified), Standard Chartered credit cardholders can enjoy the following offers at Conrad Hong Kong.

Food, Meal, Food Presentation

Offer 1

  • 20% off “The Best of Land and Sea” dinner buffet at Garden Café
  • Reservation hotline: 2822 8890
  • Remarks: The offers are not applicable on Mother’s Day and Eve (13-14 May), Father’s Day and Eve (17-18 June), public holidays, fireworks display nights and when tickets are required for entry to restaurants.


Text, Page

Offer 2

  • 10% off food and beverages at Brasserie on the Eighth / Garden Café / Golden Leaf / Lobby Lounge / Nicholini’s / Pacific Bar
  • 10% off cakes and pastries at Cake Shop (Not applicable to festive items. Cake order is required at least 3 days in advance)
  • Reservation hotline: 2521 3838
  • Click here for details.

One young man holding SC Smart Card with pose, used to promote SC Smart Card
Smart Card
New cardholder who successfully apply for a Smart Card can enjoy amazing welcome offer, up to 5% CashBack on Designated Merchants year-round, no foreign exchange fees and no annual fees. Terms & Conditions apply.

Terms and conditions

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!